
 2022-06-06 22:20:37


摘 要






With the development of China's economy and the acceleration of urbanization, the demand for urban land is increasing year by year, but the limited land resources are less and less. Under such a development background, people began to develop and utilize the underground space.

The research object of this study is the underground space of Chengxin Road , Dongshan sub-city center, Nanjing city. It is located at the subway Chengxin Road avenue station in Jiulong lake district, Jiangning district, and the subway transfer station of line 3 and line 5 in the future. This is the purpose of market research for the area project positioning to provide basic theoretical basis and data support, from the perspective of Macroscopic, mesoscopic, microscopic three, at the same time with the method of SWOT, research results also show that the necessity and feasibility of underground engineering. On the basis of research results at the same time, with the developer's point of view, through the theory of combining the principle of the study area of underground space has carried on the overall orientation, market positioning, customer orientation, project design Suggestions are given, and the application of new technology on looking to the future development of underground space.

The whole project is still in the process of construction. Through the research process, the analysis of the existing data and data, the planning and positioning of the future development and management model of the business circle of good faith Avenue has a certain guiding role for the government and the developers.

Keywords: Underground Space; Market Investigation; Project Positioning; Chengxin Road


摘要 3

Abstract 4

目录 5

第一部分 毕业设计过程综合描述 1

1 小组分工与前期准备 2

2 市场调研部分 2

3 定位策划部分 2

4 进度安排 3

5 技术路线图 3

第二部分 南京市东山副城中心诚信大道地下空间开发利用调研和定位策划报告 5

第1章 研究思路 6

1.1 项目定位的原则 6

1.2 项目定位内容和依据 7

1.3 项目定位的意义 7

第2章 项目调研 8

2.1项目概述 8

2.1.1 项目基本信息 8

2.1.2 项目周边环境 9

2.1.3 项目相关规划信息 9

2.2 宏观环境市场调研 10

2.2.1 2017年国家宏观经济情况 10

2.2.2 国外地下空间开发现状 12

2.2.3 我国地下空间的问题与现状 15

2.2.4 小结 18

2.3 中观环境市场调研 18

2.3.1 南京市地下空间开发情况 18

2.3.2 南京市地下空间相关法律政策 19

2.3.3 南京市地下空间建设与规划 20

2.3.4 小结 22

2.4 微观环境市场调研 22

2.4.1 江宁区经济发展情况 23

2.4.2 江宁区位环境 24

2.4.3 江宁区地下空间建设情况 24

2.4.4 小结 25

2.5 消费者调研 25

2.5.1 问卷调查结果 25

2.5.2 统计分析与数据修正 28

2.5.3 购买关注要点 28

2.5.4 竞争对手调研 29

2.6 项目SWOT分析 30

第3章 项目定位分析 32

3.1 项目总体定位 32

3.2 项目定位因素 32

3.3 项目市场定位 34

3.3.1 项目的档次 34

3.3.2 项目的风格 34

3.3.3 项目的开发面积 35

3.3.4 业态设计 35

3.3.5 消费者定位 39

3.4 项目租售策略及价格定位 40

3.4.1 租售策略 40

3.4.2 价格定位 41

3.4.3 空间及商铺设计 43

3.5 新理念与新技术 44

3.5.1 GIS三维引导系统 44

3.5.2 智慧地下空间 45

3.5.3 绿色地下空间 45

第4章 结论与展望 46

4.1 结论 46

4.2 展望 46

参考文献 47

附录 49

第三部分 小论文 52

人防工程与地下空间的开发利用问题思考 53


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