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摘 要



Table of Contents

Acknowledgments ii

Abstract iii

摘要 iv

Table of Contents v

Chapter One Introduction 1

1.1 Research Background 1

1.2 Research Significance 2

1.3 Structure 2

Chapter Two Literature Review 4

2.1 Dramaturgy 4

2.2 Language and Gender 4

2.3 Female Style 5

2.4 Researched Home and Abroad 5

Chapter Three Research Methodology 7

3.1 Research Objectives and Participants 7

3.2 Instruments 7

3.2.1 Questionnaire 7

3.2.2 Interview 8

3.3 Data Collection 8

Chapter Four Data Analysis and Discussions 9

4.1 Data Analysis 9

4.1.1 Questionnaire 9

4.1.2 Interview 10

4.2. Discussions 11

4. 2. 1 Women’s Cognition of “Bad” Language 11

4.2.2 Women’s Acceptance of “Bad” Language 12

4. 2. 3 Women’s Use of “Bad” Language 12

4. 2. 4 Reasons for the Use of “Bad” Language 13

4. 2. 4.1 Individual Reasons for the Use of “Bad” Language 13

4. 2. 4.2 Social Reasons for the Use of “Bad” Language 14

4. 2. 5 Influence and Meaning 14

4. 2. 5.1 Influence on Individual Woman 14

4. 2. 5.2 Social Meaning 15

Chapter Five Conclusions 16

5.1 Major Findings 16

5.2 Research Limitation and Suggestions for Future Study 16

References 17

Appendix I 19

Appendix II 23

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background

It could be recognized that the world we live in is a stage where everyone plays a given role about the vicissitudes of life. They won’t leave the stage until the end of life. In the 20th century, some western sociologists and anthropologists applied this basic thought to social research. One of the most representatives is sociologist Erving Goffman’s “Dramaturgy”.

In The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life (1959), Goffman elaborates the theory. He says that on some degree, the inter behavior of people could be regarded as a kind of performance . Everyone is an actor and in a certain situation, someone needs to play a given role in terms of certain demand. During the performance, their behavior should be similar to what the roles would like to do. After the performance, they go to the backstage and then show their true colors. Goffman says that the frontstage is a place where the audience can enjoy the performance and have gotten some meaning. Also, the actors present the image that can be accepted by others and the whole society. The frontstage has some basic elements, including personal front, which means someone’s characteristics and behavior. This part is meticulously prepared and carefully arranged by the actors according to the performance and its anticipated effects.

On such a stage, the female would pay more attention to their image than the male. Women desire to achieve more honorable social class. There’s always been a stereotype that women should act and talk in gentle and polite ways, otherwise they would be regarded as ill-bred ones. For instance, women should have soft voice and elegant language. Besides, when they are talking, women should go with the flow instead of controlling topics. If women answer back sarcastically, it seems like that they are inaccessible and they would be called “able women” because of their strong words. As a result, other people, including friends and colleagues, would stay at a respectful distance from this kind of women.

However, with the development of society and the influence of many different elements, women’s language is fading in social culture or more precisely is becoming androgyny. Women’s language is different from that in stereotype and there is even “bad” language in women’s frontstage talk.

1.2 Research Significance

Under the influence of traditional culture, compared with men, women have a more implicit and restraining image in traditional views. Women should speak and talk in a gentle and polite way. Bad language or even swearwords are unacceptable for women. But with the development of society, women have enhanced their self-awareness and social status. In addition, equality of men and women has been spread in mainstream ideology, female language has some different characteristics. This research is aimed to break traditional cognition about female and female language, and to reflect the transformation and improvement of women’s self-awareness and social status. At the same time, there is also a question whether the androgyny of female language is the rebellion against traditional roles or the compromise on the male-dominated society.

1.3 Structure

This paper will be divided into six parts. In the first chapter, there is the introduction of research background and significance. With the development of society and the improvement of women’s self-awareness, female language has some different characteristics, and they even use some bad language. In the second chapter, a literature review of Dramaturgy, language and gender, female style and researched home and abroad is presented. The third chapter is research methodology. This research will take female students of SEU for example and use questionnaires and interviews to collect and analyze the data. The forth chapter are data analysis and discussions, including women’s cognition, acceptance and use of bad language. In addition to individual and social reasons for the use of bad language, this chapter will also discuss individual influence on and social meaning about the use of bad language. The fifth chapter will bring the whole research into a conclusion, including some major findings and research limitation and suggestions for future study.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Dramaturgy

Dramaturgy is advanced by the sociologist Erving Goffman in The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life (1959). Goffman argues that the world is a stage and everyone plays a role on this stage. He thinks that the interbehavior of people could be regarded as a kind of performance. Huang Jiansheng gives some detailed analysis on the performance. He says that there is not a pure performer or observer during their interbehavior because performance and observation is successive process and everyone needs to play both performer and observer anytime. Goffman also says that actually, the role is limited by expectations from others or the society. For example, if someone is a “father”, the society has many standards and requirements for the role. These standards and requirements are just the expectations. Therefore, in order to meet the expectations, people try their best to perform according to their understanding of surrounding environment. However, this may not be their true colors.

2.2 Language and Gender

The difference between physical and mental characteristics of the male and female has been universally acknowledged for a long time. However, people didn’t focus on the language and gender until some descriptive reports were published since 1664 (Jespersen, 1922). The main representative of these scholars is a Danish linguist, Otto Jespersen who elaborates characteristics of the female language in detail in Language: Its Nature, Development and Origin (1922).

Many scholars (Jespersen, 1922; Lakoff, 1975) find that the female prefer exaggerated and emphatic words such as so, vastly, perfectly, extremely, immensely, terrific, always, etc. Jespersen thinks that this is shallow but John Gray (1992) argues that the female use exaggerated words in order to attract men’s attention or make a strong impression. Lakoff says that the female also prefer words about colors and use them more than the male.

In addition, women’s speech and actions should comply with the standards made by the society, otherwise they will be blamed and they could be regarded to be ill-bred. So the female use more euphemism but the male can use taboo words without limitation (Jespersen, 1922; Lakoff, 1975; Coates, 1993).

However, recently, women are becoming use some words and sentences which are used by men before. Zhang Yanshuang argues in her article Reflection on Characteristics of Women’s Speech from the Perspective of Sociolinguistics (2010) that it is of interest that men’s language is adopted by women but men would not like to use women’s language.

2.3 Female Style

There’s always been a stereotype that women should act and talk in gentle and polite ways, otherwise they would be regarded as ill-bred ones. So many scholars also research the style and characteristics of the female language. Ma Xiujuan(2015) gives some detailed description of female language style. She says that the female are sensitive to normative pronunciation and they use received pronunciation more often than the male. The female would use more euphemism and formulaic language to show their elegance and cultivate. Ma Xiujuan also finds that the female prefer questions and subjunctive mood to avoid awkward situations.

But there have been some changes of female style. The female become androgynous gradually and they begin to break the stereotype and choose some male words. These women desire to be more strong and receive more respect. In Reflection on Characteristics of Women’s Speech from the Perspective of Sociolinguistics (2010), Zhang Yanshuang argues that many self-respecting women would use language of male style which is a relatively recent development.

2.4 Researched Home and Abroad

Danish linguist Otto Jespersen says that the female avoid vulgar and dirty words; they choose to use refined, implicit and indirect expression (1922). English linguist Gomn had a sample survey which indicates that the male use more vulgarity than the female (1984). In the related domestic research, Chinese linguistics just started and there are three characteristics. Firstly, some monographs begin to put forward gender language, such as the works written by Ye Feisheng, Xu Tongqiang (1997), Chen Yuan (1983) and Chen Songcen (1985). Secondly, some summarized articles such as Han Junzheng(1987) and Yan Yun (1987) study gender language and discrimination between them. Thirdly, some scholars begin to research gender discrimination and gender difference, such as Cao Yun (1986). Sun Rujian (1997) also discusses gender language from the perspective of social psychology.

Chapter Three Research Methodology

3.1 Research Objectives and Participants

With the development of society, women have enhanced their self-awareness and social status. In addition, equality of men and women has been spread in mainstream ideology, female language has some different characteristics. As a particular group, university students experience huge changes of economy, politics and culture in their time. Furthermore, the special cultural atmosphere in universities makes their language unique, diverse, fashion and creative. University students easily accept new thins and they are good at imitation. This research will focus on the use of bad language in women’s frontstage talk and make discussion about women’s cognition, acceptance and use of bad language. Besides, it will also analyze the reasons and influence. The participants of the research are the female students of SEU, including different grades and specialties. 90 female students finish the research and give valid data for analysis. 57 of them are arts students and the other 33 are science and engineering students.

3.2 Instruments

3.2.1 Questionnaire

There are totally 20 questions in the questionnaire. The first four questions are about the respondents’ basic personal information, including their grades, specialties,parents’ careers and growth environment. Three questions are about the situation of “frontstage”. Some questions are aimed to research the respondents’ cognition, acceptance and use of bad language. Besides, some questions are designed to research the reasons and influence. Part of the questionnaire is presented for reference:

  1. Under what circumstances would you like to use bad language?

A. In the online social networking context.

B. At a private party.

C. In the dormitory.

D. In public places.

  1. Do you think it is ashamed if someone uses bad language in public places?

A. Yes.

B. No.

C. It doesn’t matter.

  1. Which one could be the reason when someone uses bad language?

A. Because he or she is ill-bred.

B. Because he or she wants to express or release feelings.

C. Because he or she wants to strengthen what he or she says.

3.2.2 Interview

The interview is designed for more detailed information about the interviewees’ use of bad language. One of the two interviewees is an arts student and the other one is an science and engineering student. They live and study in different surroundings, and they come into touch with different number of male students and friends. Both of them admit that they would use bad language in daily life.

The interview has some questions based on Gramaturgy, such as “ Would you use bad language when you are in class and are with your classmates?” or “Do you mind using bad language in front of male or female friends?” Also, they are asked about the reasons why they would choose to use bad language.

3.3 Data Collection

Since the questionnaires are published online, within a very short time, 90 valid questionnaires have been collected.

Chapter Four Data Analysis and Discussions

4.1 Data Analysis

4.1.1 Questionnaire

What is your major?

The data show that 63.33% of the respondents are arts students and with analysis on their questionnaires, 56.14% admit that they often use bad language in daily life; 36.67% of the respondents are science and engineering students and 81.82% say they use bad language in daily life frequently.

When would you use bad language?

When asked in which situation you or your friends would use bad language, 76.67% of them choose in the dormitory and 66.67% choose in the online social networking context. Only 6.67% of respondents say that they would use bad language in public places.

About the acceptance of bad language, 65.56% of respondents give positive answers and 17.77% give negative answers. When they use bad language on some social networking platform such as wechat, 86.67% of respondents would choose to shield it from the sight of parents, teachers and elders; only 5.56% of respondents would not let friends see it. When asked if it is ashamed when someone uses language in public places, 74.44% think it is ashamed and 13.33% says no. 12.22% of respondents think it doesn’t matter. The questionnaire also gives some examples of bad language, and 60% of respondents choose the worst ones of these examples.

What could be the reasons why you use bad language?

The last question is about the reasons for the use of bad language. 81.11% of the respondents think that friends’ language style and the Internet have the largest effects on their use of bad language and some respondents also consider the growth environment and their specialties can cause the changes of their language.

4.1.2 Interview

In the interview, both of them honestly admit that sometimes they would use bad language not only in private places such as their own dormitories but also in public places. They say that it becomes quite a habit to use bad language to show their emotions. When asked about the influence factors why they would use bad language, they think that the Internet could be an important one. University students spend much time online everyday and they can receive a great deal of information on different social platforms where bad language is wide spread. Besides, they are also influenced by some literary works and films.

As for the question that if you would use bad language in class when you are with your classmates, the arts student says that she won’t use it because there is also a teacher in the classroom. But the science and engineering one says it is common for them to say some impolite and bad language in front of the teachers because in her class most of the students are male and the male students would always use bad language. So she is also influenced and uses it with the boys as a habit. She says that teachers also doesn’t care about it.

The last question is that if you also use bad language in front of your parents or other elders, and they have a negative answer. Thy say frankly that parents have deep-rooted traditional views. They regard their daughter as a great lady with elegant behavior and speech. In order to play the role of daughter well, they will show their respect for the elders and act like that they are quiet and shy. They even never say any impolite words when staying with their parents.

4.2. Discussions

4. 2. 1 Women’s Cognition of “Bad” Language

In this research, it is found that as a particular group, university students can come into contact with more and more new things through a variety of channels with the development of the society and science and technology. They are curious and could be easily attracted by the new things. Furthermore, in such a society with advanced information network, they are able to keep in touch with current events and follow the trend of the times without going outside. Under such circumstances, it is easy for the female to come into contact with bad language.

In this research, some respondents, who often use bad language, think that the uncivilized and vulgar words can be regarded as bad language, including some disparaging terms for the female and some dirty talk referring to sex characteristics. On the contrary, to some respondents who seldom or never use bad language, they say it is equal to impolite language. For instance, someone does not use please, would you like when he or she asks for help; someone just gives indifferent response without saying thank you sincerely when others give him or her a hand; someone does not make an apology earnestly or even makes excuses when causing distress or harm to others. These female students think their friends and themselves seldom use dirty words which makes them not take notice of it.

4.2.2 Women’s Acceptance of “Bad” Language

In the research, there are also some questions about the acceptance of bad language. Most of these respondents say that they can accept the use of bad language to a great extent but the others give a negative answer. Some even show whole rejection. Respondents with positive attitude think that in order to release their feelings, they would like to use bad language sometimes. Everyone has some emotions to vent in daily life, so it is reasonable and acceptable when uttering an expression of disgust. The group holding negative attitude argue that people ought to learn to discipline themselves. There are many other more civilized ways in which can give out their emotions. Whats more, the female should pay more attention to their actions and language than the male because they need to keep elegant and well-bred. But at the same time, these respondents also think that it is normal for the male to use bad language because of their own characteristics and it can even make the male seem to be cool.

4. 2. 3 Women’s Use of “Bad” Language

Using bad language or not would be different when women are on different occasions, which is based on Goffman’s Dramaturgy. For example, when a woman stays with her parents, she needs to play the role of a daughter, even though she is used to using bad language actually. In her parents’ eyes, she should be well-bred, soft and elegant and her actions should be like those of a traditional woman. Therefore, she needs to watch what she says or does subconsciously. She absolutely won’t say any bad language, even some impolite words which are not allowed.

When she is in her dormitory, the situation is different. There she can return to what she should be, especially when she is alone. Then she can release her feelings such as grievance, sorrow, depression and surprise completely. She can talk to herself with some words that she won’t say in consideration of her impression or she will publish some status on the Internet where nobody knows who she is anyway.

4. 2. 4 Reasons for the Use of “Bad” Language

4. 2. 4.1 Individual Reasons for the Use of “Bad” Language

The first reason is lack of automatic control ability. Compared to boring and dull life, which is full of studying and tests, in the high school, university life is colorful and free without restraint from parents and teachers. However, different problems will follow. Some university students idle all day and they will lose clear goals soon. At the same time, they would face a lot of difficulties in respects of studying, life and interpersonal communication. When they get increasing pressure, the female students may choose a way causing the least harm to others or to the whole society which is just the bad language; sometimes the male students may choose more violent methods.

The second reason is lack of the traditional virtue of tolerance. They are the apple of their parents’ eyes and are used to be self-centered. When they have problems with others, Under normal circumstances, they will consider themselves first instead of thinking from others’ point. At this time, they will speak loudly and bad language would appear without controlling. They want to say something as bad as possible to assert their dignity and benefits.

4. 2. 4.2 Social Reasons for the Use of “Bad” Language

In the current pluralistic society, university students would be influenced by many elements such as the worship of money. In addition, university students have a good ability to accept and make use of what they come into contact with from the society, the TV programs or the Internet. Sometimes the roles of films or works would use bad language to control atmosphere and they will be regarded to be cool or fashion. Compared with the male students, the female ones spend more time in watching films or programs which could be a reason for the use of bad language.

Living environment is also an important reason for the use of bad language. According to the research, the female students who have more male friends or classmates would use more bad language than others. The society hold tolerant attitude towards men’s use of bad language which becomes a kind of habit for the male. During the communication with male friends, women would be easily attracted by their topics and be influenced by their language style. When all the friends have an open mind to bad language, she doesn’t think it is a problem to say bad language and she may use it on purpose in order to get close to her friends.

4. 2. 5 Influence and Meaning

4. 2. 5.1 Influence on Individual Woman

Women’s use of bad language can reflect that with the development of society, the female have enhanced their self-awareness. They want to break the stereotype that women are weak groups and they are eager for equality between men and women. With the use of bad language, women look like stronger and don’t need protection from men anymore. They can strive for their own rights and benefit. However, because most of the male are used to bad language, there will be a problem that in a family, both parents would set bad examples for their children, which may bring negative effects on their growth and behavior in the future.

4. 2. 5.2 Social Meaning

The female begin to speak like the male and it means that women want equality between men and women, which has been spread all over the world for a long time but doesn’t come true even until now. The society should notice that women desire better social status which should cause the government’s attention and actions. Also, in consideration of young people’s healthy growth, related departments need to take actions to check the cultural market and create good social and cultural environment.

Chapter Five Conclusions

5.1 Major Findings

According to the research which is based on Dramaturgy, it is found that it becomes more and more normal for women to use bad language in their frontstage talk and when they are under different circumstances, things would be different. According to different situations, they play different social roles and choose suitable language to talk with different people. There are many different reasons for them to use bad language including individual and social reasons. The changes of female language style also has individual and social meanings. It indicates that women wants to break the stereotype and they desire to get higher social status.

5.2 Research Limitation and Suggestions for Future Study

It is original and interesting to research women’s use of bad language. The research uses questionnaires and interview which can collect both general and detailed information. But since the topic is a little bit private, some female students would not answer all questions frankly. Besides, female students of SEU is also a limited example. For future study, it is important that researchers should break the stereotype and hold a new and open attitude towards problems about the female. Also, it should be considered that whether the androgyny of female language is the rebellion against traditional roles or the compromise on the male-dominated society.


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