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 2022-07-25 21:47:31  


摘 要



Research on the Influence of Personalized Recommendations on Consumers#39; Purchase Intention from the Perspective of Internet Brands--A Case Study of College Students


The maturity of Internet technology has promoted the rapid development of e-commerce, and online shopping has gradually become the preferred shopping method for most ordinary people. Meanwhile, information overload has seriously affected the decision-making efficiency of consumers and has become an urgent problem for mainstream e-commerce websites. In this context, a personalized recommendation system came into being. This paper will sort out the relevant literature of Chinese and foreign scholars, and define the personalized recommendation system as four dimensions: personalization, information layout, recommendation timing and recommendation method. Taking the four dimensions of personalized recommendation system as independent variables, consumers#39; purchasing intention as dependent variables, and network brands as regulatory variables, a research model was established. The questionnaire was designed based on the research model and questionnaires were distributed to college students. Data collection is done both online and offline. SPSS22 was used to perform multiple regression analysis and hierarchical regression analysis on the data. Based on the analysis results, the following conclusions were drawn: The personalized recommendation system has positive correlation effects on consumers#39; purchase intention from four different dimensions; the network brand only plays a regulatory role between the recommendation timing dimension and the purchase intention. Finally, according to the conclusions of the research, the author puts forward targeted suggestions for improving the personalized recommendation system for e-commerce websites, which has certain reference value.

Key words: personalized recommendation; purchase intention; network brand; regression analysis



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