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 2022-04-14 20:49:19  


摘 要




关键词:P2P网络保险 互联网保险 监管 发展


The thesis is based on the theoretical research of P2P insurance which has been developing rapidly in recent years. It analyzes the development status of Internet insurance and mutual insurance, which is closely related to P2P insurance, and the process of developing P2P insurance abroad, and uses the questionnaire to analyze the market consumption. The attitude towards P2P insurance focuses on the challenges faced by China in the process of developing P2P insurance. Combining foreign experience in dealing with P2P insurance, put forward corresponding countermeasures to promote the development of P2P insurance in China.

The thesis first expounds the overview of P2P insurance, and analyzes its advantages, and analyzes the three modes of foreign P2P insurance. Secondly, it analyzes the domestic market and lists the main factors that may affect the development of P2P insurance through questionnaires and consumers' attitudes in the market, including the state, society and insurance itself. Then, according to the influencing factors that may affect the development of P2P insurance, the challenges faced by P2P insurance in the development process are proposed. Then, in the analysis of foreign experience in dealing with P2P insurance, the enlightenment can be used for reference.

Finally, the thesis puts forward some countermeasures for the challenges faced by P2P insurance development, and proposes for the development of P2P insurance in China.

Keyword:P2P insurance internet insurance regulation development

目 录

摘要 I


绪论 1

1.研究背景及问题提出 1

2. 研究目的与研究意义 1

3. 研究思路与论文框架 1

第一章 P2P网络保险及其国内外发展现状分析 3

1.1P2P网络保险的概述 3

1.2P2P网络保险优势 4

1.2.1普惠性 4

1.2.2低风险性 4

1.2.3技术性 4

1.3国外现状及发展历程 5

1.3.1德国Friendsurance公司 5

1.3.2英国Bought By Many公司 5

1.3.3美国Lemonade公司 6

1.4国内现状及潜在市场 7

1.4.1国内现状 7

1.4.2潜在市场 8

第二章 P2P网络保险发展的主要影响因素 9

2.1国家政策的影响 9

2.2经济发展水平的影响 9

2.3保险本身因素的影响 10

第三章 P2P网络保险发展面临的主要挑战 11

3.1保险经营牌照获取不易 11

3.2互联网保险监管制度不完善 12

3.3互联网保险机构有待规范 13

3.4保险产品需创新 14

3.5消费者对于网络保险的接受度不高 17

第四章 国外促进P2P网络保险发展的经验 18

4.1发挥互联网优势 18

4.1.1利用互联网渠道降低成本 18

4.1.2利用网络收集数据,创新出新的产品 18

4.2注重技术与保险的结合 18

4.2.1保险中数字技术的运用 18

4.2.2保险与区块链技术的结合 19

4.3加强监管 19

4.4发展互助文化 19

第五章 我国促进P2P网络保险发展的对策 20

5.1.鼓励发展保险科技 20

5.2.注重P2P网络保险的人才培养 20

5.3.注重P2P网络保险的创新 20

5.4.完善监管政策 21

5.4.1.健全互联网保险监管制度体系 21

5.4.2.完善互联网保险平台退出机制 22

5.4.3.禁止违规互联网平台保险业务 22

5.5借助文化,加强保险理念 23

结论 24

致 谢 25

参考文献: 26

附 录 28




此外,据ICMIF网站更新的全球相互保险市场份额的数据显示:中国相互类保险在2014 年的保费收入约为9.88亿美元,只达到全球市场的0.076%,在国内,只达到保险市场的0.3%左右;2015年,其保费收入约为7.797亿美元,占全球相互类保险市场份额的0.064%,占国内保险市场份额的0.2%左右。


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