摘 要
Since the middle of the 20th century, the changing trend of childcare on a global scale is that the traditional family-assuming responsibilities have gradually been shared by the market and the country. However, under this trend, China’s childcare policy has not changed much. It still regards the family as the exporting subject of childcare services, and assumes a large part of the responsibility for childcare, especially in the policy environment of comprehensive two children, which is bound to affect the family. Create a huge burden. Although there are some private childcare institutions in the Chinese market, the frequent occurrence of child abuse cases leads to the weakening of the role of the market sharing of childcare responsibilities. The family has a sense of mistrust of the lack of standardized and managed childcare markets, and the responsibility for childcare is The pace of "familyization" has stagnated. Therefore, from the theoretical perspective of the welfare system, this article explores the collective sharing of responsibilities for the state, the market, and the family, and attempts to answer: What does the responsibility for internship specifically refer to? Why should the responsibility for childcare be shared by the country, the market, and the family? How can the responsibilities for childcare be divided reasonably to ensure that the country, the market and the family trinity provide welfare for 0-3 year-old children?
The division of the welfare system by Espin Anderson is the theoretical perspective of this paper to analyze the responsibility of internship, and it is also an important reference to divide the responsibility of internship. The degree of marketization of welfare provision determines different methods of division of responsibilities. Conservatism welfare system countries have a generally conservative education policy, and the country bears less responsibility. The education policy of social welfare welfare state countries far exceeds the other two methods in the quality and quantity of welfare provision; Liberal welfare system. The state encourages individuals to obtain welfare in the market, and at the same time subsidizes groups that cannot normally obtain marketized benefits, mainly by the market. From the perspective of the operation of the three welfare systems, conservatism still prefers to impose all responsibility for childcare on the family. Social democracy emphasizes that the state bears most of it. Liberalism emphasizes the role of the market in the realization of social welfare. The country plays a role in filling the market. With the development of this theory, the East Asian national model was proposed as a new system. Because East Asian countries and China have a lot of similarities, this paper will explore the Chinese model based on this combination of the advantages of the other three welfare systems.
The structure of this article is divided into three parts: introduction, text, and conclusion. The introduction part introduced the research background, research design, thesis framework and so on. The main body consists of four chapters. First, it discusses the division of childcare policies and responsibilities under different welfare systems. Second, it analyzes China’s policy evolution and responsibility sharing. It then proposes the fourth possible model, the East Asia model, and analyzes the East Asian countries’ The internship policy will then compare East Asia with China and analyze the risks or deficiencies that China needs to avoid when drawing lessons. Finally, on the basis of the above-mentioned theory, the method of division of responsibility for childcare of 0-3 year-old children in China and the design of schemes for ensuring the implementation of responsibility are carried out.
Key Words: Welfare regime; Child care; Public policy; Government’s responsibility; Family’s responsibility; Marketization
摘要 II
Abstract III
第一章 绪论 1
第一节 研究背景及意义 1
第二节 研究现状 2
(1) 福利体制下家庭、市场与国家的关系 2
(2) 托育的相关研究 2
第三节 研究设计 4
一、 相关概念界定 4
(1) 托育责任 4
(2) 托育机构 4
(3) 福利体制 4
二、 理论视角 5
三、 分析框架 5
四、 研究思路 6
五、 研究方法 7
(1) 政策文献研究 7
(2) 访谈研究 7
(3) 比较研究 7
第二章 各福利体制下托育政策与责任划分分析 8
第一节 保守主义福利体制 8
一、 托育政策背景与模式 8
二、 托育政策内容分析 8
第二节 社会民主主义福利体制 9
一、 托育政策背景与模式 9
二、 托育政策内容分析 9
第三节 自由主义福利体制 10
一、 托育政策背景与模式 10
二、 托育政策内容分析 10
第三章 中国托育政策的演变及托育责任分配的现状分析 11
一、 中国托育政策的演变 11
(1) 新中国成立到1980年代中期 11
(2) 1980年代中期至今 12
二、 对中国托育政策演变的分析 13
三、 中国托育责任分配现状 13
(1) 家庭为主 13
传统托育提供者——母亲 13