
 2022-03-01 19:56:05


摘 要



关键词: 钢筋混凝土 框架结构 结构设计

Frame Structure Design of Dormitory Building 1

for He Zhuang Reservoir Project

Student: Wang Wei Number: 05112204

Supervisor: Pro. Cao Shuangyin Wu Ting


The topic of my graduation project is the frame structure design of dormitory building 1 for He Zhuang reservoir project. The plane of the building is generally rectangular, and there are prominent and concave parts of the building. The total covered area of the building is about 3900m2. The main building has 5 floors with the height of 17.1m,and the storey height of each floor is 3.0 m.

The task of my graduation project is to design the frame structure of the building. The first step is structural scheme design, including selection of structural form and layout of the structure. I choose frame structure as the structure scheme, with longitudinal and lateral bearing system. The layout of the structure is about the arrangement of beam and column as well as the estimate of each element’s section size. The next step is structural analysis, including load calculation, floor and roof design, internal-force analysis of a typical frame and reinforcement calculation of each member. As for floor and roof design, it refers to the internal-force and reinforcement calculation of floor and secondary beams. During the analysis of a frame, calculate the internal-force under vertical loads, wind and earthquake, then finish the combination of internal force and section reinforcement. The reinforcement design is based on the most adverse internal force. After finishing the design of the chosen frame, slab stairs and strip foundation are designed. Stairs’ design consists of designing step board, landing slab and landing girder. As the whole building’s strip foundation is designed based on the results of PKPM, use software PKPM to analyze the building as a whole before design the foundation. And compare the results of hand computation with that of PKPM and analyze the reasons causing errors. Then choose the most unfavorable combination of internal forces to design foundation. Finally, complete construction drawings depend on the results of PKPM.

Keywords: reinforced concrete frame structure structural design


一、设计资料 1

1.1 工程概况 1

1.2 抗震要求 1

1.3 气象条件 1

1.4 岩土工程勘察土层报告 1

1.5材料选用 1

二、结构方案设计 2

2.1 结构选型 2

2.2 结构布置 2

2.3.1 梁截面尺寸估算 2

2.3.2 柱截面尺寸估算 4

2.3.1 板截面初估 4

三、荷载计算 5

3.1 竖向荷载计算 5

3.1.1 永久荷载计算 5

3.1.2 可变荷载计算 7

3.2 水平荷载计算 8

四、屋盖楼盖设计 9

4.1 楼面板设计 9

4.1.1 双向板设计 9

4.2 屋面板设计 15

4.2.1单向板设计 17

4.2.2 双向板设计 18

4.3 标准层楼板次梁设计 22

4.3.1 CL-1设计 23

4.3.2 CL-2设计 25

4.3.3 CL-3设计 27

4.4 屋盖次梁设计 30

4.4.1 CL-4设计 30

4.4.2 CL-5设计 32

4.4.3 CL-6设计 34

五、竖向荷载下框架内力计算 37

5.1 框架计算简图 37

5.2 恒荷载计算 39

5.2.1屋面层恒荷载计算 39

5.2.2楼面层恒荷载计算 40

5.3恒荷载作用下框架内力计算 42

5.3.1 杆件分配系数计算 42

5.3.2 固端弯矩计算 44

5.3.3 各层梁弯矩分配与传递 45

5.3.4 各层梁、柱端最终弯矩计算 49

5.3.5各层梁跨中弯矩计算 51

5.3.6各层梁剪力计算 51

5.3.7各层柱轴力计算 52

5.4 活载计算 56

5.4.1 屋面层活荷载计算 56

5.4.2楼面层活荷载计算 57

5.5 活荷载下框架内力计算 59

5.5.1固端弯矩计算 59

5.5.2 弯矩分配与传递 59

5.5.3 各层梁、柱端最终弯矩计算 68

5.5.4可变荷载布置方式Ⅰ内力计算 72

5.5.5 可变荷载布置方式Ⅱ内力计算 73

5.6 重力荷载代表值计算 76

5.6.1 屋面层重力荷载代表值计算 76

5.6.2 楼面层重力荷载代表值计算 77

5.7 重力荷载代表值下框架内力计算 79

5.7.1 固端弯矩计算 79

5.7.2各层梁弯矩分配与传递 79

5.7.3各层梁、柱端最终弯矩计算 83

5.7.4 各层梁跨中弯矩计算 85

5.7.6各层柱轴力计算 86

六、风荷载作用下框架内力计算 90

6.1 柱的修正抗侧刚度计算 90

6.2 修正反弯点高度计算 90

6.3 框架内力计算 91

6.4 风荷载作用下层间侧移计算 92

七、水平地震作用下框架内力计算 96

7.1 重力荷载代表值计算 96

7.1.1 屋盖重力荷载代表值计算 96

7.1.2 二、三、四层重力荷载代表值计算 96

7.1.3 一层重力荷载代表值计算 96

7.2 框架柱等效抗侧刚度计算 97

7.3 结构自振周期计算 98

7.4 纵向水平地震作用计算及层间位移验算 99

7.4.1结构水平地震作用计算及层间位移验算 99

7.4.2 ②轴横向框架柱承受水平地震作用计算 100

7.5横向框架水平地震作用下内力计算 101

7.5.1柱修正反弯点高度 101

7.5.2 ②轴横向框架内力计算 102

7.6 罕遇地震作用下的变形验算 103

7.6.1罕遇地震作用下楼层弹性地震剪力 103

7.6.2弹塑性层间位移计算 104

八、内力组合 108

8.1 框架梁内力组合 108

8.1.1 框架梁设计内力修正及弯矩调幅 108

8.1.2荷载效应非抗震组合 110

8.1.3 荷载效应抗震组合 113

8.2 框架柱内力组合 115

8.2.1 框架柱在各种荷载下的内力值 115

8.2.2 框架柱内力组合 119

九、框架梁截面设计 128

9.1 框架梁正截面受弯设计 128

9.2 框架梁斜截面受剪设计 133

9.2.1 非抗震设计 133

9.2.2 抗震截面设计 134

十、框架柱截面设计 136

10.1 框架柱正截面设计 136

10.1.1框架柱非抗震截面设计 136

10.1.2 框架柱抗震截面设计 144

10.2 框架柱斜截面设计 153

10.2.1 剪力设计值调整 153

10.2.2 框架柱斜截面设计 153

10.2.3 验算体积配箍率 156


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