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 2022-03-06 20:13:01  


摘 要

我国证券业从1990年开始发展,多家公司出于融资需求、经营战略调整选择“A H”交叉上市的方式。这些公司因为交叉上市面临的资本市场环境和A股市场不同,所产生的避税行为也会有差异。目前国内外关于交叉上市和公司避税的研究相对比较空白,本项研究具有很高的现实意义。同时,产权性质与公司避税的研究虽然一直是热点,但对于交叉上市公司中不同产权性质表现的不同避税行为研究并不多。本项研究主要从这两个方面进行切入分析。




Cross-listings, Property Rights and Corporation Tax Avoidance


The securities industry in China developed since 1990. Several companies chose ‘A H’ cross-listings because of financing needs and business strategy adjustment. The tax avoidance behavior of these companies is different due to different capital market environment these companies face. Researches on cross-listings and corporate tax avoidance in China and abroad are few, so this study is of high practical significance. At the same time, it has often been a hot spot to study the relationship between property right and corporation tax avoidance behavior. This study mainly analyze from this two aspects.

This article selects 2012-2014 Chinese listed companies as samples and discusses the relationship between cross listings, property rights and corporate tax avoidance behavior. This article first reviews the domestic and foreign research on the relationship between cross-listings, property rights and corporate tax avoidance behavior, and come to the conclusion to the present situation of these in our country. On the basis of comprehensive analysis of previous studies, this paper uses the method combining the theoretical analysis as well as empirical analysis, using the variables BTD describing account tax difference to measure the company’s tax avoidance, analyzing the difference of BTD when it comes to cross listed companies and those not through multiple regression analysis. In addition, we also analyze the influence of property rights on BTD during the process of becoming cross listing.

After analyzing the whole research, we lastly come to the following conclusion: due to more constraint condition from accounting rules and related laws and regulations, companies are more likely to reduce their level of tax avoidance. And in the process of cross-listing, the falling range of state-owned enterprises is more obvious than non-state-owned enterprises. This article starts from a new visual angle- BTD (Book-tax Difference), analyzes the influence of cross-listing on corporate tax avoidance behavior, and reveals the reaction degree of different companies with different nature of property rights in the process of cross-listing companies on the adjustment of tax avoidance.

Keywords: Corporation Tax avoidance; Cross listings; Property rights; BTD(Book-tax Difference)


摘要 I


第一章 引言 1

1.1 研究背景与意义 1

1.2 研究思路与研究框架 1

1.3 本文的创新点 1

1.4 本文的结构安排 2

第二章 文献综述 4

2.1 交叉上市与公司避税关系的研究 4

2.2产权性质对公司避税影响的研究 6

2.3 文献述评 7

第三章 制度背景、理论分析与研究假设 8

3.1制度背景 8

3.1.1 我国公司“A H”股交叉上市的制度背景 8

3.1.2 我国的国有产权 8

3.1.3 我国企业所得税的现状 9

3.2 理论分析与假设 9

3.2.1 交叉上市与企业避税程度的关系 9

3.2.2交叉上市企业产权性质与避税程度的关系 9

第四章 研究设计 11

4.1数据来源与样本筛选 11

4.2 变量定义 11

4.2.1 因变量 11

4.2.2 观测变量 12

4.2.3 控制变量 12

4.3 模型设计 12

第五章 实证结果 14

5.1描述性统计 14

5.2相关性分析 14

5.3多元回归分析 16

5.4稳健性检验 18

5.4.1控制年份虚拟变量 18

5.4.2 使用异方差稳健性估计 19

第六章 研究结论与展望 20

6.1 研究结论 20

6.2 研究局限与前景展望 20

致谢 21

参考文献 22

第一章 引言

1.1 研究背景与意义

自从1990年我国证券业开始发展,建国初期的证交所容量有限且运营经验不足,国内公司融资需求并不能得到完全满足,产生了诸多“A H”交叉上市的公司。这些公司出于融资、开拓市场等动机选择交叉上市,在一定程度上受到更多的市场约束力,在公司行为和公司治理上有着一定的改善目的。



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