
 2022-02-13 18:23:28


摘 要


本文根据红谷隧道的设计文件,借助COMSOL Multiphysics软件,对隧道结构进行了有限元分析。本文首先在简化接头的情况下分析了所有管节的受力与变形情况,然后针对应力最高的管节接头进行了精细化的实体建模。另外,针对沉管隧道的主要风险源不均匀沉降,本文通过模拟沉降后的接头内力变化,探究了沉降大小与内力水平的关系。本文应用层次分析法,整合了各种隧道监测数据,赋予了它们不同的权重,从而计算隧道整体的安全等级。




It is essential to fully assess health status of Nanchang Honggu Immersed Tube Tunnel for its construction and maintenance. Joint is the most vulnerable part of immersed tube tunnel. Once damaged, it will not only affect mechanical performance, but also water tightness of the tunnel. Hence joint needs to be analyzed critically. Meanwhile, policymakers need a quantitative evaluation on total health status based on various monitoring data of the tunnel, in order to allocate resources for tunnel maintenance more efficiently.

The article operates an FEM analysis on tunnel structure using COMSOL Multiphysics based on design files of Honggu tunnel. The article firstly analyzes stress and deformation of all tubes in the condition of joints simplified. Afterwards, the article operates a detailed analysis of joint at the position where stress is among the highest level. Furthermore, the article simulates the change of stress at the joint after settlement and studies the relationship between settlement level and stress level since differential settlement is the main risk of immersed tube tunnel. The article applies APH to integrate various monitoring data and endow them with different weights and finally, figure out total safety level of the tunnel.

Below are main results of the article: Structure of Honggu tunnel meets requirements on strength and deformation in a stable status. Steel shear keys are able to resist high level stress at the joint. Positive correlation between differential settlement and stress in shear keys is preliminary figured out; A algorithm based on APH is given to assess total safety level, deducts through an example.

Key words: Immersed Tube Tunnel; Health Assessment; FEM; Analytic Hierarchy Process


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.2国内外研究现状 3

1.2.1沉管隧道发展概况 3

1.2.2沉管隧道接头发展概况 4

1.3沉管隧道及沉管接头简介 4

1.3.1沉管隧道特点 4

1.3.2接头主要部件 5

1.3.3接头类型 6

1.4沉管隧道健康诊断与评估方法 7

1.5本文内容 8

1.5.1研究内容 8

1.5.2技术路线 8

第二章 有限元方法分析隧道结构内力与变形 9

2.1力学模型 9

2.2边界条件 10

2.2.1隧道设计方法必选 10

2.2.2确定沉管结构的荷载 10

2.2.3土压力计算 11

2.2.4水压力 13

2.2.5地基抗力 13

2.2.6小结 14

2.3建模过程 14

2.3.1沉管管段模型 14

2.3.2端钢壳、剪力键、止水带与橡胶垫板模型 16

2.4结果分析 18

2.4.1管节变形与应力分布 18

2.4.2混凝土管段强度检验 20

2.4.3剪力键模拟结果分析 23

2.4.4 止水带和橡胶垫板模拟结果分析 25

2.4.5 本章小结 27

2.5.1参数设置 27

2.5.2结果分析 28

第三章 层次分析法评级隧道安全等级 31

3.1隧道结构病害及其成因分析 31

3.2隧道健康评价指标体系的建立 34

3.3评价结果的判定 36

3.4算例演绎 36

3.4.1建立评价指标层次模型 36

3.4.2总体评价结果的判定 37

第四章 结论与展望 46

4.1结论 46

3.3展望 46

参考文献 47

致谢 50

第一章 绪论


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