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 2022-07-26 15:57:03  




Home wireless router logistics and series packaging structure design.

Abstract:With the emergence of Chinese e-commerce, the express industry has become a popular industry in China. Along with the economic explosion, has brought many related problems. The violent loading and unloading in the logistics process has caused damage to many products, which has brought a bad shopping experience to consumers and caused economic losses to the manufacturers. There are also a lot of garbage disposal problems that are difficult to solve, thus polluting the environment. Therefore, as an example with wireless router to logistics and recycling problems did the packing of the product innovation, thus reducing the damage to contents in the process of transportation, improve the consumer shopping experience. Packaging materials should be effective in protecting the built-in objects, have a certain strength, toughness and elasticity, insulated to resist impact, vibration, etc. The influence of the dynamic and static, and the influence of environmental factors. Many manufacturers now use foam plastics as a buffer to cover the surface. Although there is some protection effect, but the harm to the environment is immeasurable. And the cost is slightly higher, does not accord with the idea of green packaging. The right approach is to use low-cost materials that are low in cost and low in environmental pollution and can be reused. Therefore, the existing packaging of the market should be improved without affecting the original manufacturing system and recycling, thus reducing energy consumption, improving consumers#39; online shopping experience, and enhancing the personal interests of manufacturers.


Key words: wireless router, green, buffer packaging.


目前,过度包装在我国不少商品上仍严重存在。过度包装不仅严重地损害了消费者的利益,而且浪费了大量宝贵资源和污染环境。必须采取健全法律法规、运用经济手段、完善运行机制等措施限制过度包装。同时,应尽快地建立我国的绿色包装评价体系,积极发展绿色包装,从根本上解决过度包装问题[1]。随着科学与经济的不断发展,作为企业“ 第三利润源”的现代物流已经成为市场竞争的一个焦点, 受到社会各界的高度重视。包装作为现代物流的一个重要环节,已经取得了突飞猛进的发展, 它既是商品生产的终点, 又是商品流通的起点,包装一般分为销售包装和运输包装, 随着现代物流的发展,对包装(尤其是运输包装)提出了更高的要求[2]。

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