
 2022-04-25 20:07:29


摘 要




Nanjing Banqiao New City commercial land supporting road is the most important construction road of Xincheng, including road engineering and bridge engineering. Shizha Lake sewage pipe network is also the most important project for the future development of Banqiao New City. Banqiao River is an important river water source in Banqiao New Town, which has the function of water storage and flood control. In addition to the topography and surface water system complexity of the project site, there are also problems of demolition of old residents of the factories and mines in the field. It is the key remediation and transformation area of ​​Nanjing. In order to adapt to urban development and promote urbanization, we will conduct on-the-spot investigation and sampling of the main supporting roads (the second phase of the northeast main group of the new city, No. 3 Street), and conduct in-situ testing, indoor geotechnical tests, etc., to collect relevant geology. Data, compile corresponding report materials, and make comprehensive and accurate analysis and evaluation for on-site engineering geological conditions. This provides the necessary design parameters for engineering design. At the same time, the hydrogeological conditions of Shishui Lake waters were investigated, and the redesigned operation of the sewage pipe network was carried out according to the corresponding report and related plans to establish a sound and complete sewage discharge pipeline system. Through this geotechnical investigation, some reasonable suggestions and program demonstrations are made for the treatment of poor foundations, design of pipeline lines, and prevention of unfavorable geological disasters, which provide a basis for construction drawing design and geotechnical management.

Keywords: geotechnical investigation, hydrogeology, pipeline construction design,pipe jacking

目 录

摘 要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

第一章 绪论 1

1.1工程概况 1

1.2勘察目的 2

1.3勘察任务 2

1.4执行的规范、标准 3

第二章 实施勘察 4

2.1勘察方案原则 4

2.2勘察工作思路 4

2.3勘察内容 4

2.3.1工程测量 4

2.3.2勘察工作评述 5

2.3.3勘察实施及实际完成的工作量 8

第三章 工程地质条件与物理力学性质指标 9

3.1地形地貌 9

3.2地层的划分和评述 9

3.3土层物理力学性质指标 10

3.3.1指标的统计、评述 10

3.3.2指标的选用 10

3.3.3土的固结试验指标(平均值) 11

3.3.4变形验算(平均值) 11

第四章 场地与地基的地震效应 12

4.1基本地震动峰值加速度和基本地震动加速度反应谱特征周期 12

4.2场地类别的划分 12

4.3地基土液化判别 13

4.4抗震地段 13

4.5软土震陷评价 13

第五章 水文地质条件 14

5.1地表水 14

5.2场地水类型与水位 14

5.3地下水的补给、径流、排泄条件 14

5.4地层渗透性评价 14

5.5水的腐蚀性评价 15

5.6土的腐蚀性评价 16

第六章 工程地质评价与路基基础方案 18

6.1场地稳定性评价 18

6.2特殊性岩土及不良地质处理办法 18

6.2.1特殊性岩土 18

6.2.2不良地质 18

6.3地基土评价 18

6.4岩土工程设计参数 19

6.5路基基础方案 19

第七章 石闸湖、板桥河地域勘察 20

7.1实施完成勘察工作量 20

7.2工程测量 20

7.2.1测量控制点 20

7.2.2工程测量精度和方法 20

7.3岩、土体工程地质条件 21

7.3.1地形、地貌 21

7.3.2岩、土体工程地质层的划分和评述 21

7.3.3岩体工程地质评价 22

7.4物理力学指标 23

7.4.1物理力学指标的统计、评述 23

7.4.2统计物理力学指标的选用 23

7.5场地水文地质条件 25

7.5.1地表水 25

7.5.2场地水类型与水位 25

7.5.3地基土层的透水性评价 26

7.5.4场地环境类型 26

7.5.5地下水、土的腐蚀性评价 26

7.6场地分析 27

7.6.1场地土类型和场地类别 27

7.6.2饱和砂性土液化判别 28

7.6.3抗震地段 29

7.6.4场地地基土的震陷及沉陷敏感性评价 29

7.7岩土工程评价 29

第八章 石闸湖污水管线设计 31

8.1地质概况 31

8.2设计原则 31

8.2.1设计依据 31

8.2.2设计参数 32

8.3处理设计 32

8.3.1污水线路设计 32

8.3.2管材及基础 32

8.3.3污水检查井 32

8.3.4施工工艺 32

8.3.5确定标高 33

8.4进行施工 34

8.4.1施工顺序 34

8.4.2顶管工程施工 34

8.4.3施工监测 35

8.5施工安全措施及技术要求 35

第九章 小结与建议 36

9.1小结 36

9.2建议 36

参考文献 38

附录Ⅰ工程地质剖面图 39

附录Ⅱ物理力学指标统计表 40


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