目 录
1引言 5
2文学语言中的传统神话角色造型 5
2.1人与动物崇拜的结合 6
2.2对人体结构的夸张与变形 6
2.3具有神奇功能的工具 8
3中国传统神话动画角色造型特点 8
3.1回归人体造型 9
3.2对色彩造型的强调 10
3.3 传统文化符号的丰富运用 11
4传统神话动画角色造型的现代传播 12
4.1 更利于适龄儿童的接受 12
4.2 更具有艺术性 13
4.3 更具有传统文化色彩 14
5《年》中角色造型分析 14
5.1 年兽对传统造型元素的运用 14
5.2 年兽对传统色彩的运用 15
5.3年兽角色定位与形象表达 15
6结语 15
参考文献 16
致谢 17
中国传统神话题材动画角色造型特点分析 ——以毕业设计《年》为例
Abstract: Myth is the treasure of human culture and history. Chinese mythology has a long history and rich content, which is the source of modern cultural and artistic creation. Chinese mythology has been around since the beginning of pangu and the creation of nuwa. At the same time, the mythological image of China has its own abstract and exaggerated artistic features, and its definition and description are different in different times. Mythological image enhances the appreciation of animation art with its unique mystery and taste. This has confirmed that Chinese mythology and its image is an important part of animation creation, and it has the role of revitalizing Chinese animation industry. In animation art is the soul of the animated cartoon, animation characters in the ancient myth image characters can not only become a fertile soil of Chinese animation creation, will also be able to provide for its response the cultural connotation of national aesthetic characteristics. This article aims to by trying to images of the ancient Chinese myth and the existing traditional myth theme in-depth analysis of the characteristics of the animation role modelling, refining our rich traditional art and culture, provide certain theoretical guidance for my graduation creation, through to strengthen my missing in the animation modelling.
key words: traditional myths role modelling, animation modelling characteristics, modern communications