
 2022-10-27 11:38:14


摘 要



关键词:营销策略 ;市场需求 ;市场环境


With the economic reform of the production market, the real estate market economy has entered a deepening reform. More and more control policies have been introduced. As a pillar industry of the national economy, the real estate industry has met many opportunities, but also accompanied by many problems. The rapid development of real estate has created a hot situation in the real estate market, but at the same time, with the increasing housing prices, developers are also facing difficulties such as high land prices. The return of enterprise funds is one of the problems we need to solve, so the increase of the rate of housing sales effectively improves the problem of capital flow. However, with the development of real estate, the marketing methods are changing constantly, so we need to innovate in real estate marketing, not stick to conventions, and seek innovation in traditional marketing methods. In order to have a healthy market environment, we also need not over-marketing, rational marketing, grasp consumer psychology, proceed from reality, correct positioning of the market, meet consumer needs, and improve consumer happiness.

This paper is divided into research background, marketing theory, market environment, market positioning, competitors, marketing strategies and other chapters. It uses SWOT analysis and 4P theory to analyze, and formulates products, prices, channels and promotion strategies. It also analyses the existing problems and provides relevant solutions.

Key words:marketing strategy,market demand, market environment


摘要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

第一部分 毕业设计综述

第一章 毕业设计任务 1

1.1工程概况 1

1.2小组任务 1

1.3个人任务 1

第二章 工作进程 2

2.1第一阶段 2

2.2第二阶段 3

2.3第三阶段 3

2.4 心得体会 4

第二部分 览江苑项目营销方案

第一章 绪论 6

1.1研究背景 6

1.2研究的目的和意义 6

1.3研究内容和方法 7

第二章 营销理论及市场环境分析 8

2.1房地产市场营销的概念 8

2.2房地产市场营销的特征 8

2.3房地产营销策划的作用 8

2.4房地产营销的发展 8

2.5南京房地产市场分析 9

2.6形成原因分析 9

第三章 项目市场定位以及目标客户 10

3.1目标客户的分类及需求分析 10

3.2项目的市场定位分析 13

3.3目标群众 13

第四章 项目的竞争对手以及swot分析 15

4.1竞争对手分析 15

4.2swot分析 15

第五章 营销策略 18

5.1产品策略 18

5.2价格策略 18

5.3渠道策略 19

5.3.1渠道结构 19

5.3.2渠道成员 19

5.3.3激励政策 19

5.4促销策略 19

5.4.1广告促销 19

5.4.2公共关系,营业推广 19

第六章 营销方案实施 20

6.1广告营销计划 20

6.1.1广告预热期 20

6.1.2广告加强期 20

6.1.3广告高潮期 20

6.1.4广告尾声期 20

6.2渠道计划 20

6.2.1线下计划 20

6.2.2线上计划 21

6.2.3激励政策计划 21

6.3价格策划 21

6.3.1初期价格策划 21

6.3.2中期价格策划 23

6.3.3后期价格策划 23

第三部分 科技小论文

概述 24

第一章 市场更细分与市场更新 24

第二章 营销方式创新 25

第三章 营销团队的管理 25

致谢 27

参考文献 28



第一章 毕业设计任务


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