
 2022-06-01 22:04:02


摘 要




This article mainly focuses on how to evaluate the application of BIM in enterprises and the current maturity level of BIM applications. Firstly, by reading foreign and domestic literature data, the current assessment models and methods of BIM maturity are organized, and the BIM maturity evaluation is proposed. A series of key indicators; After that, according to the above-mentioned index system, a BIM maturity model is established based on the principle and method of system dynamics; specific companies are selected for field research and interviews, and an empirical test of the BIM maturity model based on system dynamics is conducted. At the same time, according to the expert's score to determine the weight of each factor of BIM maturity, determine the level of BIM maturity level for this enterprise; finally, combined with the definition of IFC standard and model view, briefly analyze the file that exports the IFC file as BIM maturity information. The principle of operation standardizes the process of maturity evaluation. The innovation of this paper lies in the combination of static BIM maturity and dynamic system dynamics model, predicting the maturity and development of BIM application in the next few years, and providing help for enterprises to further develop BIM development strategy. At the same time, this article also proposes the idea of ​​combining the BIM maturity model with the IFC standard and model view. By extending the maturity-related information to the IFC model, the specific model view will be directly converted into BIM application maturity information.

KEY WORDS: BIM maturity, system dynamics, IFC expansion


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 3

1.1 研究背景 3

1.2 研究意义 3

1.3 文献综述 4

1.3.1 国外研究现状 4

1.3.2 国内研究现状 8

1.4 研究内容 8

1.5 研究方法与技术路线 8

第二章 BIM成熟度影响因素与系统动力学理论基础 11

2.1 企业BIM应用成熟度领域的确定 11

2.2 企业BIM应用成熟度评价指标的确定 12

2.2.1 成熟度指标体系确定 12

2.3 系统动力学理论 14

2.4 系统动力学建模过程 15

第三章 基于系统动力学的BIM应用成熟度模型构建 17

3.1 BIM应用成熟度系统动力学模型的系统界定与划分 17

3.2 BIM应用成熟度系统变量的确定 18

3.3 系统因果关系分析 21

3.4 系统存量流量图的绘制 22

3.4.1 技术水平子系统的存量流量图 22

3.4.2 BIM应用流程水平子系统的存量流量图 23

3.4.3 企业组织水平子系统的存量流量图 24

3.4.4 政策制定水平子系统的存量流量图 24

3.4.5 系统整体的存量流量图 25

第四章 企业BIM应用成熟度模型的实证研究 27

4.1 调查对象 27

4.2 样本收集 27

4.3 系统动力学模拟运行结果 28

4.4 成熟度评价 32

4.4.1 成熟度指标权重的确定 32

4.4.2 企业BIM应用成熟度评价 35

4.5 企业BIM发展建议 37

第五章 BIM成熟度模型相关IFC扩展与模型视图定义 38

5.1 BIM相关数据标准 38

5.2 模型视图定义(MVD) 39

5.3 基于IFC的成熟度模型信息的扩展 41

5.3.1 扩展原理 41

5.3.2 扩展过程 41

5.4 BIM成熟度模型的视图定义 42

第六章 结论与展望 45

6.1 主要研究结论 45

6.2 研究不足与展望 45

致谢 46

参考文献 47

附录A 49

附录B 50

附录C 55


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