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 2022-01-30 20:25:34  


摘 要

在固定床吸附反应器内对一种商业活性炭进行了汞吸附实验,在富氧燃烧/空气燃烧模拟烟气条件下,研究了烟气基本组分(O2 CO2 N2)和添加特殊气体(SO2、NO)对活性炭汞吸附的影响,获得了汞吸附过程的质量平衡。随后在固定床脱附反应器进行脱附实验(TPD),研究汞吸附过程的机理。结果表明:在不添加特殊气体的基本模拟烟气中,相比空气燃烧气氛,富氧燃烧气氛下活性炭能够获得更高的Hg0脱除效率,O2/CO2气氛能够明显促进Hg0的氧化,但并不能促进活性炭对汞的吸附。无论空气燃烧气氛还是富氧燃烧气氛下的模拟烟气,加入少量NO气体,都会极大地促进活性炭对汞的吸附。在富氧燃烧气氛中,当切断原本通入的NO气体后,活性炭对汞的吸附能力开始急剧下降。对本文实验中获得的活性炭脱附结果显示,汞和含氧官能团结合生成的Hg-OM是最主要的吸附形态,HgO含量次之。汞的质量平衡误差在15%以内,表明本实验结果的正确性。


Mass Balance Analysis of Mercury Adsorption by Activated Carbon in Air-fuel/Oxy-fuel Combustion Simulated Flue Gas


An experimental study on mercury adsorption of a commercial activated carbon was carried out in a fixed-bed reactor. The effects of basic species (O2 CO2 N2) and special ones (SO2, NO) on mercury adsorption by activated carbon were investigated under the condition of air-fuel and oxy-fuel combustion simulated flue gas. Then an experimental study on mercury desorption was carried out to analyze machenism of mercury adsorption following the mass balance of mercury. The results show that compared with air-fuel combustion atmosphere, activated carbon can obtain a higher removal efficiency of Hg0 in the basic simulated flue gas. O2/CO2 atmosphere can significantly promote the oxidation of Hg0, but it does not promote the mercury adsorption. Whether in the air-fuel combustion atmosphere or the oxy-fuel combustion atmosphere, adding a small amount of NO gas results in great increase for mercury adsorption. In the oxy-fuel combustion atmosphere, when the NO gas is cut off suddenly, the mercury adsorption capacity turns to decline sharply. The TPD results obtained show that the Hg-OM radicals formed by the combination of mercury and oxygen-containing functional groups is the most form of adsorption, and the HgO is the second one. The error of the mercury mass balance is within 15% indicating that the results in this study are correct.

KEY WORDS: activated carbon; mercury adsorption; mercury desorption; oxy-fuel combustion; mass balance

目 录

摘 要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 汞吸附研究现状 2

1.3 研究目的和主要内容 3

第二章 实验设备及实验方法 5

2.1 固定床汞吸附实验系统 5

2.2 固定床汞脱附实验系统 6

2.3 汞形态在线分析仪EMP-2 WLE 7

2.3.1 EMP-2型便携式测汞仪 7

2.3.2 WLE还原单元 11

2.3.3 EMP-2 WLE实验准备操作 13

2.4 固体测汞仪 14

第三章 结果与讨论 15

3.1 活性炭的理化特性分析 15

3.1.1 活性炭的物理特性 15

3.1.2 活性炭的化学特性 15

3.2 空气燃烧模拟烟气无特殊气体实验 18

3.2.1汞吸附 18

3.2.2汞脱附 20

3.2.3汞质量平衡 21

3.3 富氧燃烧模拟烟气无特殊气体实验 22

3.3.1汞吸附 22

3.3.2汞脱附 24

3.3.3汞质量平衡 25

3.4 空气燃烧模拟烟气有特殊气体实验 26

3.4.1汞吸附 26

3.4.2汞脱附 28

3.4.3汞质量平衡 29

3.5 富氧燃烧模拟烟气有特殊气体实验 30

3.5.1汞吸附 30

3.5.2汞脱附 32

3.5.3汞质量平衡 33

3.6 汞质量平衡讨论 34

结 论 36

展 望 37

致 谢 38

参考文献 39

  1. 绪 论

1.1 引言


煤炭仍是我国最重要的一次能源,占50%以上。我国汞(Hg)排放尤为严重, 联合国环境规划署《Global Mercury Assessment 2013》[[4]]显示目前我国汞排放约占东亚和东南亚的3/4,约占全球总排放量的1/3。汞在煤炭中处于富集状态,我国煤炭中汞的平均含量为0.22 mg/kg。GB13223—2011《燃煤电厂大气污染物排放标准》[[5]]规定,自2012年1月1日起,新建火力发电锅炉及燃气轮机组的汞排放不能超过0.03mg/m3,所以燃煤汞排放的控制应优先考虑[[6]]。


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