
 2022-12-25 10:51:51


摘 要

本毕业设计是“G20培训中心办公楼构设计(二)”,本工程为 五 层高,基本风压值,抗震设防烈度,设计基本地震加速度值,场地土类别,设计地震分组等均见表 1。 立面装修和楼地面等可根据建筑图确定。荷载取值按《建筑结构荷载规范》或建筑实际情况取用。







G20 training center office building design (ii)


This graduation project is "G20 training center office building construction design (ii)", this project is five floors high, the basic wind pressure value, seismic fortification intensity, design basic seismic acceleration value, site soil type, design seismic grouping, etc. are shown in table 1.Facade decoration and floor can be determined according to the building plan.The load value is taken according to the load code of building structure or the actual situation of building.

"G20 training center office building design (ii)" includes: structural calculation and construction drawing.The structural calculation is done by computer and then by hand, and then the results are compared.

Manual calculation: material selection, structure arrangement and determination of beam and column section size;An approximate calculation method is used to analyze a single frame;Considering five kinds of internal force combination, the most unfavorable combination is taken to calculate the reinforcement of beam and column.Cast-in-place independent foundation design;Cast-in-place stair design.

Computer content: using PKPM modeling to calculate the load between beams;Then use SATWE to analyze and calculate and view the results;Finally, according to the calculation results of SATWE, the construction drawing of concrete structure (reinforcement of beams, columns and slabs) is drawn.

The construction drawing consists of eight parts, including general explanation of structure design, layout drawing of foundation, large sample of foundation, column reinforcement drawing, reinforcement drawing of building (house) cover plate, reinforcement drawing of building (house) cover beam, layout drawing of stair structure and reinforcement drawing, and necessary construction explanation.

In short, structural design in accordance with the principle of safety, economy, applicable, in strict accordance with the relevant professional standards and the latest national standards and relevant data for structural design.

Key words: reinforced concrete structure design; frame structure; internal force analysis; reinforcement.


第1章 绪论 1

1.1设计目的与意义 1

1.2 工程概况 1

第2章 建筑设计说明 3

2.1平面设计 3

2.1.1平面布置 3

2.1.2柱网布置 3

2.2剖面设计 3

2.2.1楼层层高与房间净高 3

2.2.2室内外高差 3

2.2.3门、窗宽度及高度 3

2.2.4面层做法说明 3

2.2.5内外墙体及细部构造说明 4

第3章 板的设计 5

3.1双向板的设计计算 5

3.1.1 确定板厚 5

3.1.2 计算理论的确定 6

3.1.3 荷载计算 6

3.1.4 内力计算 8

3.1.5承载力计算 9

第4章 楼梯、雨棚的计算 11

4.1 楼梯计算 11

4.1.1 板式楼梯设计资料 11

4.1.2踏步板设计计算 12

4.1.3 休息平台板的计算 13

4.1.4 梯段梁TL1的计算 14

4.2 雨棚计算 15

4.2.1 设计资料 15

4.2.2雨篷板计算 15

第5章 框架设计计算 17

5.1 抗震计算工程概况 17

5.2 确定计算简图 17

5.2.1. 初选截面尺寸 17

5.2.2. 荷载计算 19

5.2.3 荷载导荷 22

5.2.4 重力荷载代表值计算 30

5.2.5 框架刚度计算 30

5.3 地震作用计算 31

5.3.1 计算原则概述 31

5.3.2 抗侧刚度D值计算 31

5.3.3 框架自振周期的计算 32

5.3.4 地震作用计算 33

5.3.5 抗震验算 35

5.4 风荷载作用计算 36

5.5 竖向荷载作用下框架内力计算 38

5.5.1 恒载作用下框架的内力计算 38

5.5.2 活载作用下框架的内力计算 47

5.6 横向荷载作用下框架内力计算 52

5.6.1 地震荷载作用下框架的内力计算 52

5.6.2 风荷载作用下框架的内力计算 59

5.7 框架梁、柱内力组合 64

5.7.1 梁的内力组合 65

5.7.2 柱的内力组合 73

5.8 框架梁、柱截面设计 81

5.8.1 框架梁截面设计 82

5.8.2 框架柱截面设计 89

第6章 柱下独立基础设计与计算 100

6.1设计资料 100

6.2选择基础材料及埋置深度 100

6.3求地基承载力特征值 100

6.4初步选择基底尺寸 101

6.5验算持力层地基承载力 101

6.6计算基底反力 102

6.7基础高度的确定 102

6.8变阶处抗冲剪验算 102

6.9配筋计算 103

第7章BIM建模 105

7.1基本参数 105

7.2BIM图纸 105

结束语 108

致 谢 109

参考文献 110

附录 111

第1章 绪论




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