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 2022-04-15 19:44:32  


摘 要





On May first, 2016, the financial industry was officially incorporated into the pilot program of “reform of replacing business tax with value-added tax”, and the taxation mode of the banking industry was changed from the business tax model to the value-added tax model. Different from other service industries, banking industry provides financial support for all walks of life as the key trade of the national economy. Banks are also the performers of the national fiscal policy and monetary policy, which are of great significance to the development of the real economy and the transformation and upgrading of the social economy. The “reform of replacing business tax with value-added tax” of the banking industry is related to the whole tax reform and social development, so we need to pay more attention on it and make careful study.

This paper aims to explore the impacts of “reform of replacing business tax with value-added tax” on commercial banks. Firstly, it explains the background and significance of the topic selection, and summarizes and comments relevant literature, as well as points out the approach and methods. Then it introduces the related concepts of “reform of replacing business tax with value-added tax”, and analyzes its necessity .Next, it specifically goes to the banking industry, and analyzes the changes brought about by the “reform of replacing business tax with value-added tax” on the accounting treatment, tax burden, balance sheet and income statement of commercial banks from the perspective of accounting. In addition, it carries out specific data analysis on CZB in the tax burden to meet the writing requirements. The innovation of the paper lies in that, it combines the situation of the head office and the subordinate branches of CZB to show the changes from many aspects when analyzing the change of tax burden. Finally, combined with the international experience in taxation of the financial industry, it puts forward some suggestions and measures for the “reform of replacing business tax with value-added tax” of commercial banks.

KEY WORDS:reform of replacing business tax with value-added tax ;commercial banks;impact and measures

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1选题背景及意义 1

1.1.1选题背景 1

1.1.2选题意义 2

1.2文献综述 2

1.3研究思路与方法 4

1.3.1研究思路 4

1.3.2研究方法 6

第二章 “营改增”相关概念介绍 7

2.1营业税 7

2.2增值税 7

2.3“营改增”的必要性 8

第三章 “营改增”对商业银行的影响 10

3.1“营改增”对商业银行会计处理的影响 10

3.1.1会计科目的变化 10

3.1.2会计分录的变化 10

3.2“营改增”对商业银行资产负债表的影响 10

3.2.1资产类账户的变化 10

3.2.2 负债类账户的变化 11

3.3“营改增”对商业银行利润表的影响 11

3.3.1收入类账户的变化 11

3.3.2成本费用类账户的变化 11

3.4“营改增”对商业银行税负的影响 11

3.4.1 对流转税的影响 11

3.4.2 对城建税及教育税附加的影响 13

3.4.3 对所得税的影响 13

3.4.4 以浙商银行为例分析税负变化 14

第四章 国际上对金融业的征税经验 18

第五章 “营改增”背景下商业银行的对策建议 20

5.1征管部门应采取的措施 20

5.1.1进一步完善商业银行的税收制度 20

5.1.2加大对商业银行的关注与重视 20

5.2商业银行应采取的措施 20

5.2.1全面正确认识此次税务改革 20

5.2.2提高会计核算人员素质 21

5.2.3优化完善自身财务管理制度 21

5.2.4重视增值税专用发票的管理 21

5.2.5加强内部纳税筹划 22

5.2.6积极关注社会各行业信用风险 22

第六章 结论 24

致 谢 25

参考文献 26

第一章 绪论



2011年,经国务院批准,财政部、国家税务总局联合下发营业税改征增值税的试点改革方案,规定从2012 年1月1日起,在上海市对交通运输业和部分现代服务业开展“营改增”试点工作。2013年8月,改革扩展到全国范围。到2016年5月1日,金融业、建筑业、房地产、生活服务业等全部并入“营改增”试点。自此,营业税正式从历史舞台谢幕。此次改革是1994年实行分税制改革以来,财税体制的又一次意义深刻而影响深远的变革。具体的改革历程如下图1.1所示:


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