摘 要
- 根据已有文献,研究和总结归纳滨海相盐渍土的成因、分布特点、工程特性以及对工程的危害等,将依据《灌云路基试验段土壤化学分析报告》得出的现场土样含盐种类及含盐量作为参考,配制不同含盐量的土样进行试验。
- 通过室内试验,测量研究了试验所用海安土的基本物理力学指标,进行颗粒分析试验等,判断其为高液限粘土,可以用来配置不同含盐量的土,以模拟现场各种含盐量的土。
- 完成水泥、石灰不同掺量比下固化土样的实验。进行了各种掺量下试样的无侧限抗压强度试验。通过对水泥固化盐渍土的无侧限抗压强度特性的研究,分析含盐量、水泥掺入量、石灰掺入量以及养护龄期对水泥固化盐渍土强度及应力应变曲线的影响,并分析含盐量对水泥固化土破坏应变、pH等指标的影响规律。
Saline soil in China according to the geographical location can be divided into coastal saline soil and inland saline soil, in northern JiangSu province are distributed on a lot of inshore saline soil, the soil is not only a saline soil, the solution of salt expansion and engineering properties such as corrosion, but also has natural Marine sedimentary soft soil moisture content, high compressibility and low bearing capacity, at the same time have a strong hygroscopicity, for housing, road engineering construction and the development and utilization of tidal flats has a lot of bad influence.
To improve the engineering properties of inshore saline soil, improve the bearing capacity of soil, water stability and durability, etc., are usually on the curing process, the common curing agent such as cement, lime and fly ash.Due to the complexity of inshore saline soil engineering properties, the strengthening effect of curing agent is hard to get expected, therefore, it is necessary to choose suitable curing agent to improve the properties of the soil, the dosage and ratio of various curing effect, therefore, in this paper, we make the following work:
1, according to the existing literature, studies and sums up the littoral facies formation, distribution, engineering properties of saline soil and the harm of engineering, etc., will be based on the lt;cloud embankment test section soil chemical analysis reportgt; of the soil samples containing salt type and salt content for reference, make different salt content of soil samples tested.
2, through the indoor experiment measurement is studied, the basic physical and mechanical indexes of haian soil used to test such as particle analysis, judgment for the high liquid limit clay, which can be used to configure different salt content of soil, to simulate the soil of various kinds of salt.
3, complete cement, lime stabilized soil sample under different content than experiments.The sample under various dosage of unconfined compressive strength test.Through to the cement solidified saline soil unconfined compressive strength
characteristics of research, analysis of salt, cement mortar, lime mortar and curing age on the strength of cement stabilized saline soil and the stress strain curve, and analysis of cement stabilized soil salt content failure strain, the influence of pH indicators such as rule.
Keywords: saline soil in inshore, cement solidification , unconfined compressive strength
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1绪论 1
1.2盐渍土的工程特性与工程危害 2
1.2.1盐渍土的分布规律 2
1.2.2盐渍土的成因及特点 4
1.2.3盐渍土的工程性质 5
1.2.3盐渍土的工程危害 6
1.3盐渍土固化处理的研究现状 7
1.3.1国内研究现状 7
1.3.2国外研究现状 8
1.4论文主要研究内容与技术路线 10
1.4.1研究内容 10
1.4.2技术路线 10
第二章 试验材料和试验方案 12
2.1概述 12
2.2试验方案 12
2.2.1试验材料 12
2.2.2试验方案 17
2.3试样制备及试验项目 18
2.3.1试样制备 18
2.3.2无侧限抗压强度试验 21
2.3.3 PH值试验 22
2.4 本章小结 23
第三章 盐分含量对固化土无侧限抗压强度的影响规律 24
3.1概述 24
3.2固化土的强度特性 24
3.2.1含盐量对水泥固化土强度的影响 26
3.2.2不同固化剂掺量对一定含盐量下固化土强度的影响 27
3.3固化土的应力应变曲线 28
3.3.1含盐量及水泥掺量对水泥固化土变形特性的影响 28
3.3.2养护龄期对水泥固化土变形特性的影响 29
3.4破坏应变随水泥掺量和龄期等变化规律 30
3.5水泥固化盐渍土PH值变化规律 30
3.5.1 PH值测试原理与方法 30
3.5.2 PH值随含盐量、水泥掺入量的变化 31
第四章 结论与展望 33
4.1本文主要研究成果 33
4.2展望 34
参考文献 35
致 谢 39
第一章 绪论
盐渍土类型 | 定义 |
盐类土 | 土壤表层含盐量为0.6%~2% |
氯化物盐土 | 含盐量下限通常约为0.6% |
氯化物-硫酸盐盐土和硫酸盐-氯化物盐土 | 含盐量下限约为1% |
含有较多石膏的硫酸盐盐土 | 含盐量下限约为2% |
苏打盐土 | 100g土壤的可溶性盐类组成中苏打含量超过0.5毫克当量,其表土层含盐量下限为0.5%左右 |
碱土类 | 土壤碱化层的碱化度大于30%(草原盐土大于25%),pH值为9左右或以上,表层土壤含盐量一般不超过0.5% |
在农业上,滨海相氯盐盐渍土是根据土表层 30cm处超过0.1%的含盐量当做盐渍土与非盐渍土的临界点。《岩土工程勘察规范》(GB 50021-2001)[3]规定,将土里易溶盐成分超过0.3%,同时具有盐胀、溶陷和腐蚀等工程特性的土命名为盐渍土。《公路路基设计规范》(JTG D30-2004)[4]中把盐渍土定义为地表下1m深度内土中易溶盐平均含量超过0.3%的土。
表1-2 盐渍土根据盐的性质分类
盐渍土名称 | 离子含量比值 | |
Cl-/SO42- | CO32- HCO3-/Cl- SO42- | |
氯盐渍土 | >2 | - |
亚氯盐渍土 | 2~1 | - |
亚硫酸盐渍土 | 1~0.3 | - |
硫酸盐渍土 | <0.3 | - |
碳酸盐渍土 | - | >0.3 |
表1-3 盐渍土根据含盐量分类
盐渍土名称 | 氯化物和硫酸盐氯化物 | 氯化物硫酸盐和硫酸盐 |
弱盐渍土 | 0.3~1 | 0.3~0.5 |
中盐渍土 | 1~5 | 0.5~2 |
强盐渍土 | 5~8 | 2~5 |
过盐渍土 | >8 | >5 |
世界上盐渍土的分布十分广泛,七大洲中的六大洲都有分布,包括亚洲(Asia)、欧洲(Europe)、北美洲(North America)、南美洲(South America)、非洲(Africa)、大洋洲(Oceania)。根据联合国粮农组织的数据,全球盐渍土的总面积约为9.5×108hm2,占地球陆地面积的7.26%,具体分布比例如图1-1。
