
 2021-12-04 21:08:38


摘 要






BIM-Based Analysis and Optimization of the Construction Energy of 13#~18# Buildings of Chengkai Yuyuan Project in Huai’an City


With the development of economy and the improvement of people's living standard,building energy consumption is increasing. In the context of building an ecological society, building energy efficiency becomes an important part of the national energy saving strategy. Besides, with the development of green building, energy saving and sunshine are more important. As one of the most common type of public architecture, the dwelling building should not meet the demand of consumption at the cost of enormous energy consumption.

Based on the 3D digitaltechnology, BIM collects a data model of each construction project related information. It is a simple and effective way to adjust the design phase of building energy with BIM softwares. The use of BIM in energy saving design is more convenient and intuitive, the analysis diagram can be directly obtained from the analysis of view and the result is readable. BIM simulate the building by 3D modeling. During the design phase, BIM can make the analysis of energy saving, improve efficiency and reduce rework.

The project is about the analysis of energy saving and optimization of Chengkai Yuyuan 13# ~ 18 # buildings in Huai’an, Jiangsu Province. The main research idea is that Revit modeling, Revit simulates daylight research, Ecotect importing and modeling, Ecotect model energy-saving analysis, GBS importing model and GBS building energy consumption calculation. Chengkai Yuyuan buildings are obtained by modeling the three-dimensional model. Then they can be simulate in a video that the shadow changes under the sun during a day. Getting energy saving analysis diagram through Ecotect, and obtaining the data tables of energy consumption calculation by GBS. Then taking advantage of the software to put forward the energy saving scheme, such as creating around-type shading component, which can quickly calculates the amount of solar radiation before and after creating it. Thus its optimized features can be demonstrated. Finally, it summarizes the whole process of the work to evaluate the architectural design.

The comprehensive analysis of energy saving and timely optimization can be shown by BIM softwares with corresponding knowledge. It can improve the economic benefit and social benefit.

KEY WORDS: BIM; 3D modeling; energy saving analysis;energy consumption calculation;optimization

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

前 言 1

第一篇 工作过程描述 2

1 选题与分组 3

2 软件工具选择 3

2.1 Autodesk Revit 2015 4

2.2 Autodesk Ecotect Analysis 4

2.3 Autodesk Green Building Studio 4

3 工作过程概述 5

4 遇到的问题 6

第二篇 工作内容介绍 7

1 工程概况 8

1.1 建筑概况 9

1.2 结构概况 9

1.3 安装概况 9

2 毕业设计各工作环节内容和成果概述 10

2.1 技术路线 10

2.2 Revit建立三维模型 12

2.3 Ecotect建立三维模型 14

2.4 Revit日照初步分析 17

2.5 Ecotect节能分析 18

2.6 Green Building Studio能耗模拟 21

第三篇 设计分析报告 24

1 研究背景与意义 25

1.1 研究背景 25

1.2 研究意义 25

2 文献综述 26

2.1 BIM的概念 26

2.2 BIM国内外应用现状 27

2.3 建筑节能发展现状 28

2.4 节能软件使用 29

3 模型说明与节能分析 29

3.1 Revit模型 29

3.2 Ecotect模型 33

3.3 Revit日照研究 35

3.4 Ecotect节能研究 38

3.5 Green Building Studio能耗模拟 47

4 毕业设计成果 51

4.1 Revit日照研究视频 51

4.2 Ecotect节能研究 52

4.3 Green Building Studio能耗计算 64

5 节能计算与优化方案 76

5.1 被动式设计优化 76

5.2 创建环绕式遮阳构件 77

5.3 GBS优化方案 78

6 结论与展望 90

第四篇 小论文 92

Ecotect在住宅建筑能耗模拟中的应用 93

1 建筑能耗模拟概述 95

2 传统的能耗模拟 95

3 基于Ecotect的能耗模拟 96

4 住宅建筑能耗模拟实例 97

4.1 淮安城开御园能耗状况 97

4.2 能耗模拟 99

5 结论 109

参考文献 109

结 语 111

谢 辞 113

参考文献 114


图 1‑1 BIM软件分类图示 3

图 2‑1 淮安城开御园1-13#楼~1-18#楼施工平面图 8

图 2‑2 淮安城开御园1-13#楼~1-18#楼立面图 8

图 2‑3 技术路线图 12

图 2‑4 Revit二层平面图 13

图 2‑5 Revit二层三维视图 14

图 2‑6 Ecotect导入模型图 14

图 2‑7 Ecotect重新建模3D图 15

图 2‑8 插入子物体对话框图 15

图 2‑9 xy平面图 16

图 2‑10 xz平面图 16

图 2‑11 yz平面图 16

图 2‑12 Ecotect重新建模图 17

图 2‑13 模型日光研究图 18

图 2‑14 Ecotect节能研究图 19

图 2‑15 Ecotect逐时数据图 19

图 2‑16 Ecotect逐周数据图 20

图 2‑17 Ecotect逐月数据图 20

图 2‑18 转换成gbXML格式的步骤 21

图 2‑19 明细表属性 22

图 2‑20 房间明细表 22

图 2‑21 剖面房间空间修改 23

图 2‑22 导出gbXML格式 23

图 3‑1 三维视图 30

图 3‑2 属性栏和项目浏览器 31

图 3‑3 剖面框 32

图 3‑4 漫游功能 32

图 3‑5 Ecotect导入模型正面 33

图 3‑6 Ecotect导入模型反面 34

图 3‑7 Ecotect复制完整模型 34

图 3‑8 Ecotect新建模型 35

图 3‑9 静止日光设置 36

图 3‑10 静止日光研究 36

图 3‑11 一天日光设置 37

图 3‑12 动画播放 37

图 3‑13 一天日光研究1 37

图 3‑14 一天日光研究2 38



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