摘 要
The title of my graduation design is the orchard neighbourhood community center project in Taizhou. Located in Taizhou hi-tech City, the project is located on the east side of Taizhou Hailing South Road and south of Zhong wild road. The main functions are: the first layer is the service hall for the elderly, and the two to five floors are community activity centers and medical security. The construction area of each layer of the project is 816.83mm2. The total height of the building is 20.45 meters (room floor to main roof height).
This design mainly carries on the frame structure design to the Shang orchard neighborhood community center. The follow-up calculation includes: structure layout, load calculation, roof floor design, frame stress analysis (including constant load, live load, wind load, earthquake load), frame internal force combination, frame section design, staircase design and basic design.
After getting the building plan of the project, we first need to carry out the structural analysis of the building and complete the reasonable structural layout. On the basis of the structural layout, the floor and secondary beams of the roof and floor are designed. Then, a typical frame in the structure is selected to be designed. First, it is necessary to analyze the force of the frame, and then use Excel and other computing software to combine the calculated load standard values, select the most unfavorable combined internal force value as the frame design value, thus complete the frame section design. Finally, we need to design the staircase and foundation in the structure, and complete the manual calculation part of the whole building.
After the end of the hand calculation, with the help of the professional structure design software - PKPM, the whole building is calculated, the part that is not involved in the hand calculation is perfected, and the hand calculation results are compared, and the error of the hand calculation is found and the reasons are analyzed. Finally, combined with the results of manual calculation and computer calculation, we draw the construction plan of the beam column of a selected frame in the hand calculation.
Key words:Structural design ;Reinforced concrete structure;Frame structure
目 录
第一章 结构方案分析
1.1 设计条件
1.1.1 工程概况
1.1.2 其他设计资料
1.2 结构的选型和布置
1.2.1 竖向承重结构
1.2.2 水平承重结构
1.2.3 基础结构
1.3 主要构件截面估算
1.3.1 柱子截面初步估算
1.3.2 梁的截面尺寸估算
1.3.3 板厚确定
第二章 结构荷载计算
2.1 恒载分析
2.1.1 屋面永久荷载计算
2.1.2 楼面永久荷载计算
2.1.3 内外隔墙荷载
2.1.4 女儿墙
2.1.6 柱自重
2.2 活载计算
第三章 水平结构体系设计
3.1 楼盖设计
3.1.1 双向板弯矩设计值计算
3.1.2 双向板正截面受弯承载力计算
3.1.3 楼板裂缝宽度检验
3.1.4 楼板挠度检验
3.1.5 标准层次梁设计
3.2 屋盖设计
3.2.1 双向板弯矩设计值计算
3.2.2 双向板正截面受弯承载力计算
3.2.3 屋面板裂缝宽度检验
3.2.4 屋面板挠度检验
3.2.5 屋面板次梁计算
第四章 上部结构分析
4.1 计算单元以及计算简图
4.2 纵向框架在竖向荷载作用下的内力计算
4.2.1 永久荷载计算 屋面层永久荷载计算
4.3 恒荷载内力计算
4.3.2 固端弯矩计算
4.3.3 分层法计算梁柱端弯矩
4.3.4 框架梁跨中弯矩计算
4.3.5 框架梁剪力计算
4.3.6 柱轴力计算
4.4 框架活荷载计算
4.5 活荷载内力计算
4.5.1 固端弯矩计算
4.6.1 可变荷载布置1下
第五章 风荷载作用下的内力以及位移计算
5.1 风荷载作用下内力计算
5.1.1 垂直作用于建筑的风荷载标准值
5.1.2 风荷载的计算简图
5.1.3 风荷载作用下的内力计算
第六章 水平地震作用下框架内力计算
6.1 重力荷载代表值
6.2 柱的侧移刚度D值计算
6.3 各层侧移刚度计算
6.4 结构基本自振周期计算
6.5 纵向水平地震作用计算
6.7 梁端弯矩、剪力以及柱轴力计算
第七章 内力组合
7.1 内力组合
7.1.1 荷载效应组合
7.1.2 控制截面及最不利内力
7.1.3 内力组合表
第八章 截面设计
8.1 框架梁截面设计
8.1.1 框架梁正截面设计
8.1.2 框架梁斜截面设计
8.1.3 框架梁裂缝宽度验算
8.1.4 框架梁挠度验算
8.2 框架柱截面设计
8.2.1 框架柱正截面设计
8.2.3 框架柱抗震正截面设计
8.2.4 框架柱抗震斜截面设计
第九章 楼梯设计
9.2 平台板设计
9.3 平台梁设计
第十章 桩基础设计
10.1 设计条件
10.2 桩基础设计
10.2.1 单桩承载力验算
10.2.2 确定桩数以及承台尺寸
10.2.3 桩的布置
10.2.4 单桩承载力验算
10.2.5 桩承台验算 对于圆桩,计算时应把截面换算成方桩,取bp=0.866D=433mm,对于柱下两桩承台,需要计算受弯以及受剪承载力,不需进行受冲切承载力验算
10.3.1 梁高估算
10.3.2 正截面计算
第十一章 电算校核
11.1 结构自振周期对比
11.2 地震位移对比
11.3 底层柱轴力设计值比较
11.4 框架梁配筋面积比较