
 2022-06-04 22:50:32


摘 要







With the continuous improvement of technological development and engineering technology, there are more and more super high-rise and large-span structures. In order to meet the requirements of bearing capacity and deformation, the piles have also developed towards ultra-long piles and large diameters, which has also promoted the development of the pile static load test develops from large tonnage to oversized tonnage.

The paper relies on the vertical compressive static load test of the foundation pile of Nanjing No.2016G11, describes the load-bearing mechanism of the pile under vertical load,studies and analyzes the theoretical basis of the static load test method .And the experimental scheme is performed. The design mainly includes foundation treatment, design and assembly of reaction force devices, loading system settings, and settlement observation system layout.

Secondly, the paper through ABAQUS software finites element analysis, and compared with the theoretical calculation results and experimental results, draw settlement displacement curve, and analyze the error of the three methods. We focus on the effect of deformation of the pile and reference beam caused by compression and rebound of the soil around the pile on test accuracy, and the influence of ratio coefficient of side frictional resistance and coefficient of resistance of pile tip on test accuracy.

Finally, on the basis of the calibration accuracy of a single jack, the paper based on the linear equation of each jack load-oil pressure regression, obtained the accurate oil pressure calculation values .Then analyzing the parallel accuracy of multiple jacks and supposing advices about large-tonnage static load test load accuracy. For the base pile (beam)- dial indicator (displacement meter) foundation pile settlement observation system, proposing the prospect of infrared displacement measurement technology.

KEY WORDS:Pile static load test;large tonnage; steel beam;precision analysis


摘要............................................................................................................................................. ...I

Abstract........................................................................................................................................ Ⅱ

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 桩基静载荷试验研究现状 1

1.3 研究内容及工作 2

第二章 桩基竖向载荷试验方法比选 3

2.1 桩基竖向静载试验原理 3

2.2 桩基承载机理 3

2.3 桩基竖向载荷试验方法比选 3

第三章 理论计算 5

3.1 基桩荷载-沉降计算简介 5

3.2 南京No.2016G11地块试桩概况 5

3.3 场地处理 7

3.3.1 砂垫层设计 7

3.3.2 换填土方案 8

3.3.3 浅层平板试验 9

3.3.4 地基极限承载承载力 12

3.4 反力装置设计与安装 12

3.4.1 承载钢梁设计 12

3.4.2 组装试架方案 17

3.5 加载系统 17

3.6 沉降观测系统 18

3.6.1 监测点布置 18

3.6.2 监测方法 18

3.6.3 桩基沉降 19

3.6.4 支墩沉降 31

3.6.5 理论估算支墩回弹 39

3.7 现场安全及注意事项 41

第四章 沉降位移曲线误差分析 42

4.1 绘制Q~S曲线 42

4.2 理论计算误差 45

4.3 Abaqus软件计算误差 45

4.4 试验结果误差 46

第五章 堆载法基桩竖向静载试验精度分析 47

5.1 沉降测量系统精度分析 47

5.2 0~50mm数显式百分表精度 48

5.3 单个千斤顶精度分析 49

5.4 千斤顶并联精度分析 51

第六章 总结与展望 57

6.1 总结 57

6.2 展望 57

致谢 59

参考文献 59

附录A 60

附录B 64








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