摘 要
Construction Technology of the Ramp-F Subgrade of Youfangqiao Interchange Section to Liucun Interchange Section
As the foundation of pavement engineering, subgrade engineering is the main structural component of the highway. It undertakes most of the wheel load and dynamic loads. The engineering quality of the subgrade is related to the performance, function and the time of service life of highways. As far as the various parts of the road and bridge engineering, the process of construction is an important examination of the theoretical design, and in practice, various factors that interfere with the original plan are encountered. Subgrade engineering include various construction techniques such as filling construction, compaction by machinery, subgrade drainage, subgrade protection, and soft soil subgrade treatment. A stable and reliable road surface for driving can’t be constructed without a solid and excellent subgrade. The quality of subgrade construction is a key part of highway engineering. In order to ensure the quality of the engineering and ensure the normal traffic flow of the road within the service life, the subgrade construction must be emphasized. The quality control of the subgrade construction should be emphasized throughout the whole process.
Keywords: Subgrade engineering, Drainage engineering, Construction program, Process, Road excavation
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 引 言 1
1.1 总述 1
1.2 工程概况 1
1.3 研究方法 1
第二章 路基施工 2
2.1 路基施工的重要性 2
2.2 F匝道路基施工方案 2
2.3 工艺流程 2
2.3.1 路基放样 3
2.3.2 地表清理 3
2.3.3 土方开挖 3
2.3.4 边坡修理 3
2.3.5 施工注意事项 3
2.4 对于路基施工工艺流程的研究分析 3
第三章 路基排水工程施工 6
3.1 路基排水工程 6
3.2 路基排水工程设施的构造与布置方案 6
3.3 混凝土边沟施工方案 7
3.3.1 施工放样 7
3.3.2 施工方法 7
3.4 对于路基矩形边沟施工方案的研究分析 8
3.5 现浇钢筋混凝土盖板施工过程 9
3.5.1 施工流程 9
3.5.2 钢筋制作与绑扎 9
3.5.3 模板支设 10
3.5.4 混凝土浇筑 10
3.5.5 拆模养生 10
3.5.6 质量保证措施 10
3.5.7 安全保证措施 10
3.6 对于钢筋混凝土盖板施工工艺过程及保证措施的研究 10
第四章 结束语 12
致 谢 13
参考文献 14
第一章 引 言
1.1 总述
1.2 工程概况
NM-SG2标段:桩号范围为K1 000-K3 200,共涉及1条主线 17条匝道,共18条线路,施工内容包括主线和匝道的路基、软基、结构物、防护排水、老桥拆除及保通道路路面工程,工程总造价1.6亿元。