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摘 要




1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 1

2.1 Definition of Games and Game Teaching 1

2.2 Studies Abroad 2

2.3 Studies Home 3

3 The Effectiveness of English Game Teaching Method 4

3.1 Stimulating Students’ Interest in Learning 4

3.2 Focusing Students’ Attention 5

3.3 Improving Students’ Thinking Ability 6

4. The Application of English Game Teaching Method 7

4.1 Applying Games in Word Teaching 7

4.2 Applying Games in Sentence Teaching 8

4.3 Applying Games in Text Teaching 9

5. Conclusion 10

Works Cited 11

1. Introduction

As primary school English teaching Syllabus claims, “Interest is a good teacher for pupils to learn a foreign language. And it is an important task for primary school English teachers to arouse students’ interest at present.” Games can arouse students’ interest and get the students’ attention, provide intense and meaningful practice of language, help young learners to sustain their interest, and help the teacher to create relaxed atmosphere in which students can learn English language effectively. Therefore, games are always in a center position in teachers’ repertoire.

Based on the comprehensive understanding of the importance of English game teaching, the purpose of the study is to explore the application of game teaching in the primary school, and provide some suggestions for primary English teachers. According to the characteristics of students, teachers should consider the game teaching method fully to effectively improve students’ interest in learning, focus students’ attention and promote development of students’ thinking ability.

The thesis is made up of five chapters. Chapter one puts forward the background and significance of game teaching method. Chapter two is the literature review which introduces the definition of games and the previous study both domestic and abroad. Chapter three discusses the effectiveness of game teaching method. Chapter four is an important chapter which talks about the application of English game teaching method in primary school instruction. Chapter five is the conclusion of the thesis, which summarizes the limitation of the thesis and points out some problems existing in the thesis.

2. Literature Review

2.1 Definition of Games and Game Teaching

Different people have different definitions for games. Spodie Bernard and Saracho Olivia (1994: 271) proved that games are different kinds of activities, which are highly structured and include specific rules to be followed. Brown H.D (1996:179) expressed “a game could be any activity that formulized a technique into units that can be scored in some way.” According to Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, “games” in language teaching can be defined as an organized activity that usually has the following properties: 1) a particular task or objective 2) a set of rules 3) competition between players 4) communication between players by spoken or written language. Flexner and Hauck say: “a game is a competitive activity involving skills, chance, or endurance in the part of two or more persons who play according to a set of rules, usually for their own amusement or for spectators” (Xiang Li,2011:49-51). “The game is children’s nature, for children the game is life and the life is a game” (Li Xuejun,2004:63). Therefore, we know that game includes many factors such as rules, competition, relaxation, and learning, in particular.

Game teaching is a teaching method which is aimed at teaching and applying games in teaching (Hong Zirui, 1999). Game teaching is the combination of games and teaching, so it has the features of both game and teaching. Game teaching has following features. The first one, game teaching is designed by the teachers based on t he teaching aims and teaching content. What’s more, it’s aimed at serving for the teaching content. That’s to say, game teaching is not only an entertainment, but also a method to develop students’ recognition. The second one, game teaching usually designs the game situation based on the teaching content. Game teaching combines the games form and teaching content appropriately. The tasks of games are consistent with the teaching aims. Teaching aims are achieved in the games activities. ( Shu Dingfang,2003:54-62)

2.2 Studies Abroad

Due to the limitation of society and education, researches on game teaching before the period of Friedrich Froebel were not systematic and game teaching was mainly used in kindergarten and seldom in primary school (Zhang Zhengdong,2003:57-58).From Froebel on, the researches on game teaching gained new development. Froebel was the German educator of the 19th century, he was the father of children’s education. Froebel chose the German term kindergarten because he intended to make children in his school grow as freely as flowers in a garden. He wanted his school to be a garden where children unfolded as naturally as flowers. He thought games are the characteristics of children’s activities, games and languages are elements of the children’ lives. Through a variety of games, children’s inner life and activities become independent and self-directed, external self-performance, so that they can gain happiness, freedom and satisfaction, and can maintain the balance of inner and outer. Children’s game activities are often accompanied by the expression of the language, which is beneficial to the development of the children’s language.

However, from the view of present game, Froebel’ game teaching was only called teaching practice rather than game teaching or teaching model.

In the late 20th century, Maria Montessori who was Italian physician, her methods of early childhood education have become internationally popular. Montessori’s curriculum emphasized three classes of activity: 1. practical, 2. sensory and 3. formal skills and studies. Such practical activities as setting the table, serving a meal, washing dishes, tying and buttoning clothing, and practicing basic social manners are introduced to children. Montessori is an expert who achieved an everlasting contribution to children’s education and game teaching theory after Froebel.

American philosopher and educator Dewey criticized educational methods that simply amused and entertained students or were overly vocational. Dewey employed an activity program that stressed the educational development of the children in terms of individual needs and interests. He stressed that children should learn by doing or by experience so that they would understand the world around him. John Dewey had the following famous ideas on education in his book Democracy and Education:

1. Life and Education are interrelated not separated. Education is life. Education is not preparation for life. Classroom teaching is a part of life itself instead of a preparation for it.

2. Children will learn best by doing or by acting in the world.

3. Continuity of experience is essential to growth.

Dewey’s teaching materials came from nature and articles of everyday use. But Dewey’s game teaching theory had some limitations. The knowledge that Dewey gave children was very narrow and the ways were also very limited.

2.3 Studies Home

In 1996, the Education Council of Changsha City, Hunan Province, concluded the research project “Game Method in Primary School English Teaching” by five basic sectors (Liu Jianqing, 1999: 109-112). They are “warming-up with songs”, “introduction with games”, “new knowledge in-put”, “practice with play”, and “consolidation with contests”. This new teaching model changed boring language learning into games teaching which made class lively and easy to accept. From modern age to the contemporary, game teaching theory has been improved little by little. Many philosophers, education experts inspired children to play games in the process of learning. They stated that games should be appeared with learning. Now, more and more people abroad and at home realized the importance and the urgency of game teaching in the primary school.

Zhou Jianping(2002: 56-59) considers game is not only a entertaining activity, but with great educational values. He says applying games in teaching can irritate students’ interest and attract their attention, so that students can take part in the teaching activities positively, but shows the respect of teachers to students’ personality, freedom and requirement. No doubt it’s of great importance. However, just taking games as a teaching tool is not appropriate. If games are used as tools of teaching, the entertainment of games will decline. And games are just the decoration of teaching. What’s more, though games can help deliver the knowledge, develop students’ body and mind, they can’t make students enjoy themselves in the teaching period. At this time, Zhou Jianping puts forward the opinion that teaching is game, which we called game teaching. There are four features of game teaching. The first one, game teaching has it’s own aims. Game teaching has no aims except teaching. Such teachings are meaningful to primary school students, which meets the requirement of students. Students in this teaching environment, considers learning knowledge to be their life. That’s to say, it seems he takes part in the game just because he is playing the game, not for other purposes. The second one, game teaching is in communication. Teaching, as a game, is the carrier of communication. In teaching there are two kinds of communications. One is between teacher and students, and the other one is between people and books. In this communication, teachers and students get more interaction. And students can get more experience in learning. The third one, game teaching is an experience. In game teaching, teachers and students as the gamers put their lives in it. And they have a sincere experience in teaching.

3 The Effectiveness of English Game Teaching Method

3.1 Stimulating Students’ Interest in Learning

Interest includes direct interest and indirect interest which is a crucial means to stimulate intrinsic motivation. Direct interest comes from direct study process. Cultivating primary school students’ indirect learning purpose is very necessary and important. As we know, primary school students’ interest is rather direct, they don’t care about the significance or the result of English learning as an adult. An English teacher ought to be not only a person with broad knowledge but an outstanding actor or actress. Ideal English teaching should provide a good learning environment for students, so that students can be absorbed in learning English and participate in meaningful activities. It’s game teaching method that makes it possible. Using some small games, though only several minutes, can bring great benefit to English teaching. What’s more, by applying different kinds of games, teachers can arouse students’ interest and keep the interest through the teaching procedure. Game teaching method can stimulate students’ interest in that it meets the requirement of students’ body and mental features. For example, when first start an English lesson, students may be interested in it because they are curious of it, which is a direct interest. But as time goes on, the teaching content and tasks add up. Students’ interest may decline and even disappear. So, teachers should apply appropriate games in teaching procedure to irritate students’ learning interest. Since the primary school students are very young, their abilities of self-learning and accepting are quite weak. In addition, primary school students’ attention is almost unintentional. In the primary English textbooks, there is a part of game experience in each chapter and this part is aimed at mobilizing students’ interest in learning. But teachers shouldn’t just be satisfied with these game parts in the textbook to stimulate students’ interest, they ought to make students enjoy the fun of game teaching from the warm-up before the class to the after –lass exercise. In the teaching practice, teachers can take a variety of forms of the game means to carry out English teaching. For example, while teaching the chapter of ‘How tall are you’, teachers can ask students to measure their own or other classmates’ height and weight, so that students can grasp their characters to make a self- description. Teachers can also show some pictures to ask students to have a description of them. In such games, students can have a higher enthusiasm, which creates a lively atmosphere for the classroom. In all, interest is the motivation of learning. During the primary school English teaching, applying games appropriately can effectively irritate students’ interest and make the class active. And students will enjoy themselves in learning English.

3.2 Focusing Students’ Attention

In traditional teaching, the teacher is the subject, the student is the object and the book is a medium. The model used in this teaching is ‘the teacher lectures and students listen; the teacher asks and students answer; the teacher leads and students follow’, in which the teacher may get tired and students feel bored. While in game teaching, the teacher is the guider and the students are the main body of the activity. Teachers design games based on the teaching objectives and teaching content, which is easy to guide and students are happy with it. The subjectivity of students is emphasized in game teaching, which requires students to participate in the actively. In the game teaching, it’s important to make the most of the students’ attention and irritate their learning motivation, which can reduce teachers’ burden.

One of the most salient differences between adults and children is attention span. Children have short attention spans. The short attention spans come up only when the teachers’ class is boring or too difficult for them. As language lessons may seem to be hard to understand from time to time, teachers ought to make them interesting, lively and fun. Primary school students can not keep their attention for a long time. If the teacher can not catch students’ attention of the lecture, students may do some other things they want to do, which will ruin the classroom order. However, if the teachers apply some interesting games to lead in the lesson, students will be attracted quickly and focus their attention on the games. So those who are not interested in English lessons will pay attention to it because of these interesting games. English games can make the classroom atmosphere active and improve students’ attention in learning English, which is beneficial for creating an efficient primary English classroom. While applying English small games, teachers should choose the appropriate games. For example, if teachers want to examine students’ proficiency of vocabulary, they can apply a game that students answer the question one by one. In this way, teachers reach the aim of examining students’ vocabulary level. What’s more, students reveal the words in a relaxed atmosphere, which consolidates their memory. Such games not only make students feel happier while learning English, but also improve students’ learning efficiency. And students have a good command of knowledge unconsciously.

3.3 Improving Students’ Thinking Ability

The game teaching is helpful to the development of schoolchildren’s mentality and intelligence because it can ease the tension of classroom teaching and create a relaxing atmosphere. Generally speaking, these games are of competition. Students in the game will think actively, which is good for them to overcome the psychological barrier of shyness and maintain a physical and mental pleasure. Reasonable rules of the games, including a proper rule of rewards and penalties, can help students develop the sense of organization and discipline, which will benefit their mental health development. In addition, the game teaching also contains intelligence components so it contributes to intelligent exploitation. In the game, students will practice and gain improvement in memory, thinking ability, observation, imagination, creativity, judgment and so on. For example, while teaching students the new sentence “what would you like? I’d like some …”, teachers can ask students to have a role-play. Some students play the role of shopkeeper and others play the role of customers. Then practice the dialogue. In this way, students have a deep impression of the new knowledge, and develop their intelligence of imitation and memory. Applying games in primary English classroom can also improve students’ speaking ability. That’s to say, students can express their intention in English confidently. For example, while practicing the sentence “who are you”, teachers can adopt such a game that one students close his eyes and others hide in the classroom. When the student who closes his eyes catches someone, he should guess who he is and he must speak in English. Then the caught one ought to answer him “I am…” This game is good for students to practice their speaking ability. What’s more, to primary school students, English learning is boring and unfamiliar. They find it hard to learn English well. Game teaching method can not only enhance students’ interest in learning English, but also decline the difficulty of English learning. When teachers teach students to learn the 26 letters at first, students can not remember the order of letters or which is which. At this time, a song of letters can help students learn the letters, which can achieve a good effect.

4. The Application of English Game Teaching Method

4.1 Applying Games in Word Teaching

Game is a good choice in word teaching. Mastering the vocabulary is the key to learning English well. However, keeping the words in memory seems very difficult. Word games can provide the environment for students to memorize the words. In this way, it seems to be an exciting and pleasant thing to memorize words. Now take the lesson “I’m hungry” as an example, which is from Oxford English 3b unit 8. In this unit, the teaching aim is to master the words such as cake, pie, hot dog, sandwich, bread, rice and milk. Before the class, teachers should decorate the classroom well. First, teachers ought to make some card figures such as cake, sandwich, bread and so on. These big figures can be stuck on the walls of the classroom. In this way, there is a strong atmosphere for games. When students come into the classroom, they will be immediately attracted by those figures, and their curiosity and interest will be aroused as well. Second, some big English card words should be made and stuck in the corners of the classroom. Some words are to be taught in the class today, and the others are what students have learnt before. In this way, teachers have created a pleasant study environment. In this word teaching, there are altogether three word games mentioned. They all make great benefit to the study of this lesson. At the beginning of the class, teachers can ask such questions, “Boys and girls, do you like the pictures on the wall? Do you know how to say them in English?” By using these questions, students are focused on the pictures on the wall and their interest is aroused. What’ more, teachers can ask students “What’s your favorite food?” If the answer can not be found on the wall, then teachers can ask this student to draw a picture of the food and stick it on the wall. This is a drawing game, which can cultivate students’ ability of imagination and practice. Then, teachers explain the rules of the game. Students should be divided into two groups. The first group can take the pictures from the wall and stand in the front of the classroom with the pictures in the hand. Then the second group should choose one word in the corner and try to find out the picture which is in accordance with it. Here comes the second game called “match the word with the picture”. Students should pick the word which he is familiar with, and find the corresponding picture. When the student finds the correct one, he should read the word and tell others its Chinese meaning. Then teachers can do some extending exercises of the word, which will help students understand the word. For example, if the word is bread. Teachers can ask the students “Do you eat bread every morning?” or “How many pieces of bread do you eat every day?” If the student doesn’t find the right one, he can ask his partners to help him, and the game continues. However, he has to receive a small punishment. And this is the third game in this word teaching. Since the students didn’t find the correct picture, he is asked to do a performance. Either a song or a dance is ok. In this way, students not only play the game, but also learn the words happily.

4.2 Applying Games in Sentence Teaching

Sentence is made up of several words and it’s an essential part in English teaching. When teachers want to teach a new sentence, they can apply some sentence games in the teaching procedure. In this way, students can not only get familiar with the sentence, but master the usage of the sentence in a relaxed atmosphere. Now take a lesson from Oxford English 5B as an example. In this lesson, two games will be applied. The first game is called “Listen to the order and do it”. It’s a game which can not only help students learn the new sentence, but also train students’ ability of reflection. The target of this lesson is to master some imperative sentences. At the beginning of the class, teachers say “Today, we are going to play a game called ‘listen to the order and do it’. Boys and girls, do you know the rules of this game?” In this way, students are attracted in the game immediately. Then teachers make an explanation to the game. The rule is that teachers say some imperative sentences which require students to behave, and students should do as they hear. For example, teachers say “Touch your head”, and students must touch their heads quickly. In this game, teachers can make students familiar with the imperative sentence. After several rounds of this game, teachers can apply the second game called “Sam says”, which is a similar game with the first one, but it is more difficult. The difference is that teacher can add “Sam says” at the beginning of the sentence. If teachers say “Sam says” in the beginning, then students should do as they hear. If not, then students should stand still and do nothing. For example, teachers say “Sam says close your eyes”, and students should close their eyes. Those who still open their eyes or do some other behavior are eliminated. The rest students have a second round of the game. Then teachers say “Touch your nose”. According to the rule, there isn’t “Sam says” in the beginning, so students shouldn’t do that. The students who touched their nose are weeded out and the rest ones continued the game. In the end, there will be one student remained, and he is the winner. He can play the role of the director, and give out the order to continue the game. In this game, students’ attention is highly focused. What’ more, students master the usage of imperative sentence unconsciously.

4.3 Applying Games in Text Teaching

In text teaching, teachers can apply a kind of game called role-play. It is an important step of changing knowledge into ability.Teachers can prepare some simple tools and head ornaments to create a true environment for students.Children enjoy acting out scenes from a sketch or dialogue,imitating the voices of the characters.When their presentation was observed,it could be witnessed that their imitation was very good.

Therefore, young learners easily learn important points unconsciously, which is one of the goals of teaching English to young learners. Now take the lesson “Nice to Meet You” as an example. The teaching aim of is that students can greet with others after studying this lesson. In this lesson, teachers should prepare some small decorations before the class, such as masks, pictures and some other tools. First, teachers can greet the students “Hello, boys and girls. How are you?” Students will answer “Fine, thank you.” Then teachers can ask the two desk mates to have a greeting. After that, teachers can divide students into several groups, and give each group some tool. Teachers will explain to the students “Now you can choose the tools you need, and play the role you want.” After several minutes’ preparation, teachers can ask one group to come to the front of the classroom and have a communication. For example:

S1: Hello, I’m Monkey King. Who are you?

S2: I’m the spider-man. Nice to meet you. What’s your name?

S3: My name is Zhang Fei. How are you?

S4: I’m fine. Thank you. How old are you, Monkey King?

S1: I’m ten. What about you?

S4: I’m eleven.

When the group finishes the performance, teachers should have a comment on it, and ask students to clap for them. Then teachers ask another group to have a performance. In this game, students can play the role of what they want and enjoy themselves in the game. What’s more, during the performance, students have a good command of greetings and practice their ability of speaking and acting.

5. Conclusion

The aim of primary school English teaching is to foster students’ interest in learning English. Game teaching method is a good and effective way to teach. Game teaching can not only stimulate students’ interest, but also focus their attention and improve the thinking ability. In order to create a relaxed environment for students, primary school teachers should make full use of all kinds of games. If teachers play one game for a few times, students will be fed up with the game, and then lose their interest. Therefore, it is necessary for teachers to update new games according to the contents to improve students’ enthusiasm, and then students will have a good result in English learning. In this thesis, games are applied in word teaching, sentence teaching and text teaching. And different games in different teaching content have their own effect. However, there are many shortcomings. Because of the limitation of time, manpower, material resource and other objective conditions, the thesis is lack of the combination of theory and practice. What’s more, there is no enough practical investigation. In primary English instruction, the selection of games is very important. Either the game is too easy or too hard will decline students’ interest. In all, in order to make a good environment for primary students to learn English well, teachers should have explicit teaching ideas and apply game teaching method in primary English instruction appropriately.

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