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摘 要




1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 2

2.1 Literature Review at Home...................................................................3

2.2 Literature Review Abroad.....................................................................3

3. The Improvement of the Students.......................................................4

3.1 The Reconstruction of Dead Poets Society by Students 4

3.2 Neil"s Rebellion and Insistence on Acting 5

3.3 The Brave Pursuit of Knox for Love 5

3.4The Drastic Improvement of Todd 7

4. The Reasons for Students’ Improvement 8

4.1 Students’ Rebellion against Traditional Education 8

4.2 The Impediment of Family Education and Neil’s Death 8

4.3 The Influence of Mr. Keating on Students 9

4.4 The Inner Voice of Students Themselves 10

5. Implications for Present Education 10

5.1 Implications for Government Education Institute 10

5.2 Implications for Present School Education 11

5.3 Implications for Present Family Education 12

5.4 Implications for Personal Improvement 13

6. Conclusion 14

Works Cited 16

1. Introduction

Dead Poets Society is a thought-provoking novel of Kleinbaum N.H. published in 1989. Since its publication, scholars and critics at home and abroad have done many researches reflected in Dead Poets Society. The studies of Dead Poets Society mainly focus on four aspects: education methods, teacher’s quality, psychoanalysis and post-modernism. These studies are undoubtedly very helpful and valuable in deepening people’s understanding of the novel and pushing forward the academic progress. However, they have not included all the aspects of the significance in the novel. The improvement of students and reasons for it is rarely employed to analyze the novel. Students growing problem is a critical theory developed in recent years. Grounded on the improvement of students and reasons for it, this thesis will make an analysis from two perspectives--students’ improvement and their respective reasons in Dead Poets Society. Finally, it offers some possible solutions for people to consider. It is true that few masters’ researches on this topic have ever been found from home and abroad. Hence, it can be expected that this thesis can make a small contribution to the research of Dead Poets Society and on the other hand it serves as a reference for the interpretation of other novels of the same kind.  

Therefore, this paper aims at making a clear demonstration and analysis of the progress made by students under the traditional mode of education, delving into the impact of Mr. Keating by applying his creative education strategy. In contemporary society, educational problems still exist in many countries of the world. Violence, crimes, conflicts and even terrorism, induced by prejudice and oppression of students’ individuality, still happen occasionally. Traditional family education and personal characteristics also attribute to the root of education problems. So the study of this theme is still meaningful in both China and America, even in the whole world.

This thesis is divided into six parts. The introduction briefly introduces the production background of Dead Poets Society, a brief description of its purpose and significance as well. The second part is literature review, focusing on the current researches at home and abroad. The third and fourth parts aim to describe students’ improvement and present some reasons. The fifth part explores the negative impact of traditional school education and family education on the teenagers, and puts forward some reasonable suggestions. Finally,it is the natural conclusion part.

2.Literature Review

In the previous studies, some scholars and critics have do many researches on educational problems reflected in Dead Poets Society. Scholars at home and abroad also have done some researches from different aspects, but there is still some rooms for improvement. Studies are summarized from two perspectives.

2.1 Literature Review at Home

In China, many scholars have made some achievements on the study of Dead Poets Society. Xin Tao translated Dead Poets Society into Chinese in 2011. Around 2011, many critics analyzed the novel from the perspective of education and published their journals in the fields of movies literature (Xin Tao, 20ll). First of all, from the perspective of education, the novel is about “freedom and Compliance”, “individuals and authority”, and “romance and reality”. Through these, Wang Jianxiang interprets John Keating’s education ideas, education content, and teaching methods. At the same time, he discusses how the quality of teachers might influence their students (Wang Jianxiang, 2011 (1): 150-152) . Another critic Niu Xiao thinks that emotional education is a part of the educational process. He suggests that in this novel, the teacher adopts emotional education in teaching poetry and has succeeded in spurring the motivation and interests of the students while helping the students understand poetry. Therefore, teachers should change the traditional methods of English teaching (Niu Xiao,2010(1):57-58). Secondly, a lot of scholars published their papers in the field of the movie appreciation. Characters in this novel break the tradition and ignite their passion. In the process, the students have to face the contradiction between reality and romance. This shows the novel could bring a profound meaning to human life. Additionally, Qiu Xiaomei has discussed the symbolism in Dead Poets Society (Qiu Xiaomei, 2009(10):139); Xie Nini uses psychoanalysis to analyze the novel from a specific angle(Xie Nini, 2011 (3): 110-112, 115); Yu Hongqin, thinks the characters in this movie possess many features of post-modernism, whose features are non-central, openness, pluralism, tolerance and infinite resistance(Yu Hongqin, 2008 (14): 77-78). On the basis of former studies, a lot of scholars in China analyze this novel, in which readers can find the theme of this novel has brought to them and have different interpretations of Dead Poets Society. Moreover,Peng Guosheng mainly analyzes the phenomenon of youth suicide under great pressure from school, family and society, like Neil in the novel(Peng Guoqing, 2008: 44-48). Lu Jun, Wang Dan and Wang Lan point out that under the traditional education and training, it results in the students’ psychological of utilitarianism. Perhaps they may realize their dreams. However, at the same time, these students gradually lose creativity, rebellion, vitality and the essence of life. The authors focus on the problems of traditional education reflected on students and sing highly of the creative strategy of John Keating(Lu Jun,Wang Dan and Wang Lan,2008(07):51-53. Some other critics,Wang Xiaoqiong pays more attention to the progress made by students with John Keating’s encouragement(Wang Xiaoqiong, 2014(03):115-118).

2.2 Literature Review Abroad

At abroad, Muhamad Yanuar Arifin also analyzes the character of Neil Perry in Dead Poets Society which is seen from Abraham H. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory. He states that the character jumps three needs below the self-actualization needs. Firstly is the safety need, secondly is the belonging need and the last one is the self-esteem need(Muhamad Yanuar Arifin,2012). Then, Peter Mclaren and Zeus Leonardo focus on the deconstruction of surveillance pedagogy (Peter Mclaren and Zeus Leonardo,2001:261-268.). Other experts also analyze this novel from the perspective of school’s popularity culture. Furthermore, there is also a research states that the novel offers a critical opportunity to investigate the linkages between political expressions and dramatic form (Jung, Carl Gustav. 2003:95). The film text combines comic and tragic structures in unusual ways, reflecting a contemporary political orientation toward institutions and social conformity. The analysis suggests that comedic"vertigo"is central to Dead Poets Society and other texts, and that this mechanism is a form of political expression and therapy for some contemporary American audiences. Guided by these professors, critics including teachers and students have made deeper studies on it(Kotter,J.P.1996:322-323).

Generally speaking, in China, the studies of Dead Poets Society mainly focus on the following aspects: interpreting the educational theme of the novel; interpreting what kind of theme the novel has told to readers; interpreting symbolism, psychoanalysis, post-modernism theme in order to grasp the novel’s characters and subject. From the above various angles of researches on the novel, we know that many scholars at home and abroad have discussed the novel in certain perspectives. However, few studies have in-depth exploration of students’ improvement and their corresponding reasons. This paper is intended to demonstrate and analyze the improvement of students in the novel and try to delve into the impact of traditional education, family education, and students themselves on teenagers’ growth.

3. The Improvement of the Students

3.1 The Reconstruction of Dead Poets Society by Students

In the novel, Neil accidentally discovers John Keating’s resume in the school library. It turns out that John Keating is the original captain of the football teamat that time, and participats an organization named Dead Poets Society. After John Keating’s class, he follows John Keating and asks what Dead Poets Society is. Keating explains it is a small group that they could take turns to read the works of Shelly, Thoreau, and Whitman and so on in the old cave. After listening to John Keating, Neil shouts excitedly that he will go to the cave tonight. Here it shows the awareness of Neil. He is a man with a strong desire for being not an all-round good student but a legend.John Keating lets several students who have seen the yearbook keep secret for him for Dead Poets Society is not accepted by this school.

Once the Dead Poets Society was a party organized by India in the caves. Participators could recite poetry of Byron, Whitman and even create their own works and appreciate the meaning of life from poetry. However, this organization is forever gone. John Keating lets Neil burn the yearbook, while Neil has an unexpected idea: Rebuild Dead Poets Society. Charlie, Knox, Mick, Cameroon and others join in with enthusiasm. The timid Todd also joins in with the persuasion and encouragement of Neil. Every night, the members of Dead Poets Society hold faint flashlight through the woods and find a deserted cave. This is the every place where John Keating once gathered. The world is controlled completely by themselves, they read poetry aloud, and talk horror stories. Charlie even brings a nude painting. All these behaviors are severely banned in Wilton Academy. "Congo river slowly flows on the black earth, golden trails through the woods ......" (Kleinbaum, N. H., 1989: 91) citing the beautiful poem, members of Dead Poets Society could not help squirming, dancing with rhythms of Africa. At that moment, they enjoy the totally release of their souls and appreciate the beauty which poetry brings to them.

3.2 Neil"s Rebellion and Insistence on Acting

Under the control of his father, Neil is a representative who disciplines himself and completely follows the patriarchal principles by which they tell him what is right and wrong. When Neil attempts to communicate with his father, his father cuts short the conversation and tells Neil to obey what he says. The reason why Neil’s father sends him to Welton Academy is that he considers the most optimizing approach for his son to achieve success is to follow his disciplines. As the guidance of Keating goes on, Neil is deeply influenced by Mr. Keating after several classes given by this excellent teacher.

Neil wants to be an actor. Obviously, his dream is totally opposite to his father’s expectation—sending him to a medical college and being a respected doctor. In that era of the United States, traditionally speaking, to be a doctor is better than to be an actor in terms of social status. Later, Neil successfully gets a role in the play of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. When he decides whether he should act or not, he goes to Mr. Keating for advice, “My father is making me quit the play at Henley Hall. When I think about Carpe Diem and all that, I feel like I’m in prison! Acting is everything to me, Mr. Keating. It’s what I want to do! Of course, I can see my father’s point. We’re not a rich family like Charlie’s. But he’s planned the rest of my life for me, and he’s never even asked me what I want!” (Kleinbaum, 1989: 123) This is the first time Neil strives for what he really wants, and also for the first time he puts his dream into practice despite his father’s disagreement. The relationships between different powers form the rules of a power game, or it can be said that they form a war, in which each participant tries to overcome others by using strategies. Neil implements his power out of his own wishes to attend the play. Although he has conformed to the conventions, he still aspires to rebel against the tradition. This is what Mr. Keating would like to see. No matter how hard it is to break the limitation of the tradition, it is a good beginning. Neil also has learned from it, building his confidence and finding the best way to deal with the problem.

3.3 The Brave Pursuit of Knox for Love

In America, an important sign of maturity is the ability to deal with relations between male and female. Therefore, in the novel, with growth as the theme, the young adults gradually experience their own first love. Knox, a member of Dead Poets Society, puts Wilton College’s rules and regulations aside, to pursue a beautiful girl named Chris wholeheartedly. The beliefs“seize the day” also deeply influences Knox, and gives him courage to make a call to the girl he falls in love with. The appearance of this beautiful girl Chris, who already has a boyfriend named Chet, changes Knox significantly. This girl makes him realize that the life he really longs for is to pursue a true love. Hence, he makes up his mind to exert all his efforts to change his life. The school requires all the students to obey the disciplines in discourse and behaviors. The students should live up to their parents’ expectations, which means they should pay their full attention to their studies. Those who violate the standards are called fallen students.

Knox is a disciplined product in the school. He should be a model of good students, grasping more opportunities to enter the prestigious university in the future. However, when he gradually changes his goal of life to the pure love, he is regarded as a fallen student. Chet smashes Knox in the face with his fist because Knox kisses Chris. He misses Chris and keeps thinking about the impulsive behavior driven by his feeling on Chris. After Knox is beaten by Chris’ boyfriend, he still goes to see Chris with some flowers and a poem to express his love to her before Chris and her classmates, “The heavens made a girl named Chris,with hair and skin of gold. To touch her would be paradise. To kiss her—glory untold”. (Kleinbaum, 1989: 128) Here, “seize the day” encourages this boy who deeply falls in love, which will never be taught in Welton Academy. When Chris comes angrily to Knox and questions him, Knox seizes this chance to persuade Chris to see Neil’s play together. He says to her that this will be the end of it in the name of Dead Poets Honor. When Chris asks what Dead Poets Honor is, Knox answers without any hesitation—that is my word. He crosses his heart with his fingers and looks at Chris sincerely. It can be seen that the association Dead Poets Society not only gives courage to the members, but also lets the members build a belief on it. In the suffocating area of the school, Dead Poets Society helps the members see their dreams clearly, and supports them to pursue their dreams bravely. The result is that Chris accepts Knox’s request happily, and they hold each other’s hands unconsciously while enjoying the play.

3.4 The Drastic Improvement of Todd

Compared with Neil, Todd is the one who seems most willing to follow the rules, or in other words, to follow his brother’s steps. Todd lives in the same dormitory with Neil. They represent two different kinds of students. But they have one thing in common – their parents want them to be outstanding. While the major difference between them is that Todd is straight and narrow, but Neil is with rebellious spirit. Todd lacks confidence, and maybe he thinks that entering this school and following the strict rules can make him get closer to his brother. Driven by this mindset, Todd has forgotten his own talent. This results in his joining in Dead Poets Society and his participation in the activities that has nothing to do with his learning. Mr. Keating finds Todd’s talent in his usual life, so in John Keating’s class, by infuriating Todd, Mr. Keating guides him to do an excellent poetry in an aggressive way. Neil is the one who carries out what Mr. Keating says purely and actively, that is “seize the day”. Todd lives a pure and simple life and does not have to worry about trivial things in his life, but he still feels lonely. His family is devoid of warmth and affectionate feelings. There is no inner communication between them.

Just as Dead Poets Society shows, “When I was little, I thought all parents automatically loved their kids. That’s what my teachers told me. That’s what I read in the books they gave me. That’s what I believed. Well, my parents might have loved my brother, but they did not love me” (Kleinbaum, 1989: 84). He gets the exact same thing as last year on his birthday. He longs for the spontaneous overflow of powerful emotions, just like how he read the poem in Mr. Keating’s class. He is the one who conforms to the conventions apparently, but in the end, Todd stands up on his desk – like what Mr. Keating has taught him, and calls Mr. Keating “Oh, Captain, My Captain!” Then most of the other students in the class are encouraged by Todd to do the same thing. Although Mr. Keating makes the order to reproach Todd to be quiet when Mr. Keating is leaving, Todd still stands up bravely and tells Keating that they are forced to sign their name in the school’s documents. At this time, no one and no power can stop them. They try to thank Mr. Keating for teaching them the most important thing in their life they lacked before, and to reduce their sense of guilty for him. These students try to use their own ways to prove to Mr. Keating that what he has done is very meaningful and impressive and they will not let him down.

4. The Reasons for Students’ Improvement

4.1 Students’ Rebellion against Traditional Education

The four school mottoes of Wilton College are “discipline”, “excellence”,” tradition”, “honor”. Spell these words’ first letter together, it is "DETH", and the irony is "death", for death shares the same pronunciation. Just as the school mottoes have shown to us, students here are suppressed and deprived of their rights to pursue freedom.

Wilton Academy is a noble school, for it is only for white boys. Girls and blacks were not allowed into. At the beginning of the novel, the students are orderly arranged in order to enter the hall. The headmaster is proud to claim 75% graduates of the school are admitted to Ivy League universities. While the traditional, dull and tense education mode is monotonous and fixed. It greatly constrains and strangles students’ thoughts and personalities.

As we all know, the power of the school is playing a decisive role, because it decides whether the students can continue studying in the school. After Neil’s death, the school leaders talk to each member separately, and force them to admit what they have done and invite their parents to make them feel embarrassed. And they would like to use this approach to frame John Keating, the inspiring teacher. Even though it cannot deny that the function of traditional teaching and strict discipline is playing an essential part in deciding students’ entrance into a college, the powers of the school are depriving students’ right of freedom of speech by imposing them and making arbitrary decisions to maintain their dominance.

4.2 The Impediment of Family Education and Neil’s Death

The tragedy of Neil’s death is mainly divided into two aspects: on one hand, it ascribes to the block of family education; on the other hand, it results from the limitation of Neil"s own personalities. Under that social background, the school continues its old-fashioned inherent teaching mode. Cram teaching methods suppress the activeness of students’ own. Family education, to some degree, also plays a certain negative effect on Neil. Parents in the novel trend to ignore their children’s ideas, blindly planning the future for them.

Needless to say, Neil has his own dreams but limitations from his family, making him melancholy and depressed. Overwhelmed as Neil is, he does not know how to deal with it, facing the high pressure and expectations. The factors leading to his suicide are usually: Dream and Reality. He shows talents for acting and actually he did an excellent job. While his father has made his mind to let his son be a doctor. He tries to persuade his father, while the indifferent father shows the least respect and consideration for his poor son. For Neil, he loses a sense of existing value. At least, he chooses an extreme way to end his pitiful life. Neil’s father thinks that Neil’s acting dream is ruining his life. So his father lets Neil withdraw from Welton Academy and enroll into Braden Military School. Under the extreme pressure, hopelessly, Neil chooses to die.

4.3 The Influence of Mr. Keating on Students

John Keating"s coming in Welton College is just like a breeze of spring.Mr. Keating is one of the elites who opposes traditional education mode.He brings these young students to the building of this school history to hear the voice of death; to reflect on the meaning of our life; to let these boys realize their own thoughts on the pitch; to encourage his students to stand up on desks to feel the world from a new perspective.

Welton College of traditional teaching method is rote, respected textbooks. The teacher asks students to do absolutely accurate homework, and the homework must be submitted, students who do not hand in their homework, will get one point off in the final. Class, study, resting in the dormitory on campus as well as the words are under the supervision of the school. Students must follow the rules, otherwise they will be punished accordingly.

In the novel, he begins his teaching in Latin “Carpe Diem”, and he says he is the captain of students. In the first class, he uses the anti-traditional teaching method and blow the whistle "1812 Overture" walking into the classroom. His teaching is not in accordance with the conventional in the classroom, and he lets the students listen carefully to the voice of the dead. Seize the day, make your life out of the ordinary. The teacher uses so vivid and humorous way to guide the students to comprehend the true meaning of life. At the beginning of learning poetry, textbooks on the evaluation of poetry to simplify the mathematical formula, Keating asks his students to tear up their poetry books, and tells them that this is a war, the outcome of the war to the student"s mind and soul. He asks his students to abandon authority, think independently,and directs the students to savor words and languages, because words and language can change the world. Education is not the papers and books, but with a free soul and stimulates another free soul, with a loving soul caring another soul of love, education is not cold ruler, but a transfer of love. Education is not only the transfer of knowledge, should be more is the sublimation of the soul.

In Dead Poets Society, Mr. Keating tries to use his own personal charming to infect those by tradition, honor, discipline and excellent students bound for a long time, with his unique love communication education, guiding students to find the ideal. He tells the students to seize the day. To change everyone’s original thoughts, Mr. Keating has encouraged Neil to follow his dream of being an actor both in and out of the classroom, which is against the explicit orders of Neil’s parents, and because Keating takes advantage of his position as teacher to encourage his students to pursue their dreams regardless of the traditional education, it becomes the direct cause of Neil’s death.

4.4 The Inner Voice of Students Themselves

The enviable achievements of Wilton Academy are based on the school institutions’ implement of disciplinary power over the students, the monotonous teaching methods, immutable curriculum arrangement and stiff rest time. Everything seems so orderly as teaching syllabus in the school are fixed and the textbooks are the same. This school emphasizes on textbooks, teachers, the authority of the subject and the maintenance of the traditional school and honor and there is zero-tolerance for different thoughts and behaviors against the traditional and current system.Under this circumstance, basic security, special system and dogmatic authority blocks the creativity of students, and the usage of power is the result of the discipline. The traditional education has severely constrained students’ thoughts. Their dream sparks have been extinguished under such pressure, and a group of naive students are like monks repeating their boring homework. Under this teaching method, students could do nothing but complain and obey. There are so many requirements and regulations bounded, without any freedom. The prototype of students can be seen as Lincoln time, which is in pursuit of personal rights for blacks. They have to work hard in the plant, digging out the maximum value for the slavers from the land, to earn more economic benefits. Students in Welton College are just like slaves, they strive hard to realize the dreams of their schools and parents. They have to read and repeat the same boring things every day. Considering all these defects of tradition education, students wish to break these restrictions and chase their dreams.

Comparing with the teachers and the managers in Welton school, the students are at the lowest level of the school. So the needs and the voice of the students are often ignored,which results in the damage of the students’ interests. In Dead Poets Society, the students present some critical spirit and resistant behaviors, attempting to challenge the school’s management and existing provisions, and expressing their dissatisfaction, which cause the disharmony between the school leaders and students. Under such circumstance, the authority will implement the punishment on the students for the sake of maintaining the absolute control.

5. Implications for Present Education

5.1 Implications for Government Educational Institute

American educator Dewey once pointed out that "school is society". School is an institution, which prepares for students to enter the society. In school, students take the responsibility of acquiring knowledge. However, imparting knowledge is not only, for the most important task for government is to lead students to find their interests and fulfill their values.

To attain this goal, individualized reform strategy should be successful made. This means that more pupils will benefit from an excellent education as support for the innovative schools continues to grow. Moreover, providing sponsored academies - working with expert groups as more as possible to improve education for pupils and giving more young people in disadvantaged areas the chance to fulfill their potential and realize their aspirations than before.

Beside this, government needs to train professionals according to internal and external demand, which means the formulation of domestic education plans should keep pace with talents’ market demands. Establishing new schools is a vital part of the government’s plan for education - boosting choice for parents and helping drive up standards across the board. For it also helps to drive up standards in local schools through collaboration and competition. Last but not least, government needs to open diverse schools according to different students’ traits. For example, excavator school for future digger artificer, culinary skill college for potential cooker, etc. Once all of these schools are fully up and running they will provide millions of extra school places to pupils across the country. These diverse schools have been introducing new ideas and approaches to the system that are increasingly helping all schools to raise standards, with more children now having the opportunities to go to a good or outstanding school than ever before.

5.2 Implications for Present School Education

From the aspect of a school, leaders should bound students’ creativity in terms of eliminating system, and mobilize the enthusiasm of students and creativity, thus let every student has an opportunity to play their own initiative. Responsibility for present school education should include the comprehensive cultivation of students, social development and the future of mankind. Look back on modern society, many schools blindly pursue enrollment rate, causing the increasing anxiety and pressure of teachers and students, which results in a serious impact on their physical and mental health. Only when students fully realize their desires and their talents at, could they make adjustments according to reality. Therefore, educators of school cannot pay too much attention to students’ interests. Meanwhile, school should also meet the challenges of the ever-changing society. Thus, in order to maintain competitive, school should not be satisfied with the existing achievements, but keep on striving.

At the same time, under no circumstance, should we have a relative broad social perspective. Otherwise, we will change the traditional school system and turn it into an arbitrary creation. Furthermore, schools need to consider implementing the principle of democracy. It requires that each teacher can participate in the formation of school management, educational purposes, methods and content of the course through sort of regular and orderly strategies, either directly or indirectly elected representatives. If teachers are not responsible ones, but only do what they should do according to regulations, their own feelings and attitudes are poured into students’ cultivation, they will eventually fail to cultivate the students" characteristics and judgment, let alone any possible inspiration and revelation. That is to say,if school does not give any voice to teachers for other rights, the responsibility that teacher shoulders will never be exercised, and there will little room for them to participate in the educational management. That’s why democracy is particularly emphasized in school education and management.

5.3 Implications for Present Family Education

In Dead Poets Society, Neil is an outstanding student, whose parents plan to design the road of life for him. Neil"s lessons are all excellent, according to the requirements of his father in the learning group, he is always in front of the majesty of the father to be a yes-man, dare not speak from the heart of true idea. However he teacher"s appearance, let the oppressed the boy see the sun, see the hope, so that he gradually understand oneself should do what. When his father to A Midsummer Night"s Dream Tour, his acting talent also lets his vigorous life be a perfect interpretation in drama. In the process of Neil show, his father appeared, this will let us think of the father may be due to the success of the show and change his mind, no longer block his son for the pursuit of dreams. However, the stubborn father lets us disappointed. He asks Neil to transfer, and become a doctor.


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