
 2022-06-14 21:01:10


摘 要






In recent years, as the proportion of total energy consumption in society has continuously increased, countries all over the world have gradually paid attention to the use of renewable energy in buildings. Solar energy, with its great natural and technological advantages, occupies a relatively large market. People integrate solar energy applications into the building's external protective structure, that is, use solar power to provide electricity for indoor use. However, photovoltaic power generation is still affected by external factors such as temperature, resulting in low power generation efficiency and high power generation costs. Therefore, aiming at the current problems, based on the principle of natural ventilation, this paper proposes a mathematical model of natural ventilation in air layer system and its calculation method. The air layer between photovoltaic panels and roof is taken as the research object, and the effect of natural ventilation on the temperature characteristics and flow characteristics of the air layer system consisting of photovoltaic panels, roofing, and air layer between the two is explored.

Based on the principle of natural ventilation, this paper proposes a mathematical model and its calculation method for natural ventilation in air layer system. Based on this mathematical model, a natural ventilation experimental platform for the air layer system is designed and built to study the influence of natural ventilation on the temperature characteristics and flow characteristics of the air layer system, and use the experiment to verify the correctness of the mathematical model. Studies have shown that if natural ventilation is not taken into account, the temperature of photovoltaic modules inside the PV array during operation will exceed the high temperature generated by solar radiation, and the photovoltaic panel power generation efficiency will be reduced by 2%-4%; In the case of ventilation, the average temperature at the back of the photovoltaic panel at different installation inclinations and distances is different. The overall change trend of the operating temperature of the photovoltaic panel is reduced, and the temperature distribution on the back of the photovoltaic panel is first increased and then decreased along the air flow direction, and the temperature change curve is not symmetrical about the center line and is offset toward the exit direction. Through comparative analysis of experimental measurement data and mathematical model data, it is found that the two sets of data have strong consistency, the same pattern of line changes, the same trend, thus verifying the accuracy of the mathematical model and the rationality of the experimental data.

Based on the validated mathematical model and its calculation method, this paper analyzes in detail the effects of air layer’s geometry, solar radiation, and outdoor environmental conditions on system ventilation and air temperature at the exit, and summarizes the law of changes in different conditions. The ventilation flow is coupled with the rise of air temperature in the air layer. Using this mathematical model, the ventilation and outlet temperature values of the system can be calculated under any circumstances. According to the law of conservation of energy in the mathematical model calculation method, the average temperature and power generation efficiency of the photovoltaic panel backboard under arbitrary conditions can be calculated. According to the actual situation, the installation distance and installation inclination of the photovoltaic panels can be optimized.

Keywords: natural ventilation; mathematical model; air layer system; ventilation flow

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1太阳能 1

1.1.1太阳能利用的背景 1

1.1.2太阳能光伏产业发展 1

1.2空气夹层在建筑外围护结构中的应用 2

1.2.1墙—太阳能烟囱模型 3

1.2.2屋面—太阳能烟囱模型 5

1.3选题背景意义及主要研究内容 7

1.3.1选题背景及意义 7

1.3.2主要研究内容 7

第二章 空气夹层内自然通风数学模型设计 9

2.1自然通风原理 9

2.1.1热压作用下的自然通风 9

2.1.2风压作用下的自然通风 10

2.1.3风压、热压共同作用下的自然通风 10

2.2自然通风的应用方法 11

2.3建立空气夹层内自然通风数学模型 12

2.3.1建立数学模型 12

2.3.2模型计算方法 12

2.4 本章小结 13

第三章 空气夹层系统自然通风实验台设计 14

3.1实验台设计思想 14

3.2实验可行性分析 14

3.2.1实验环境分析及确定 14

3.2.2空气夹层系统构建分析 14

3.3空气夹层系统自然通风实验台设计 14

3.3.1设备和仪器选择 14

3.3.2空气夹层系统自然通风实验台 18

3.4本章小结 18

第四章 自然通风对光伏组件及屋面温度影响模拟实验 19

4.1实验方案 19

4.2实验数据处理 19

4.3空气夹层中自然通风对于光伏组件及屋面的影响 21

4.3.1无风情况 21

4.3.2考虑通风影响 22


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