摘 要
The Structural design of office buildings in H20(1)
This graduation design is "structural design (1) of office building in H20 place ". the superstructure of the building adopts cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame structure, and the lower part adopts independent foundation under column. The total construction area of the project is about 9900 square meters, the building plane rules, a total of six stories, the height of the floor is 4.2 meters. Design base period 50 years. The seismic fortification intensity is 7 degrees, the design basic seismic acceleration value is 0.10 g, the design earthquake group is the first group, and the site soil category is II. "
structural design of H20 office building" includes: structural calculation and construction drawing. Structure calculation first computer and then hand calculation, then compare the results.
Manual calculation content: material selection, structure layout and determination of beam and column section size; using approximate calculation method to analyze and take a frame; considering the five internal forces combination, take the most unfavorable combination for beam and column reinforcement calculation; cast-in-place independent foundation design; cast-in-place slab staircase design.
The content of computer calculation: use PKPM modeling to calculate the load between beams; then use SATWE analysis to calculate and view the results; finally, draw the construction drawing of concrete structure (reinforcement of beam, column and slab) according to the results of SATWE calculation.
The construction drawing consists of eight parts, including the general description of the structure design, the layout plan of the foundation plane, the large sample of the foundation, the reinforcement drawing of the column, the reinforcement drawing of the cover plate of the building (house), the reinforcement drawing of the cover beam of the building (house), the layout and reinforcement drawing of the staircase structure, and the necessary construction instructions.
In a word, the structural design is carried out in accordance with the principles of safety, economy and application, strictly in accordance with the relevant professional norms and the latest national specifications and relevant information. Key words: reinforced concrete structure design; frame structure; internal force analysis; reinforcement.
Key words: reinforced concrete structure design; frame structure; internal force analysis; reinforcement.
第一章 绪论 1
1.1选题背景和意义 1
1.2课题设计方案 1
1.3 工程概况 2
1.4建筑场地的工程地质资料 2
1.4.1场地条件 2
1.4.2地下水情况 2
1.4.3气候条件 3
1.5设计依据 3
第二章 建筑设计说明 4
2.1平面设计 4
2.1.1平面布置 4
2.1.2柱网布置 4
2.2剖面设计 4
2.2.1楼层层高与房间净高 5
2.2.2室内外高差 5
2.2.3门、窗宽度及高度 5
2.2.4面层做法说明 5
2.2.5内外墙体及细部构造说明 5
第三章 板的设计 6
3.1双向板的设计计算 7
3.1.1 确定板厚 7
3.1.2 计算理论的确定 8
3.1.3 荷载计算 8
3.1.4 内力计算 9
3.1.5承载力计算 10
3.2 单向板设计计算 12
3.2.1 确定板厚 12
3.2.2 计算理论的确定 12
3.2.3 内力计算 12
3.2.4承载力计算 12
第四章 框架设计计算 14
4.1 抗震计算工程概况 14
4.2 确定计算简图 14
4.2.1. 初选截面尺寸 14
4.2.2. 荷载计算 16
4.2.3 荷载导荷 18
4.2.4 重力荷载代表值计算 25
4.2.5 框架刚度计算 26
4.3 地震作用计算 27
4.3.1 抗侧刚度D值计算 27
4.3.2 计算重力荷载代表值 28
4.3.3 框架自振周期的计算 30
4.3.4 地震作用计算 31
4.3.5 抗震验算 32
4.4 风荷载作用计算 34
4.5 竖向荷载作用下框架内力计算 36
4.5.1 恒载作用下框架的内力计算 36
4.5.2 活载作用下框架的内力计算 45
4.6 横向荷载作用下框架内力计算 50
4.6.1 地震荷载作用下框架的内力计算 50
4.6.2 风荷载作用下框架的内力计算 56
4.7 框架梁、柱内力组合 61
4.7.1 梁的内力组合 63
4.7.2 柱的内力组合 75
4.8 框架梁、柱截面设计 87
4.8.1 框架梁截面设计 87
4.8.2 框架柱截面设计 94
第五章 柱下独立基础设计与计算 104
5.1设计资料 104
5.2选择基础材料及埋置深度 104
5.3求地基承载力特征值 104
5.4初步选择基底尺寸 105
5.5验算持力层地基承载力 105
5.6计算基底反力 106
5.7基础高度的确定 106
5.8变阶处抗冲剪验算 106
5.9配筋计算 107
第六章 楼的计算 108
6.1 楼梯计算 108
6.1.1 板式楼梯设计资料 108
6.1.3 休息平台板的计算 109
6.1.4 梯段梁TL1的计算 110
第七章 手算一榀框架结果与电算结果对比分析 112
7.1 用PKPM进行框架结构的整体计算 112
7.1.1 框架结构的整体分析 112
7.1.2结构布置 112
7.2 电算计算简图与手算计算简图对比 112
7.2.1 恒载作用下的框架弯矩电算结果与手算结果的对比 112
7.2.2 恒载作用下的框架剪力电算结果与手算结果的对比 112
7.2.3 恒载作用下的框架轴力电算结果与手算结果的对比 113
7.3活荷载比较 113
7.4地震作用比较 114
7.5结论与误差分析 114
结束语 115
参考文献 116
附 录 117
第一章 绪论
本课题是 H20某地办公楼结构设计(一),课题来源于工程实际,具有较强的工程背景和工程应用前景。框架结构体系的优点是建筑平面布置灵活,可以提供较大的建筑空间,也可以构成丰富多变的立面体型。因此,多高层框架结构体系在实际工程中得到了广泛应用。