
 2022-06-04 22:50:17


摘 要

本次毕业设计的题目是南京三宝科技综合楼。该综合楼采用的结构体系为钢筋混凝土框架结构,基础形式采用桩基承台基础。综合楼一共五层,每层层高为3.6m,无地下室。综合楼总建筑面积约为7020m2,主要平面尺寸为54.6m ×28.8m。本综合楼共有三种不同的功能区:一是办公室,二是会议室,三是展览厅。


【关键词】 框架结构 结构设计 抗震设计


The topic of this graduation project is Sanbao science and technology complex building of Nanjing.The structure system of the complex is reinforced concrete frame structure, and the foundation form is pile foundation bearing platform foundation. The complex has five floors, each with a height of 3.6m and no basement. The total building area of the complex is about 7020m2, and the main plane size is 54.6m * 28.8m. There are three different functional areas in this complex: the office, the conference room and the exhibition hall.

In this design, frames No.7,was selected for manual calculation and analysis design.The main design steps are: according to the empirical formula, the section size of beam, column and plate is estimated, and the plane layout of the structure is drawn;Carrying out the load calculation, including constant load and live load standard value calculation;The calculation of frame load is carried out, including the calculation of frame load under vertical action (constant load and live load) and the calculation of frame load under lateral action (wind load and seismic action). Calculate the internal force of the structure, calculate the internal force under various loads according to the frame load obtained before, and draw the corresponding internal force diagram. The internal force combination of the structure is carried out. The cross section reinforcement of beam and column is calculated by selecting the proper result of internal force combination. Then the floor and roof panel design, secondary beam design, stair design, foundation design, and finally hand calculation and electrical calculation results are analyzed and compared.

KEY WORDS: frames, structural design, anti-seismic design

目 录

1 工程概况 1

1.1. 工程地质条件 1

1.2. 气象资料 1

1.3. 抗震信息 1

1.4. 材料 1

2 结构平面布置 2

2.1. 结构平面布置图 2

2.2. 估算截面尺寸 3

2.3. 梁柱线刚度计算 4

3 荷载计算 6

3.1. 恒载标准值计算 6

3.2. 活载标准值计算 8

4 竖向作用下框架荷载计算 9

4.1. 计算单元确定 9

4.2. 框架在恒载作用下的荷载计算 9

4.3 框架在活载作用下的荷载计算 14

5 横向作用下框架荷载计算 17

5.1. 水平风荷载计算 17

5.2. 水平地震作用计算 18

6 结构内力计算 27

6.1. 框架在恒载作用下内力计算 27

6.2. 框架在活荷载作用下内力计算 37

6.3. 框架在风荷载作用内力计算 47

6.4. 框架在地震作用内力计算 51

7 内力组合 54

7.1. 梁的内力组合 54

7.2. 柱的内力组合 63

8 构件截面设计 81

8.1. 框架梁设计 81

8.2. 框架柱设计 105

9 楼、屋盖设计 130

9.1. 楼板设计 130

9.2. 2-4层次梁设计 133

9.3. 屋面板设计 134

9.4. 顶层次梁设计 137

10 楼梯设计 140

10.1.楼梯梯段斜板设计 140

10.2.平台板设计 141

10.3.平台梁设计 142

11 基础设计 144

11.1.基顶内力组合 144

11.2.桩基础设计 147

12 手算与电算比较 154

12.1.结构周期 154

12.2.地震基底剪力 154

12.3.地震作用柱底弯矩 154

12.4.位移 154

12.5.底层柱轴力设计值 155

致谢 156

参考文献 157

1 工程概况


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