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我国制造企业互联网 战略的类型识别

 2022-02-13 17:42:47  


摘 要

通过本文的研究,我不得不从基本的互联网是什么?并明确定义这个东西,我们现在每天使用的沟通和互动,我也不得不看到互联网如何最终被用于制造业,物联网的方式已经改变的方式业务是通过看各种商业模式的变化和互联网的方式,这一变化的主要驱动力。本研究通过阅读相关文章,搜索互联网本身,了解更多关于它,维基百科和许多其他知识填充的文章,我可以找到的主题。我发现很有趣的事实,尽管这种新的互联网 策略被中国政府宣布是在每个人的心中,中国的一些企业仍然困惑与其他计划由政府喜欢“中国制造2025”这是相同的但又不同取决于你选择看它透视。我发现"中国制造2025"的总体思路和“互联网 ”的一部分,同样的想法。

中国制造2025重点研究整个制造过程并不仅仅是创新,“互联网 ”我发现在其核心需要更多的创新:互联网。这两是手牵手的。该策略确定在大部分处理的创新,互联网 战略及其分类密切相关,而做这个研究,我不能碰到一个精确的分类只知道他们谈论的策略进行分类,它只是取决于你如何看待它,战略步骤是被中国企业和分类更是如何被实现的。策略:产业升级与创新。中国是在传统和现代制造企业升级做出认真的努力,还有我的论文在第四章中提到的一些障碍,和一些解决方案我确定是中国必须解决的关键技术和基础设施的差距,更多的学生应该在科学和工程学科,以鼓励,不只是中国可以通过借鉴现有的物联网中心,像无锡和中国增加其物联网人才可能将不得不做出重大投资升级基础设施,在偏远地区发展其可用性。

如果使用的互联网 主动深入势必会给中国带来显著的变化不仅对制造业也是其他经济部门。

关键词:互联网 ,物联网(IOT),商业模式,产业互联网

Identification of the Chinese manufacturing enterprise’s Internet strategies.

Carl Lewis Ruberwa

Supervised by Professor Wang Xiang

Abstract: This research was made in order to shine a light on the various Internet Plus strategies out there, and show the way the Industrial Internet is not only reshaping the manufacturing industry but also the way business is done and the way customers are participating in it when they used to just buy what the companies would put on the table now they are the ones creating the products they want. This research is also of an importance to me since I think these are the technologies of the future and I think the new technologies by the use of Internet while doing business will have a great impact on Africa once it starts being implemented, which is why I did this research so that I can help not just my country but also Africa to harness the power of Internet into development and profitability which will in turn raise people out of poverty.

While researching through this paper, I had to start from the basic what is the Internet? And get a clear definition of this thing we now use daily to communicate and interact with each other, I also had to see how the internet ended up being used in the manufacturing industry, the way IoT is already changing the way business is done by looking at various business model changes and the way the internet is the main driver of this change. The research was made by reading relevant articles, searching the internet itself to learn more about it, Wikipedia and plenty other knowledge filled article I could find on the subject.

What I found was really interesting in the fact that even though this new Internet plus strategy announced by the Chinese government is on everyone’s mind, some companies in China still confused it with other plans made by the government like ”Made in China 2025” which are the same but also different depending on the perspective you choose to look at it. I found out “Made in China 2025” plan was the general idea and “Internet plus” part of the same idea. “Made in China 2025” focuses on the entire manufacturing process and not just innovation while “Internet plus” to my findings required more innovation and at its core: the Internet. These two plans go hand in hand.

The strategies identified were in big part dealing with innovation, The internet Plus strategies are closely related to their classification, while doing this research I could not come across a precise classification only to realize that the strategies they were talking about were also classification, it just depends on how you look at it, strategies being the steps that were being taken by Chinese companies and classification being more of how they were being implemented. The strategies were: Industries upgrade and innovation.

China is making serious effort at upgrading traditional and modern manufacturing enterprises, there are still some obstacles mentioned in the fourth chapter in my thesis, and some of the solutions I identified are that China will have to address its critical skills and infrastructures gap, more students should be encouraged in taking subjects in sciences and engineering, not just that China can augment its pool of Iot talent by drawing on the experience of its existing IoT hubs like in Wuxi and China will likely have to make significant investments to upgrade the infrastructure and develop its availability in remote regions.

The Internet Plus initiative if applied thoroughly is bound to bring to China significant changes not just to the manufacturing industry but also other sectors of the economy.

Keywords: Internet plus, Internet of Things ( IoT), business model, industrial internet

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction 1

1.1 Research background and significance 1

1.2 Research content and purpose 2

1.3 Research framework and innovation points. 2

Chapter 2: Internet and Internet strategic theory(Literature review) 4

2.1 Internet history and its effects on the traditional industry 5

2.2 Internet strategies and its advantages 7

2.3 The relationship between manufacturing enterprise service and Internet strategies 9

Chapter 3: Five cases analysis of Chinese manufacturing enterprise using Internet plus. 11

3.1 Haier 11

3.2 Shaanxi Automobile Group Co., Ltd 14

3.3 Puppy appliances 16

3.4 LI-NING. 17

3.5 LETV 19

Chapter 4: Identification and classification of Internet plus strategies and their challenges 21

4.1 Internet Plus Strategies: Identification and Classification 22

4.2 Challenges to upgrading to Internet plus 23

Chapter 5: Conclusion and suggestions 26

Acknowledgment 28

References 28

Figure 1: Top 20 Internet countries in 2015 with the highest users 4

Figure 2: Change and business model 7

Figure 3: Ranking of countries' Industrial IoT enabling factors 8

Figure 4: Allocation of GDP impact under Iot technologies 10

Figure 5: Haier internet strategy 13

Chapter 1: Introduction

By 2025, 100 billion connections — 90 percent from intelligent sensors —will link the globe as a direct result of ICT technologies. To leverage the benefits of this massive number of connections, industries will increasingly streamline their business processes, improve efficiencies, and unleash a huge potential for industrial innovation. ICT technologies, such as mobile broadband, cloud computing, Big Data, and the Internet of Things (IoT) are ushering in a new age in industrial civilization, as traditional industries now have at their disposal an unprecedented degree of integration between information, communication, and manufacturing systems.

In 2011, United States President Barack Obama launched the Advanced Manufacturing Partnership (AMP) program, and the Korean government released the Promoting Industry Convergence Law. In 2014, Germany released the standardization roadmap for Industry 4.0, and in October was joined by China.

Industry 4.0 is comprised of two major subject matters — smart factory and intelligent manufacturing — and a typical feature is the deep integration of ICT and manufacturing technologies. Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) will connect huge numbers of machines in work groups. The machines will communicate freely with each other, perform self-initiated optimizations, and produce quality results at the lowest possible cost. CPS technologies will reduce repetitive work and require the fewest skilled workers.

Internet plus (China’s version of Industry 4.0) is bound to produce great changes, even overwhelming changes for the companies not willing to upgrade since the companies that will not upgrade will most likely be left behind. Even though the internet use in manufacturing industry is relatively new, it is an ever fast changing concept that keeps being upgraded and updating making it a new and exciting change to the manufacturing industry. Studies show that using the internet will improve resource allocation, reducing waste and changing the way manufacturing altogether is done. This paper will try to show how we got here and what is being done to upgrade to what has many names like Industry 4.0 or Internet plus among others and show how the Internet is definitely a driving force.As the term itself is also unclear, companies are struggling when it comes to identifying and implementing Industrie plus scenarios.

Research background and significance

To talk about”Internet plus” one has to first talk about”Industry 4.0” since it is closely related, if not the same, just different terms. The term”Industrie 4.0” is used for the next industrial revolution – which is about to take place right now. This industrial revolution has been preceded by three other industrial revolutions in the history of mankind. The first industrial revolution was the introduction of mechanical production facilities starting in the second half of the 18th century and being intensified throughout the entire 19th century. From the 1870s on, electrification and the division of labor (i.e Taylorism) led to the second industrial revolution. The third industrial revolution, also called ”the digital revolution”, set around the 1970s, when advanced electronics and information technology developed further the automation of production processes.

The term”Industry 4.0” became publicly known in 2011, when an initiative named “Industrie 4.0” – an association of representatives from business, politics, and academia – promoted the idea as an approach to strengthening the competitiveness of the German manufacturing industry(Kagermann Lukas amp; Wahlster, 2011). The German federal government supported the idea by announcing that Industrie 4.0 will be an integral part of its “High-Tech Strategy 2020 for Germany”.

1.2 Research content and purpose

This paper is aimed at showing how China’s manufacturing industry is most likely going to benefit from ”Internet plus”, stating these same advantages without forgetting to mention the difficulties companies face when trying to upgrade to these elusive Internet of Things (IoT) and also give an example of Chinese companies already using these Internet strategies

This paper is structured as follows: Chapter 2 gives a short overview of the Internet history and how it came to be an important part of society, introduces “ Internet plus” theory proposed by Premier Li kiang, the Internet of Things(IoT) and shows how the internet has influenced the traditional way of doing business. Chapter 3 is about case analysis; it showcases Chinese companies that have already started harnessing the power of internet leading to substantial profit and the creation of a new business model driven by users’ experience. Chapter 4 underlines the Internet Plus strategies, and shows how difficult it is classify them, this chapter also gives various challenges faced by companies that might want to upgrade and be part of the Internet Plus initiative. Finally, chapter 5 the conclusions is about the results I found, the personal reasons that made me want to research on this topic , mentions limitations of the research conducted, and proposes solutions

1.3 Research framework and innovation points.

There is no unique definition available for Internet of Things that is acceptable by the world community of users. In fact, there are many different groups including academicians, researchers, practitioners, innovators, developers and corporate people that have defined the term, although its initial use has been attributed to Kevin Ashton, an expert on digital innovation. What all of the definitions have in common is the idea that the first version of the Internet was about data created by people, while the next version is about data created by things. The best definition for the Internet of Things would be:

“An open and comprehensive network of intelligent objects that have the capacity to auto-organize, share information, data and resources, reacting and acting in face of situations and changes in the environment”.

The Internet of Things is a technological revolution that represents the future of computing and communications, and its development depends on dynamic technical innovation in a number of important fields, from wireless sensors to nanotechnology (Accessed dated on 20/04/2013 from URL: http://www.ieccr.net/comsoc/ijcis/). The first Internet appliance was a Coke machine at Carnegie Melon University in the early 1980s. Programmers working several floors above the vending machine wrote a server program that chased how long it had been since a storage column in the machine had been unfilled. The programmers could connect to the machine over the Internet, check the status of the machine and determine whether or not there would be a cold drink awaiting them, should they decide to make the trip down to the machine. Though the buzzword “Internet of Things” evolution was set out a way back in 1980’s with coffee vending machine, the original term is coined by Kevin Auston, the Executive Director of Auto-ID Labs in MIT in 1999. The concept of IoT first became very popular through the Auto-ID centre in 2003 and in related market analysts publications. Right from the beginning the Internet of Things evolution started, there were many things or objects connected to the internet for the different applications through diverse technologies depending on the type of object for the comfort ability of Human.

According to Qian Xiaocong and Zhang Jidong (2012), the traditional IoT is formed by three layers. The bottom is perception layer, whose function is cognizing and collecting information of objects. The middle is transportation layer which consists of OFC, mobile phone networks, and fixed telephone networks, broadcasting networks, and closed IP data networks for each carrier. And finally the top is application layer, where abundant applications run. Typical applications include in this layer are smart traffic, precise agriculture, intelligent logistics, smart industry, environment protection, mining monitor, remote nursing, safety defense, smart government etc.

Much of the IoT in the mainstream literature is discussed through the lens of a consumer; yet there is much for various industries, businesses whether production based or service based, to prepare plans for security and privacy. Considerations for businesses is reviewed and offered for security awareness, policy reviews, proposal of new business models and plans, and lastly to be and stay engaged with the Internet of Things for security and privacy as it evolves.

On March 5, 2015, Premier Li Keqiang proposed in the government work report formally, formulated the" Internet plus "action plan, to promote mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data, networking and modern manufacturing industry. The government needs to deepen reform to help these startup companies survive and thrive,” said Li Keqiang. The premier was speaking in the context of his much-discussed “Internet Plus” plan, unveiled on the same day in his Government Work Report. The integration of the internet with manufacturing industries is bringing a new industrial revolution what China is calling Internet which fits in the german coined term “Industry4.0”.This is being done by shifting the internet from being an external factor to a core, internal factor. The internet is no longer an option it is in fact a key, a necessity for this industrial revolution to take place. China is trying to combine its industrial and Internet advantages to pioneer a new industrial revolution, keep up with global trends, and fully realize its competitive advantages.


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