摘 要
Design and Energy Saving Analysis of Air Conditioning System in a Building
03112636 Name: Shiyang Zhang
Supervised by Xiaosong Zhang
Abstract: Project design is a very important element in HVAC study, which is a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems is an important part of the electrical and mechanical services of a building, through air treatment, air cleaning, heatingamp;humidification and air supplying equipment to make the indoor air meet the required parameters. Air conditioning system also works closely with the electrical, plumbing, and other professionals. In the design of this air conditioning system, the given project is a typical office building, which is located in Nanjing. HVAC system should be designed according to the given air conditioning requirements. The design should base on relevant standards and specifications. The main elements of the air conditioning system are as follows. The screw-type ground-source heat pump is applied as the core unit. The end side is equipped with fan-coil system combined with fresh air while the heat and cooling source is provided by soil and cooling tower together. And the air is distributed and sent back on a single side both from the top. After the system is determined, the calculation and design for some necessary parameters of the project are done subsequently, mainly including the thermal and humidity load computation, air flow quantity calculation, strategies comparing and selecting, the design and hydraulic computation of water pipe, air duct and buried pipe, the sample choosing for core units, fan coil, fresh air units, water pumps, underground heat exchanger and cooling tower, and the brief design of the fireproof and smoke exhaust system. Then, the analysis for energy conversion is conducted based on the whole design, such as the heat recovery system and coupled GSHP system with auxiliary cooling source in this project.
Key words: Air conditioning system; Ground-source Heat Pump; Hydraulic Calculation; Energy Saving; Load;
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2国内外研究进展 2
2 工程概述及基本参数 4
2.1工程概述 4
2.2室外设计参数 5
2.3室内设计参数 6
2.4围护结构材料与构造 6
3 系统方案的确定 8
3.1主机分类及比较 8
3.2空调系统分类及比较 8
3.2.1按结构进行分类 8
3.2.2按介质进行分类 9
3.2.3按新风供给方式进行分类 9
3.3本空调方案的优势 10
4 负荷计算 11
4.1夏季空调冷负荷、湿负荷计算 11
4.1.1围护结构传入热量 11
4.1.2由透光围护结构传入的太阳辐射得热 12
4.1.3人体、照明、设备等散热形成的逐时冷负荷 12
4.1.4新风冷负荷 13
4.1.5夏季湿负荷 13
4.2冬季空调热负荷、湿负荷计算 13
4.2.1围护结构耗热 13
4.2.2外门窗缝隙渗入冷空气的耗热 15
4.2.3其他热负荷 15
4.2.4冬季湿负荷 15
5 风系统设计及水力计算 16
5.1 送风方式的确定 16
5.2房间送风量计算 16
5.3风管系统布置及水力计算 16
5.3.1风管管道设计 16
5.3.2风管水力计算 17
6 机组设备的选型 20
6.1地源热泵机组的确定 20
6.2风机盘管型号和台数 20
6.3新风机组的选择 20
7 地埋管换热器及冷却塔设计 21
7.1地埋管管道系统设计 21
7.1.1埋管换热量的确定 21
7.1.2地下换热器的形式及参数确定 22
7.2冷却塔的选型 23
8 水系统设计及水力计算 24
8.1冷凝水管径确定 24
8.2冷冻水水力计算 25
8.3地下换热器及冷却水水力计算 25
8.3.1地埋管循环水系统水力计算 25
8.3.2冷却水水力计算 26
8.4系统管材的确定 26
8.5辅助设备选型 26
8.4.1泵系统确定 26
8.4.2冷冻水泵的选型计算 26
8.4.3地下换热系统水泵和冷却水泵的选型计算 27
9 防火排烟系统、减震等其他设计 28
9.1 系统监测和控制 28
9.1.1温湿度控制和监测 28
9.1.2 风机联锁 28
9.2 防火排烟和局部排风 28
9.3 消声减振 29
9.3.1 设备 29
9.3.2 管道 29
小 结 30
致 谢 32
参考文献 33
1 绪论
1.1 研究背景