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摘 要

创新是一个民族的灵魂,是一个民族发展的不竭动力。本文依据创新人才的特点,介绍了与创造力与一些因素(知识,智力,个性)之间的关系,另外分析了影响学生创造力发展的有关因素。然后说明了在培养学生创造力的过程中所遇到的问题,并提出相应的问题解决策略。本文主要围绕如何在英语教学中培养学生的创造力展开叙述。 这些新方法如下:营造民主、宽松、和谐的学习氛围和环境,培养学生的创造性个性,培养学生的创造性思维和破除常规思维的枷锁。同时,通过在英语教学中对学生创造力培养的实践与探索,培养学生的创造性思维、创新意识和创新能力,弘扬学生的主体精神,促进学生的个性和谐发展。

关键词:英语教学; 创造力; 发散思维


1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 2

3. Creativity 3

3.1 Definition and Characteristics 3

3.2 The Relationship between Creativity and Knowledge, Intelligence and Personality 4

3.3 The Relationship between Family, School , Social Circumstance and Creativity 5

4. The Principles and the Problems abou t Cultivating Creativity 6

4.1 The Basic Principles about Cultivating Creativity 6

4.2 The Problems about Cultivating Creativity 7

5. The Methods of Cultivating Students’ Creativity in English Teaching 8

5.1 Developing Democratic, Free and Harmonious Study Atmosphere and Environment 8

5.2 Cultivating Students’ Creative Personality 10

5.3 Developing Students’ Divergent Thinking 11

5.4 Breaking the Chains of Conventional Thinking 14

6. Conclusion 15

Works Cited 16

1. Introduction

Jiang Zemin once pointed out that “Innovation is the spirit of a nation’s progress and the invariable force of a country"s prosperity. If a country is lack of creativity, it will be very hard to stand among the nations of the world (Alane, 2011: 23) . ” The international competition in economy, science and comprehensive national power is actually the competition of the total of the level and quantity of innovative talents, which requires to foster creative talents. Innovation education has become the focus of educational reform of many countries around the world. In order to keep training the students’ innovative spirit and practical ability in focus, our country has to pay much attention to innovative education in implementing the strategy of developing country through science and education and quality education. However, at present, fostering the students’ creative ability in education has not been given nearly enough attention, and there has not formed an idea about how to consciously train creativity and has not formed an effective training model. Many policies on education of different countries and opinions of some famous people all illustrate it’s extremely meaningful to cultivate creativity. Tao Xingzhi advocated to cultivate students’ creativity in 1940s, but it’s a pity for the lack of enough attention in the traditional education. When Dr.Chen-ning Yang was comparing Chinese and foreign students, he once pointed out, “Our Chinese students are good at convergent thinking instead of divergent thinking, and their sense of innovation is not strong, and they’re lack of creativity (Alane, 2011: 54) .” US Harvard University Principle Psi thought that, “Whether a person does have the creativity is the divide between the first-rate talented person and second-rate talented person .”(Scrivener, 2002:60) Developed countries such as America and Japan have long planned to cultivate students’ creativity. What’s more, they have made it an education policy of the state and have achieved remarkable progress.

The new English curriculum criteria for high schools has clearly stated that it’s a must to develop students’ creative abilities in English teaching. So as to keep up with the steps of our times, Through education practice and research of cultivating students’ creativity in English teaching, this thesis based on the factors, principles and methods of innovation education helps me learn how to develop students’ exploratory spirits in English learning, how to cultivate the strong desires of finding new things and mastering new methods ,and how to foster the abilities including solving problems creatively by using existing knowledge. This thesis mainly consists of five parts: Besides the first two parts——the introduction and literature review here, part 3 introduces creativity briefly, including its definition, relationship with some aspects including knowledge, intelligence and personality, characteristics and related factors. Part 4 presents the basic principles about cultivating creativity and the problems have been encountered and relevant countermeasures. Part 5 analyses the methods of cultivating students’ creativity in English teaching. The last two parts are the emphases of thesis. I think there is strong practical significance within developing students’ creativity. This thesis studies how to develop students’ creativity and it’s also meaningful to explore the basic principles and methods of developing students’ creativity.

2. Literature Review

The researches of cultivating creativity both at home and abroad are as follows: internationally, the researches in western countries have one hundred years of history. In 1869, The book called Hereditary Genius written by British Physiologist Galton marked the beginning of using scientific method to study creativity. His experiment of Idea of freedom is just the original training of divergent thinking, a kind of thinking model of diffusion state when the brain is thinking, which manifests a broad thinking vision and thinking presents multi-dimensional divergent shape (Alane, 2011: 33). At the beginning of the twentieth century, The American writer John Dewey’s How We Think started the new way of studying creativity regarding creativity as a process including 5 steps:question,analyze,assume, project,verify. In 1950, the American psychologist Guildford introduce creativity into the area of scientific research, which has a deep impact on education. He proposed 8 standards such as having strong consciousness and independence, having a strong thirst for knowledge and having intense curiosity and so on (Alane, 2011: 36). In the 1980s, America raised creative education to a new level, where the patterns and strategies of creative education appeared, for example Roger Schanh wrote the book “The Creating Attitude”, Howard Gardner wrote the book “The Creating Minds” and professional development school(PDS) rose aiming at promoting the professional level of teaching staff in primary and high schools and teaching quality by the integration between education theory and practice thus creating the patterns of creative education. In the 1960s, the former Soviet Union began the studies of creative teaching system and make cultivating students’ creativity written into its constitution (Alane, 2011: 40). People in Japan in the early 1980s introduced creative education into different kinds of teaching and made the practice popular. Due to some disadvantages, Japanese Central Education Consideration Committee pointed out that school education should pay attention to the development of students’ creativity and the cultivation of self-education capacity and respect their personality (Alane, 2011: 42).

At home, in the 1920s, Tao Xingzhi, who put forward and implemented creative education, called on people to cultivate creativity from childhood in his book “The declaration of creation. ” (Zhang Dajun, 2004: 67) Since the 1980s, many domestic experts and scholars have put forward how to cultivate creativity, for example, Zhang Jie have done a research on cultivating children’s creativity. He wanted to find the answer to this question “what kind of education and training should be given to children in order to fully tap children’s potentiality and cultivate their creativity.” (Zhang Dajun, 2004:70)However, the research about cultivating students’ creativity of our country is still at the early stage. By consulting and retrieving different kinds of related information, I find that it’s necessary to make cultivating students’ creativity in English teaching universal and popular.

3. Creativity

3.1 Definition and Characteristics

To create means doing something never happened, and is a behavior which can produce a unique and valuable result. At present, among the psychologists of our country, the representative definition of creativity is an ability of producing a certain product which is new, special and full of social and personal value by using existing knowledge according to certain purposes and tasks. And divergent thinking is its core and basis. (Zhang Dajun, 2004:214). “Product” here means the result of thinking existing in some form, which can be a new concept, a new thought, what’s more, which can also be a new technology, a new process or a new work. Creativity is a psychological trait owned by everyone instead of being unique to inventors, artists and different kinds of great men. In general, the creative talents have the following characteristics: 1. They are highly sensitive to questions. So they are easy to discover new things and accept new problems. 2. They think fast and react quickly. 3. They have a strong resilience and adaptability, can change their directions in time and use free association. 4. Their understandings are novel: novel and pioneering thoughts and motions arise constantly. (Gong Lina,2011: 195)

3.2 The Relationship between Creativity and Knowledge, Intelligence and Personality

3.2.1 The Relationship between Creativity and Knowledge

The research shows that knowledge and skills are the premises and basis of creativity. (Bel, 2010: 45)In order to produce the products which have social or personal values and novel and unique components, it depends on people’s knowledge. Knowledge is the raw material of creativity while creativity is the new combination of knowledge. On the one hand, it’s impossible for people to have creativity without knowledge or without enough knowledge. On the other hand, if people have enough knowledge but are unable to produce novel and suitable concepts, it will also be impossible for them to have creativity. In conclusion, only if adding flexible thinking to rich knowledge well organized, it will be possible to cultivate creativity.(Bel, 2010: 50)

3.2.2 The Relationship between Creativity and Intelligence

Studies prove that people with low IQ are hard to have creativity, and at the same time those with high IQ did not necessarily have creativity. Only if different abilities forming intelligence develop harmoniously will creativity be produced.(Bel, 2010: 56)Thus, for students with various intelligence, we should be good at cultivating their creativity.

3.2.3 The Relationship between Creativity and Personality

Not only is creativity related to knowledge and intelligence, but also most of highly creative people have great personalities and qualities. The followings are several main personalities and qualities: 1.They have strong curiosity and insightful views, like studying intensively, and are good at discovering problems. 2. They are men of wide interests and flexible thinking. 3. They are independent, active, willing to take adventure, and willing to accept and explore new things. 4. They are consistent and meticulous. 5. They are imaginative and have a sense of humour.( Bel, 2010: 60)

3.3 The Relationship between Family, School, Social Circumstance and Creativity

3.3.1 The Relationship between Creativity and Family

First of all, family is one of the main factor. As the cells of the society, families are the early environment for someone to breed creativity. Past and present, at home and abroad, countless facts have shown that parents, family members and family circumstances all have obvious effects on the development of creativity. Good family environment is of great benefit to the development of individual creativity. (Scrivener,2002: 15) On the contrary, if children live in a negative family environment that parents often criticize and blame them, deny them more than confirm them, and be strict in ruling children, it will kill children’ imagination and creativity. In addition, their novel ideas and thoughts which have not been expressed will be nipped in the bud. (Scrivener, 2002: 17)

3.3.2 .The Relationship between Creativity and School

School is another factor. School education is the primary way of talent development. The whole education process from primary school, middle school, university to graduate students which is a periodical but continuous process makes people acquire the entire knowledge structure and professional knowledge, which is a must to have creativity.( Scrivener, 2002: 33) Through the teachers’ necessary guidance and teaching which can nurture creative awareness and innovation abilities and can train divergent thinking, will finally reach the goal of cultivating creative people.

3.3.3 The Relationship between Creativity and Social Circumstance

Last but not least, social circumstance is the last factor. Social circumstance has a tremendous impact on cultivating creativity. As a social practical activity, creation is always conducted in a certain social context.(Scrivener, 2002: 58)As a result, the cultivation and exertion of personal creation are necessarily affected and limited by different circumstances such as technological circumstances, school circumstances, group circumstances and natural circumstances.

4. The Principles and the Problems about Cultivating Creativity

4.1 The Basic Principles about Cultivating Creativity

1.The principle of democracy: Democratic study atmosphere and environment give students a psychological adaptation of safety. Respect students’ distinctive problems, opinions and ideas. It can make students communicate with others relieved and freely under no psychological pressure. (Guo Xiaoning,2008: 53)

2.The principle of affirmation: No matter it is true or wrong, it is right to affirm students’ opinions. They will be glad to hear that, so that more questions and ideas of them will be produced.(Guo Xiaoning,2008: 53)

3.The principle of openness: In English teaching, it is a must for the students to put forward more open questions, furthermore let them have rich imagination and decide how to solve problems, so that their personalities of creativity that being willing to take risks, being confident and independent and so on can be cultivated. This requires them to improve closed-end questions of traditional education and not to set exact answers.(Guo Xiaoning,2008: 54)

4.The principle of enlightenment: Instead of directly telling students answers to the questions, lead them to think and to find out the ways to solve the questions from multiple perspectives then help them develop a good habit of solving problems consciously.(Guo Xiaoning,2008: 54)

5.The principle of challenge: Students should have an attitude of learning to ask towards any questions and a habit of critical thinking. Furthermore, we can solve the problems by using the method of 6W2H to think about them. In other words, 6W2H are just why/what/where/who/when/which/how many/how soon.(Guo Xiaoning,2008: 55)

6.The principle of divergence: In the process of teaching, we not only should pay attention to double basic education of basic knowledge and basic skills, but also should try to accept new things in order to expand their scope of knowledge. Teachers should help students break away from conventions, and train them to think with divergent thinking, especially train them to foster flexible and diverse views and to be intensive on the basis of divergence so that their creativity can be developed.(Guo Xiaoning,2008: 55)

7.The principle of development: In the teaching process, teachers have to take a developmental and changing viewpoint in judging their students and teaching activities. According to diversity and developmental changes in different aspects including students’ interests, thinking ways and personalities, teachers should cultivate students’ creativity by using multi-teaching methods and paths. (Guo Xiaoning,2008: 56)

4.2 The Problems about Cultivating Creativity

1. The problem of China’s traditional ideology (In the aspect of social environment): The philosophical thoughts like “Nature does not change, neither does the Way” 天不变,道亦不变 and “Stand by one’s word”说一不二 in Chinese traditional culture emphasize rigid and isolated ideas. It doesn’t have a far-reaching impact on China until this thought turns into the superstructure of ruling class. And its ramification of the day is sticking to old rules and blinding faith of authority and books. These thoughts including Golden Mean, “no merits, no demerits” 不求有功,但求无过and “Keep One’s Nose Clean” 明哲保身of Chinese society greatly kill the motivation of creativity. (Lv Lianghuan,2003: 23)

2. The problem of patriarchal family (In the aspect of family environment): Chinese parents’ attitudes towards their children always tend to be patriarchal style which means that parents’ choices are children’ decision, which is bad for children’ independent and active thinking and will easily make children fall in bad habits of passive receiving and being lazy to explore. Besides, in order to retain their own dignity, a large number of Chinese parents find faults and shortcomings with their children in all respects rather than positively notice the good about their children and value their progress in the growing process of children. (Lv Lianghuan,2003: 27)During the pick, yet they don’t know that children have lost the courage of exploration which is magical.

3. The problem of test-driven education (In the aspect of school education): Today, with academic pressure is becoming more and more fierce, our school education has deviated from its original pathway in that education is aiming at college entrance examination which plays a core role in the system of education. So far, the perfection of system has made content of examination appear to be more rich so that different kinds of knowledge has been forced into students’ minds where it’s hard to find any creative space. (Lv Lianghuan,2003: 31)For another, the division of key schools and famous schools together with the classification of top students, average students and poor students objectively are removing the creative incentives of quite a number of students and gradually giving up the enthusiasm of their creativity.

5. The Methods of Cultivating Students’ Creativity in English Teaching

5.1 Developing Democratic, Free and Harmonious Study Atmosphere and Environment

Democratic, free and harmonious study atmosphere and environment give students mental adaptation of safety, having a leavening influence on students’ study. (Zhang Dajun, 2004: 88)On the one hand, as the environment factors, school will greatly influence students’ creativity. If students are surrounded with an atmosphere of creativity, creativity will be a lifestyle and students will be a creative generation. At schools, in order to create a democratic, free and harmonious atmosphere, we have to respect students, such as respecting different questions, respecting different opinions or ideas, affirming students’ valuable insights, offering students learning chances as much as possible.( Zhang Dajun, 2004: 100)) Maslow thought that what the basic thing a person needs are safety needs. The American humanist Rogers also thought that psychological security and psychological freedom are the preconditions of using creativity(Guo Xiaoning, 2008:233). At the beginning of my English class, students of my class are always given three minutes to do free speech or sing English songs. Thus, feeling security and respect, students will be able to show off boldly. For example, when learning the lesson Christmas, students sang the song Jingle Bell. On the other hand, the democratic teaching method is a student centred approach which can fully arouse students’ enthusiasm and teach students to study on their own. In English teaching, this method is beneficial to change the current situation of education and make students to become the masters of learning. So, it’s also important to make student-centered and establish the good interpersonal relationship as well. Firstly,in order to create a harmonious learning atmosphere, it’s a must to fully manifest the people-oriented concept, that is, to put students first in different aspects such as teaching ideas, teaching design, teaching methods, teaching management and so on.( Zhang Dajun, 2004: 112) In the education, the teaching approach of student-centeredness which returns the classes to students, can arouse their study interests and initiative and cultivate their creativity means that teachers are playing a leading role and students are a main body and the active constructors of learning. What’s more, the students who will change from passive recipients in the traditional model to active participants will become the knowledge explorers and true knowing subjects in the learning process. Secondly, the equal, democratic, mutually trusting and healthy personal relationship means being able to maintain the harmonious association, taking delight in interacting with other people, and being good at building good relationships with others. The mental adaptation of human beings mainly refers to the adaptation of interpersonal relationship.(Mo Leiamp; Zhang Wei, 2012: 20) And the interpersonal relationship in English learning mainly refers to the relationship between students and students, students and teacher, students and parents, teacher and parents. The good relationships contribute to the study in the democratic, free and harmonic study atmosphere and environment. As the saying from the famous educator Tao Xingzhi goes, “I want to remind everyone that democracy is the best condition for using creativity.” (Mo Leiamp; Zhang Wei, 2012: 25)

5.2 Cultivating Students’ Creative Personality

Good creative personality plays an important role in developing students’ creativity. Thus it needs to cultivate their creative personality.

(1) To be aggressive and adventurous

Teachers should encourage students to boldly put forward their own thoughts, especially those immature or even wrong ones, which at least show that they were thinking and trying to practice. Marx once said only brave people can dedicate himself for truth and can enter the palace of science(Mo Leiamp; Zhang Wei,2012: 40)The key of learning to create which is an important symbol in achieving self-worth is to make the first moves being aggressive and adventurous, not going with the tide, and encouraging students to dare to put forward very different ideas and opinions. What’s more, teachers have to recognize their students’ adventurous spirit, and avoid giving rise to students’ mental pressure caused by fear which can hinder students from creating new ideas as best as they can. For example, when the grade one secondary school students were learning careers, I ask them “What do you do? I’m a student. Do you want to be a teacher one day? What do you want to be one day?” They answered all differently such as “I want to be a policeman/a doctor/a football player/a businessman/a manager, etc.” When a timid student whispered “ I want to be a singer one day,” many students laughed. I interrupted “Oh, that will be good. Let’s give him some applause.” Encouraged by applause, many other students baldly spoke their wishes “I want to be an artist/a singer/a dancer.” some students who wanted to be scientists or engineers even eagerly raised their hands and asked how to say those words in English. So I wrote those words in the blackboard and taught them pronunciations. Out of my expectation, they remembered those words quickly. As time passes, with students’ personality better developed, they will be hunger to learn and show themselves.

(2) Curiosity and aspiration to knowledge

Curiosity can motivate the aspiration to knowledge thus resulting in the desire to create. (Mo Leiamp; Zhang Wei, 2012: 65)Curiosity of which the outstanding expression is question is one kind of mental tendency of exploring new things, and is the internal cause of promoting people to observe the world positively and on their own initiative and starting creative thinking. When curiosity is guided to English learning by teachers, it will be converted to aspiration to knowledge. For example, when I taught the first lesson of “Nobody Can Do it like Mcdonald’s, I put forward several questions “Do you often have dinner in the fast restaurant?” “Which restaurant do you like best?” “Why do you like it?” “Do you think which is the most important for a restaurant manager?” These questions aroused students’ curiosity, gradually guided students to create the association and made them convey their own thoughts in English. Teachers also should pay more attention to question by transforming angles in order to cultivate their creativity.

5.3 Developing Students’ Divergent Thinking

Guilford thought that the core of creativity thinking is divergent thinking. (Bel, 2010:178)Therefore, developing students’ creative thinking just means to develop divergent thinking, which is, within the thought process, to fully inspire students’ imagination , to break through the intellectual community, to open the way for a fresh burst of new ideas, to recombine knowledge and opinions, find more and newer possible answers or situations to solving problems.( Mo Leiamp; Zhang Wei, 2012: 77) By divergent thinking , it can result in creating different concepts from different angles(flexibility), then creating many solutions to the problem(fluency), and finally better improving concepts(precision) thus creating unusual ,unique and novel opinions(originality)( Mo Leiamp; Zhang Wei, 2012: 89). Divergent thinking and concentrative thinking supplement each other, and creative thinking is the result of repeated and cyclic action of divergent thinking and concentrative thinking. As a result, cultivating divergent thinking is an effective approach to develop creativity.

5.3.1 Basic Knowledge and Basic Skills as the Basis of Divergent Thinking

At present, teachers spend enough time in training basic knowledge, thus make people to have a good and solid foundation. However, in English teaching, teachers have to make plans and try their best to widen the scope of students’ knowledge, such as guiding students’ extra-curricular reading, asking students to read English newspaper like Teens or to watch English programs. Only if students have accumulated and mastered substantial and rich knowledge, their brains can be allowed to create the loose associations necessary for creative insight, which is the foundation of divergent thinking. Just as Premier Zhou once said, “Long term accumulation, Occasionally know.”长期积累,偶然得之(Gong Lina, 2011: 89)

5.3.2 Developing Students’ Ability about Constantly Accepting New Information

In today’s world, with the fast development of technology, people’s life changes with each passing day, and present teaching materials tend to fall behind the times, which need students to accept new things continuously and get acquainted with the latest happenings, for example, to know the big events in the world and the affairs of our state. I advocate students to watch English- language news channels every day. Although it’s hard for them to understand these contents, they will learn lots of latest English preparing for their divergent thinking by watching such TV programs after reading newspapers or watching Chinese-language news channels. For instance, students learn new words like Bird flu, Tsunami, permanent member of the United Nation Security Council according to news. In such a way, students can easily and naturally express English when they are talking. What’s more, I, who once said to my students ‘before we should live and learn, but now we learn to live’(Bel, 2010: 23), consciously developed their life-long study attitude.

5.3.3 Using Osborn’s “Brain Storm”

We can develop students’ divergent thinking by using Osborn’s “brain storm”. As a result, we can help students build fluency, flexibility, elaboration and originality when they are coming up with new ideas.(Kong Wenxia,2012: 223)

In learning to 8B Chapter 2 “Pollution fighters”, I asked my students to think about a question “What can we get from trees?” And I let them begin brain storm by dividing my class into five groups. Because I often encouraged my students to have a brain storming, they were very familiar with the rules of it, for example, went for the numbers of raised ideas, didn’t evaluate any standpoint, the original idea was not always the best. The students’ answers were much(fluency), and they thought about questions from various points(flexibility), yet the depth of thinking was not enough(elaboration), and most of them only told the general purpose without saying any original space(originality).(Kong Wenxia,2012:225)For instance, use-We can get pencils, chopsticks, table, chairs, paper. Eat-We can get fruit, nut. Drink-We can get tea (leave), coffee (beans). Wear-We can get flowers, shoes (rubber). At the same time, based on the views of team members, one idea which was “We can get pure and cool air from trees” was synthesized by the students of one group. And then this idea was rated as the best idea due to its depth and originality. According to this novel idea, I introduced a new lesson “Pollution fighters-trees”.

5.3.4 Using Various Ways of Doing Some Basic Trainings in the Process of English Teaching.

We can develop students’ divergent thinking by using various ways of doing some basic trainings in the process of English teaching. Some ways are listed below. At first, word spelling, for example, ask students to write words as possible as they can by using the letters from TEACHER, and then to see who writes the most words (fluency), and many students can write more than 20 words. Secondly, transform words, every time, only can change one letter, finally the original word become the other word (flexibility), for example, transform the word Put into the word Dog by two ways: put-but-bat-bad-bud-dug-dog; put-pot-dot-dog. At last, divergent first and then concentrate. In 8B chapter 1, students have learned how to ask the way and direct the way in accordance with the map. So I ask the students to find the approaches to the destination by using divergent thinking, and then conclude which is the nearest, quickest, cheapest way by using convergent thinking.

5.3.5 Transforming Deduction into Induction

We can develop students’ divergent thinking by transforming deduction into induction. Using the traditional teaching method which is the deduction from general to specific, teachers directly tell students how to do it.(Kong Wenxia, 2012: 240)And then students only follow suit. Therefore, it is bound to cause the results that students are not good at thinking and are unwilling to think. In my view, we should use the induction from specific to general which can give some phenomenon, letting them sum up the law on their own. For example. when learning passive voice in English grammar, students may find it hard to understand at first. But I will let students sum up the law by using some examples, such as asking a student to close the door and say “The door is closed” , asking a student to steal his deskmate’s wallet and say “The wallet was stolen” , and asking another student to act police who catches the thief and say “The thief was caught”. At this time, the students who will do the thinking, and then conclude the structure “be p.p” tend to understand it firmly and keep it in mind. I try to take the students to knowledge instead of taking knowledge to the students.

5.4 Breaking the Chains of Conventional Thinking

According to the teaching experience, I find that the chains of conventional thinking hinder students’ creative thinking. So in order to cultivate students’ creative thinking, it’s a necessity for them to break the chain of thinking intentionally. By observing, I discover that there are many common chains of thinking like getting into the habit, thinking set, group psychology, regular thinking, complacent, blind faith of authority, being too rigorous.

The methods about how to break the chains of conventional thinking are listed in the following. First of all, many students who receive traditional education as a child and are trained straight and narrow 中规中矩have to dare to think of and do those things that teachers haven’t said. In addition, they don’t need to believe that their teachers and books are all authoritative and incontrovertible, thus most of them will not always take things as they are, be not willing to take adventures, and dare not to have novel ideas, all of which can kill their creative thinking.(Chen Zeheamp; Meng Lingjun, 2013: 12)

I once told a story to students: Someone put ten fleas in a glass bottle, and cover the lid. After ten minutes, he removed the lid. The question was how many fleas were left in the bottle. In fact, at first, these fleas spent several minutes trying to jump out of the bottle. But, due to the covering lid, the fleas gave up jumping. Then, though there was no lid, they would not be able to jump out. The jumps of the fleas are just like students creative thinking, while the lid is just like the chain of thinking. I hope that students can break the chains of conventional thinking, and think creatively without getting stuck in reading and teachers, so that be a creative people.

6. Conclusion

All of the students have creativity. The key lies in the teachers’ guidance and students’ participation. As long as teachers pay much attention to enhancing students’ creativity and students cooperate actively, students’ creativity will be enhanced from different levels. What’s more, it’s also important to give students enough time to solve problems independently and autonomously. Because of far too little self-imposed time of students, for instance, many parents send their kids to extra different kinds of classes, which strangles their capacity for solving problems independently, students will form a bad habit of not willing to think. Therefore, it’s a necessity for schools, the society and families to do reasonable arrangements, cooperate together well, give students enough time, respect and trust them, and offer them a democratic and free environment. And all they have done will help students embark on society. In different levels of English teaching, teachers should use the theory of creative education, principles and methods to cultivate students creativity, as well as improving students’ English levels, serving for the study in the following period so that they can cultivate students to be creative talents in the future.

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