
 2022-06-01 22:05:10


摘 要



Jiangsu Kangyuan Pharmaceutical Company Office Building


This works for the Jiangsu Kangyuan Pharmaceutical Company office building. Jiangsu kangyuan pharmaceutical company is located in Lianyungang city, Jiangsu province. It covers an area of 758.2 square meters, with a building area of 4,800 square meters. It is a six-story steel structure with no basement. In this region, the earthquake intensity is 7 degrees and the site classification is Class II venues. The design earthquake group is the third group and the basic earthquake acceleration value of 0.10 g. Considering the wind loads, the basic wind pressure is 0.55kN/m2, and the basic snow pressure is 0.4kN/m2 in Lianyungang. Floor roof are using cast-in-place reinforced concrete structures.

The design principle of ‘practical, secure, economic, aesthetic’ is carried out. According to the architectural design specifications, those factors affecting the design are carefully considered.

After determining the distribution framework (bending moment, shear and axial force), the interlayer load representative value is calculated first, and then according to equivalent base shear method to calculate horizontal seismic load, and then calculate the structural internal force under the horizontal load (bending moment, shear force and axial force). Then the structural internal forces of vertical load (constant load and live load) are calculated to find the most unfavorable group or group of internal forces, and select the most secure structure to design the reinforcement and draw. For the interior stair design of the structural scheme, the internal force and reinforcement calculation and construction drawing of the flat plate, gradient plate and platform beam are completed. The reinforcement of the composite slab of the pressed steel plate is also designed. The structure is based on the independent foundation of the column.

The whole structure in the design process, strictly follow the requirement of professional standard and reference for all relevant materials and the latest national standards, each link of design comprehensive scientific considerations.

KEY WORDS: Steel Frame Structure, Seismic Design, Load Calculation, Internal Force Calculation


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 工程概况 1

1.1 设计题目:江苏康缘药业公司办公楼 1

1.2 设计资料 1

第二章 结构方案设计及荷载统计 2

2.1 结构方案设计 2

2.2 工程做法 2

2.3 构件尺寸初选 5

2.4 荷载统计 5

第三章 水平地震作用下的内力计算 11

3.1 梁柱线刚度计算 11

3.2 水平地震力计算 17

3.3 地震作用下框架的内力计算 18

第四章 风荷载作用下的内力计算 27

4.1 风荷载计算 27

4.2 风荷载作用下内力计算 27

第五章 竖向荷载作用下框架结构内力计算 34

5.1 框架计算简图 34

5.2 框架恒载计算 35

5.2.1 荷载统计 36

5.2.2 恒载作用下框架内力计算 44

5.3 框架活载计算 55

5.3.1 荷载计算 55

5.3.2 活载作用下框架内力计算 58

第六章 内力组合 68

6.1 组合说明 68

第七章 压型钢板组合楼板 79

7.1 施工阶段设计 79

7.1.1 计算模型 79

7.1.2 荷载计算 81

7.1.3 内力计算 81

7.2 使用阶段设计 83

7.2.1 荷载计算 83

7.2.2 计算模型 85

7.2.3 内力计算 85

7.2.4 强度计算 87

第八章 构件设计 92

8.1 纵向组合梁设计 92

8.1.1 纵向组合梁选择 92

8.1.2 纵向组合梁施工阶段验算 92

8.1.3 纵向组合梁使用阶段验算 93

8.2 横向钢架设计 110

8.2.1 横向钢架梁选择 110

8.2.2 横向钢架柱选择 111

8.2.3 框架柱验算 112

8.2.4 框架梁验算 116

8.3 节点域设计 118

8.3.1 横向钢架梁柱边节点设计 118

8.3.2 横向钢架梁柱中节点 121

8.3.3 次梁与刚架梁的连接节点 122

8.3.4 纵向框架梁与柱的连接节点 124

8.3.5 柱脚节点 125

第九章 基础设计 129

9.1 基础说明 129

9.2 基础设计 129

9.2.1 地面情况 129

9.2.2 荷载统计 130

9.2.3 基础梁设计 135

第十章 楼梯设计 137

10.1 踏步板设计 137

10.2 梯段梁设计 137

10.2.1 梯段梁构造 137

10.2.2 荷载计算 137

10.2.3 截面验算 137

10.2.4 连接验算 138

10.3 休息平台设计 138

10.3.1 平台板构造 138

10.3.2 荷载计算 138

10.3.3 截面验算 139

10.3.4 加劲肋验算: 139

10.3.5 连接验算 140

10.4 平台梁设计 140

10.4.1 平台梁构造 140

10.4.2 荷载计算 140

10.4.3 截面验算 140

第十一章 手算与电算PKPM比较 142

11.1 结构基本周期比较 142

11.2 层间位移比较 142

11.3 底层柱轴力设计值比较 142

致谢 144

参考文献 145

附录 146


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