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 2022-07-26 15:57:23  




Serial logistics and packaging design of non - stick pan


With the rapid development of the Internet, exchanges and integration have been achieved among cultures in various countries. As the mainstream kitchenware of Western food, the non - stick pot is gradually appearing in the kitchen of Chinese family. And because the popularity of online shopping is increasing, more and more consumers choose to buy non - stick pan online. In order to distribute the goods accurately, the express industry is emerging one after another, but the speed of development does not match the personnel quality and management experience, so the damage often occurs. Aiming at the problem of cargo damage caused by rough loading and unloading on the way of logistics, innovative design that made for the packaging structure of the non stick pan, which effectively reduces the damage rate of the non stick pan in the logistics and transportation, and improves the service quality and level of the logistics. This paper focuses on the analysis of the current situation of domestic logistics and transportation, as well as the research status at home and abroad. The direction and purpose of the innovative design are put forward.

key words: non - stick pan、liner、cushioning packages


随着科技快速发展,我国物流业也实现了加速振兴,网上购物的出现大大方便了人们的生活,也因此风靡全国。作为物流流通运输重要组成部分的快递行业,发展趋势良好,成为了电子商务实物配送的主要途径。2016 年中国快递业年业务量已突破 300 亿件大关,达到 312.8 亿件,同比增长 51.4%,快递业务增量达 106.1 亿件;2016 年中国快递年业务量已占全球年快递量约 700 亿件的四成份额。由此可见,我国快递市场发展空间巨大,快递企业连接了供需两端,正积极提高服务能力,服务于各行各业。

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