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 2022-04-12 19:55:28  


摘 要





This paper studies the impact of the establishment of buyout funds by listed companies on corporate performance. Starting from the growing buyout fund market, it is explored whether the buyout funds established by listed companies will affect the performance of the company and whether the buyout funds have been invested, whether there are related transactions at the time of establishment, whether the listed company has voting rights in its investment committee, and the performance of the company. Through empirical research methods, we collected and collected the sample of buyout funds established in 2016-2019 from Juchao Online. The study found that the establishment of buyout funds by listed companies has an impact on corporate performance, and listed companies have voting rights in buyout funds. The actual investment of buyout funds will bring growth to corporate performance. At the end of the paper, combined with the typical case of buyout fund to create enterprise value and the detailed information of buyout fund collected, it puts forward effective and effective suggestions for listed companies to establish buyout funds and improve performance.

In the wave of establishing buyout funds, the research on buyout funds can understand the motivation of listed companies to establish buyout funds, and study the mechanism of buyout funds to create enterprise performance, thus helping listed companies to better create appropriate buyout funds; In principle, listed companies conduct appropriate and complete information disclosure and continue the process of value creation to bring performance to the company. At the same time, the regulatory authorities formulate and improve relevant laws and regulations to form a good market order.

Key words: buyout funds; invest; corporate performance

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引言 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究意义 2

1.3研究的创新之处与不足 2

1.4研究思路与方法 3

第二章 文献综述 2

2.1文献综述 2

2.2文献述评 3

第三章 理论分析与研究假设 4

3.1理论分析 4

3.1.1协同效应与并购基金的投资并购行为 4

3.1.2委托代理理论与关联方现实 4

3.1.3满意决策理论与并购基金投资委员会 5

3.2研究假设 6

第四章 实证分析 8

4.1变量定义与模型设计 8

4.1.1模型建立 8

4.1.2衡量企业绩效的指标 8

4.1.3企业控制变量指标 9

4.1.4自变量选取 10

4.2数据来源及样本分析 10

第五章 实证分析结果 13

5.1总体假设检验 13

5.2变量相关性分析 13

5.3回归结果分析 14

5.4稳健性检验 16

第六章 研究结论与建议 18

6.1实证研究结论 18

6.2建议 18

6.2.1上市公司结合公司的优势寻求协同的合伙人成立并购基金 18

6.2.2上市公司与并购基金遵守法律法规,积极披露相关情况 19

6.3展望 19

致 谢 20

参考文献 21

第一章 引言





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