
 2022-03-26 17:50:13


摘 要







This graduation project aims to design the building water supply and drainage system in an urban integrated passenger terminal station, it includes domestic water supply system, wastewater and sewage drainage system, rainwater drainage system, indoor fire hydrant system, automatic sprinkler system and building fire extinguisher configuration.

As for the domestic water supply system, this 3-floor building could be forced directly by the municipal pipe network pressure, so the vertical zoning is not required. The hot water supply system is not necessary either, for this building is aimed at passenger transportation and office services.

As for drainage system, dual stack drainage system is implemented in toilets on the second and third floor. Loop vent and specific vent stack are adopted in two large toilets on the first floor. Single bucket internal drainage system is adopted in the roof rainwater drainage system. Gravity flow is adopted in all these drainage systems.

As for fire-fighting system, temporary high-pressure water supply system is adopted in the indoor hydrant water supply system, and the size of fire hydrant is SN65. Wet closed automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing system is adopted in the automatic sprinkler system. The fire extinguisher uses portable ammonium phosphate salt dry powder fire extinguisher, the arrangement of which is same with the indoor hydrant system.

Keywords: daily water supply system, sewage wastewater drainage system, rainwater drainage system, indoor fire hydrant system, automatic sprinkler system

目 录

第一章 背景与任务说明 7

1.1. 工程项目概况 7

1.2. 设计依据 7

1.3. 设计基本任务 7

第二章 生活给水系统 8

2.1. 给水系统概述 8

2.2. 供水方式的确定 8

2.3. 生活用水量计算 8

2.4. 冷水给水系统的选择 9

2.5. 冷水给水系统的水力计算 10

2.5.1. 给水管设计秒流量计算 10

2.5.2. 总干管与立管水力计算 11

2.5.3. 各卫生间配水管水力计算 13

2.5.4. 最不利供水点的压力校核 30

第三章 排水系统设计 31

3.1. 室内污废水排水系统 31

3.1.1. 排水系统概述 31

3.1.2. 污废水排水量 31

3.1.3. 排水管道秒流量计算 31

3.1.4. 排水管道水力计算 32

3.1.5. 通气管管径选择 44

3.2. 雨水排水系统 44

3.2.1. 设计参数 44

3.2.2. 汇水面积与立管计算 45

第四章 消防给水系统设计 46

4.1. 消防给水系统概述 46

4.2. 消防水源 46

4.3. 消防用水量 47

4.4. 室内消火栓给水系统 48

4.4.1. 消火栓保护半径计算 48

4.4.2. 室内消火栓栓口压力计算 48

4.4.3. 室内消火栓给水管网计算 49

4.5. 自动喷水灭火系统 51

4.5.1. 系统组成 51

4.5.2. 喷头的选型 52

4.5.3. 水力计算 53

4.6. 建筑灭火器的设置 57

参考文献 59

致 谢 60

第一章 背景与任务说明

    1. 工程项目概况



    1. 设计依据



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