2022-08-02 14:05:04
[摘要] 豆制品因蛋白质含量高,氨基酸组成合理,并具有生理活性功能而越来越受广大消费者的欢迎。但是,在豆制品加工过程中会产生大量的弱酸性高浓度有机废水。若不加以合理处理,排入水体,则易造成水体富营养化,严重污染地表地下水体,影响当地居民的生活质量和附近的环境质量。因此,建设合理有效的豆制品废水治理工程十分必要。
Summary of Wastewater Treatment Methods for Bean Production in Anji County, Zhejiang Province
Abstract: Due to the high protein content of soybeans, amino acid composition and rational physiological activity and more and more consumers are welcome. However, a large amount of weakly acidic, high-concentration organic wastewater is produced during soybean product processing. If not properly disposed of into the water body, it is easy to cause water eutrophication, serious pollution of surface water body, affecting the quality of life of local residents and the surrounding environment quality. Therefore, building a reasonable and effective soybean wastewater treatment project is necessary.
[Key words] soy products, wastewater treatment, treatment project
浙江省安吉县某豆制品生产企业日产废水约5000 m3。废水主要来源于生产过程中的黄浆水、清洗水以及少量生活污水,主要污染为高浓度碳水化合物、蛋白质、氨基酸等,还含有少量的食用油、食盐和食品添加剂。
豆制品废水具有较好的可生物降解性,适宜用生物法处理。生物处理可分为好氧生物处理、厌氧生物处理和厌氧- 好氧结合处理3 种方式。