摘 要
本设计以跨度24米的应急钢桁梁桥为例,简要介绍了应急钢桁梁桥的构造和施工方法,并运用Midas civil建立桥梁模型,在30吨轮式荷载下进行分析,并通过改变梁高建立多个不同的模型,比较其分析结果后进行优化。本文介绍了具体Midas建模过程以及不同结果的分析比较。
(2)学习建模操作,利用Midas Civil建立起全桥模型,施加荷载,得到分析结果;改变梁高,建立多个不同梁高的模型进行相同分析
Emergency steel truss girder bridges are mainly used for emergency rescue and disaster relief, repairing damaged bridges during wartime, and ensuring that vehicles temporarily pass through river canyons. They refer to the temporary engineering structure that is mainly based on the guarantee of strength and stability in emergency situations, has a short service life, and is easy to build and replace.
Taking the emergency steel truss girder bridge spanning 24 meters as an example, this design briefly introduces the structure and construction methods of the emergency steel truss girder bridge, and uses Midas civil to establish a bridge model and analyze it under a 30-ton wheel load. And by changing the beam height to create a number of different models, compare the results of their analysis and optimize. This article describes the specific Midas modeling process and the analysis and comparison of different results.
The main work of this design is:
(1) Sketch the bridge size. Formulate bridge spans and bridge widths, design loads, and main beam dimensions to determine the structural form;
(2) Learning modeling operations, using Midas Civil to establish a full-bridge model, apply loads, and obtain analysis results; change the beam height and establish multiple models of different beam heights for the same analysis;
(3) Compare the maximum stress of the unit in the analysis results of each model, the maximum deflection of the bridge, the amount of steel used in the overall structure, and use the origin to compare the data intuitively;
(4) Finally optimize the section of the bar, and check the stress level of each bar of the bridge under the optimal beam height, so that the material can be fully utilized and the amount of steel used in the bridge structure is the minimum;
(5) Calculate the hand-supported steel truss girder bridge under a certain beam and compare it with the results of the calculation.
Keywords: Emergency steel truss girder bridge; Steel consumption; Assembly type; Economic beam height
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.1 应急钢桁梁桥介绍 1
1.1.2 应急钢桁梁桥应用 1
1.2 研究意义 2
1.3 研究内容及主要工作 3
第2章 初步设计 4
2.1 设计依据及主要参数 4
2.1.1 设计依据 4
2.1.2 主要技术参数 4
2.2 总体方案设计 5
2.2.1 结构形式 5
2.2.2 材料选用 5
2.2.3 构件设计 5
2.2.4 细部构造 6
2.2.5 方案比选 7
2.3 施工架设 7
2.3.1 桥位的选择 8
2.3.2 场地的布置 8
2.3.3 滚轴的安置 8
2.3.4 鼻架的设计 8
2.3.5 拼装要点和注意事项 8
第3章 建模过程及分析 10
3.1 定义材料和截面 10
3.2 建模 12
3.3 添加边界条件 15
3.4 输入荷载 16
3.5 分析控制 18
第4章 建模与桥梁优化 19
4.1 梁高优化 19
4.2 截面优化 19
第5章 结果分析比较 20
5.1 应力分析与比较 20
5.2 挠度分析与比较 25
5.3 用钢量分析与比较 28
第6章 截面优化 31
6.1 截面优化 31
6.2 应力水平 33
第7章 计算校核 35
7.1 设计资料 35
7.1.1 桥梁特性 35
7.1.2 计算依据: 35
7.2 计算理论 35
7.3 桁架杆件设计计算 37
7.3.1 弦杆计算 37
7.3.2 腹杆计算 38
7.4 桁架承载力计算 39
7.4.1 桁架抗弯能力 39
7.4.2 桁架抗剪能力 39
7.5 桁架挠度计算 40
7.5.1 弹性挠度 40
7.5.2 非弹性挠度 42
7.6 节点验算 43
7.6.1 桁架斜杆焊缝计算 43
7.6.2 节点板计算 44
7.6.3 桁架阴头的计算 45
7.6.4 桁架阳头计算 45
7.6.5 链接销计算 46
第8章 总结与展望 47
8.1 总结 47
8.2 展望 47
致谢 48
参考文献 49
应急工程结构是指在紧急情况下以保证强度和稳定性为主、使用期限较短、便于拆换、能快速建成的临时工程结构。应急钢桥泛指介于固定式军用钢桥和民用钢桥的一类可快速搭建、重复使用的装配式钢桥。应急钢桥是由军用钢桥演变而发展为独特的桥梁门类, 其技战术条件与军用钢桥相近, 但程度不同, 也与民用钢桥又不相同, 具有自身的技战术和经济特性。