
 2022-12-06 09:32:09


摘 要




Structural design of K21 No.1 office building

in a factory in Lishui


The structure is designed for an office building of a factory in Lishui, K21. The structure has been used in practice, and has strong universality, which can be flexibly applied in various occasions. The frame structure system is adopted in this design, which is flexible in layout, and can form a variety of polyhedral shapes while ensuring safety. It has been widely used in practical engineering. The structure has 6 floors, with a total building area of about 6600 square meters. The site soil is classified as class II, and the design earthquake is divided into the first group. The basic seismic acceleration value is 0.1g, and the seismic fortification intensity is 7 degrees.

The specific content of this structural design includes: the section size of main beam, secondary beam and column; Thickness of floor and internal and external walls; Constant live load calculation; The internal forces of the structure under horizontal and vertical loads are calculated; The internal force of the structure under the influence of wind load and earthquake is calculated; Internal force combination is carried out; Design basis; Design stairs; The content of manual calculation is compared with that of PKPM; Draw construction drawing and BIM.

According to the national design code, the structure is safe, the structural calculation is completed, the construction drawing is drawn and the model is established.

目 录

摘要 5

第一章 引言 8

1.1项目背景及意义 8

1.2设计方案 8

第二章 工程概况和设计资料 9

2.1工程名称 9

2.2工程概况 9

2.3建筑场地的工程地质资料 9

2.4梁板柱墙等结构的材料 9

2.5主要参考文献 9

第三章 结构平面布置 11

3.1结构体系确定 11

3.2结构平面布置图 11

3.3梁柱截面确定 11

3.4确定计算简图 13

第四章 荷载计算 15

4.1恒荷载计算 16

4.2活荷载计算 16

4.3梁自重(面荷载) 16

4.4柱自重(面荷载) 16

4.5墙自重(面荷载) 16

4.6楼(屋)面荷载传递至横向框架线荷载 16

4.7楼(屋)面荷载传递至纵向框架集中荷载 18

4.8恒荷载和活荷载布置图 21

第五章 竖向荷载内力计算 26

5.1分配系数 26

5.2固端弯矩 27

5.3二次分配法求弯矩 27

5.4内力的计算及内力图 29

第六章 风荷载作用下的荷载 38

6.1风荷载计算 38

6.2横向框架在风荷载作用下的位移计算 39

6.3横向框架在水平地震作用下的内力计算 41

第七章 地震作用下内力计算 49

7.1各层重力荷载代表值计算 49

7.2梁和柱刚度计算 51

7.3横向框架在水平地震作用下的内力计算 55

第八章 内力组合 63

8.1截面选择 63

8.2梁端弯矩调幅 63

8.3竖向荷载最不利位置 63

8.4内力组合 63

第九章 楼梯设计 71

9.1楼梯概况简述 71

9.2计算简图 71

9.3楼梯板设计 74

9.4平台板设计 77

9.5平台梁设计 79

第十章 地基基础 84

10.1基础概况简述 84

10.2边柱下基础设计(E轴) 84


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