
 2022-02-14 19:40:25


摘 要


关键词:高密茂腔 民间文化 草根性 市场经济 国家

The Complication of State、Market and Folk Culture

——A Case Study of Historical Sociology in Gaomi Maoqiang


The folk culture, born in local and developed in local, has gone into a dilemma under the modern marketing economy and the development of mass media. Audience atrophy and living space have been squeezed, make its have to rely on the support of the government in response to the survival crisis. But the excessive intervention of national influence grassroots folk culture essence, make its gradually from the foundation of survival. Moreover, long-term under the aegis of the national folk culture is difficult to adapt to the fierce competition market. From the perspective of historical sociology, this study explores the interaction between folk culture and the country, the market. Select Gaomi Maoqiang of Shandong province as an example, which is the first listed as state-level non-material cultural heritage list is the common name. Through field research and literature research, the state-owned property of Gaomi Maoqiang troupe as the breakthrough point, analysis the process of interaction with Maoqiang and the government, the double identity of state –owned troupe have influence on the development of Maoqiang, and Maoqiang troupe how to cope with the change of the cultural market. Further, to explore how to balance between the grassroots and national in the development process of folk culture, and how to deal with market economy competition.

Key Word:Gaomi Maoqiang Folk Culture Grass Root Market Economy State


第一章 绪论………………………………………………………………………… 6


二、研究意义 …………………………………………………………………… 7

第二章 文献回顾 ………………………………………………………………… 7




第三章 研究设计 ………………………………………………………………… 10

一、研究思路 ……………………………………………………………………10


三、研究方法 ……………………………………………………………………11


(二)文献研究 ……………………………………………………………11

第四章 国家力量逐渐渗入源起于乡土社会的茂腔(建国前夕—1978) ………12

一、历史视域下的民间小调——街头艺人到家庭戏班 ……………………… 12

二、应乡土市场之需求创建业余剧团——政府力量开始渗入 ………………13

三、为政治而生的宣传工具——国家力量完全控制剧团 ……………………14

第五章 艰难走向市场的茂腔(1978--2005) ………………………………………15

一、市场需求刺激下的复苏 ……………………………………………………15

二、与政府合作现代戏以应对市场萎缩 ………………………………………16

三、市场不景气、政府不重视下的生存危机 …………………………………17

第六章 国家力量为主,市场力量为辅的稳定共治(2006至今) ………………17

一、政府推动下的“申遗”之路 …………………………………………………17

二、迎合市场需求的企业制变革 ………………………………………………19

三、国家与市场两股力量交织下茂腔发展特点 ………………………………19

(一)政府资金扶持及剧团工资收入情况 ………………………………20

(二)演出形式及内容 ……………………………………………………20

(三)传承机制的革新 ……………………………………………………22

第七章 结语 ………………………………………………………………………22

一、民间文化的“草根性”:生存根基受到破坏 ………………………………23

二、民间文化遭遇现代化:市场竞争下的艰难挣扎 …………………………24

三、地方小戏到国家文化符号:草根性与国家性的博弈 ……………………25

参考文献 …………………………………………………………………………… 27

致谢 …………………………………………………………………………………29


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