
 2023-04-20 13:10:52


摘 要




Riverside City project property management program


The direction of this thesis is the real estate development property management program design, mainly elaborated content of the property, management objectives, the property company"s organizational structure, the composition of property charges. According to university research study of knowledge of careful design, this graduation project is designed for real estate development in Nanjing Jianye District of land, the property management group in charge of the design programs I design. Project named Riverside Metro Area, pre-made market research and fieldwork give the required data. After research and survey data obtained from the riverside town residential property company as a qualified management level are four around the property company"s management hierarchy and content management solutions for the design, combined with a similar situation developed in Nanjing, the property company Property fees. Which also involves the property management company"s organizational structure design, including the terms of reference and related staff hiring personnel.The task to design our group, if small groups discuss individual results obtained were summarized get the final design report.

At first I was mainly designed to determine the level of property companies and management levels depending on the market positioning of our project size and project management standards to determine the content and services in this area is mainly based on the management level reference Nanjing Real Estate Authority on the property standard regime established. According to the above design results began to build the property company and personnel selection, formation of a high-quality property management company. Finally, calculate the property management fees payable to the content and standard reference Nanjing conclusion that the company"s profit and loss of property. The process ends Riverside Metro Property Management program design will all end. In the design process but also refer positioning, marketing research and financial evaluation of the students through their personal achievements and discuss the outcome of the overall share of the graduation project.

Keywords: Property management; management content; organizational structure; property charges

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一部分 全过程工作描述 1

第二部分 物业管理方案设计 3

第一章 绪论 3

1.1研究背景与目的 3

1.2物业管理的定义 3

1.3物业管理的意义 4

第二章 物业管理目标 6

2.1总体目标 6

2.2具体目标 7

2.2.1房屋设施保障方面 7

2.2.2环境卫生方面 7

2.2.3安全方面 8

2.2.4火灾控制方面 8

2.2.5总结 8

第三章 物业管理的内容及标准 9

3.1确定管理等级 9

3.1.1物业公司资质 9

3.2确定物业管理的服务服务等级 9

3.3物业管理内容 18

3.3.1常规性公共服务 18

3.3.2针对性服务 19

3.3.3委托性特约服务 20

3.4物业服务特色 20

第四章 物业公司组织架构 24

4.1物业管理架构 24

4.2员工招聘 25

4.2.1高层物业管理人员 25

4.2.2办公与财务部 26

4.2.3工程管理部 27

4.2.4经营部 27

4.2.5安全管理部 27

4.3物业管理人员培训 27

4.3.1新员工培训 27

4.3.2老员工培训 28

4.4物业管理工作岗位职责 28

4.4.1办公与财务部岗位职责 28

4.4.2工程部岗位职责 29

4.4.3经营部职责 31

4.4.4安全管理部职责 31

第五章 物业管理财务策划 33

5.1物业管理预算方案 33

5.1.1物业管理综合费 33

5.1.2公共秩序维护费 34

5.1.3公共区域卫生清洁服务 34

5.1.4公共区域日常养护服务 35

5.1.5共用部位、共用设施设备日常运行、保养、维修服务 35

5.1.6排水系统 36

5.1.7供水系统 36

5.1.8照明系统 37

5.1.9消防系统 37

5.1.10智能化系统 37

5.1.11避雷系统 38

5.1.12物业费估算 38

5.2物业管理成本计算 39

5.2.1物业公司员工工资及福利 39

5.2.2卫生清洁费 40

5.2.3安保损耗费 40

5.2.4办公用费 40

5.2.5固定资产折旧和营业税 40

5.3物业收支盈亏分析 40

第六章 总结与建议 42

6.1总结 42

6.2建议 43

第三部分 简述物业管理费的构成 44

致 谢 47

参考文献 48

附录 49





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