摘 要
本设计是根据任务书要求,《公路桥涵设计通用规范》(JTG D60-2015),《公路钢筋混凝土及预应力混凝土桥涵设计规范》(JTG D62-2012)以及相关规范规定,对江苏省如皋市焦港运河桥(梁桥)进行设计。本设计主要针对于桥梁的上部结构进行了结构尺寸的初步拟定以及设计计算。
This design is based on the requirements of the mission book, “General Code for Design of Highway Bridges and Culverts” (JTG D60-2015), “Code for Design of Highway Reinforced Concrete and Prestressed Concrete Bridges and Culverts” (JTG D62-2012) and relevant regulations. And the Jiaogang Canal bridge (continuous girder bridge) located in Rugao, Jiangsu province was designed. This design mainly focuses on the preliminary design and calculation of the superstructure of the bridge.
According to the existing hydrogeological data, the bridge was determined to be a continuous girder bridge through the comparison of the schemes, and the superstructure adopted the prestressed box deformation section. The calculation of the bridge's girder focuses on the analysis of the effects of dead loads and live loads during its use. Midas was used for modeling calculations to determine the number and layout of prestressed steel and normal steel bars, and to carry out the checking of the ultimate load carrying capacity under the ultimate state, ultimate load capacity of normal using under the ultimate state, permanenting stress capacity of component and short-term stress capacity of component.
Key words: prestressed concrete, continuous girder bridge, box section.
目 录
第一章 设计总说明 1
1.1 工程概况 1
1.2 技术标准 1
1.3 地质条件 1
1.4 设计规范 2
第二章 桥式方案选择和跨径布置 3
2.1 方案拟定 3
2.2 方案说明 3
2.3 方案比较与确定 6
第三章 结构尺寸拟定及说明 7
3.1 主梁尺寸的拟定 7
3.2 基本材料的选用 9
3.3 施工方法的选择 9
第四章 主梁内力计算 11
4.1 模型建立 11
4.2 荷载工况及荷载组合 13
4.3 内力图 19
4.4 预应力钢束的设计与布置 23
第五章 持久状况承载能力极限状态验算 29
5.1 截面受压区高度 29
5.2 正截面抗弯承载能力验算 32
5.3 斜截面抗剪承载能力验算 36
5.4 抗扭承载能力验算 44
5.5 支反力计算 58
第六章 持久状况正常使用极限状态验算结果 59
6.1 结构正截面抗裂验算 59
6.2 结构斜截面抗裂验算 70
第七章 持久状况构件应力验算结果 72
7.1 正截面混凝土法向压应力验算 72
7.2 正截面受拉区钢筋拉应力验算 76
7.3 斜截面混凝土的主压应力验算 83
第八章 短暂状况构件应力验算结果 89
8.1 短暂状况构件应力验算 89
致 谢 98
参考文献 99
第一章 设计总说明
1.1 工程概况
1.2 技术标准
6、桥梁全宽:21.0m=0.5m(护栏) 1.5m(人行道) 14.0m(行车道) 1.5m(人行道) 0.5m(护栏)。