
 2022-03-16 20:17:32


摘 要

项目地址位于江苏省南京市江宁区,栖隐路以东,学林东路以南。本工程属住宅房地产开发项目,总用地面积73216平方米,总建筑面积130692.3 平方米(地上:80537.30平方米,地下:48526.65平方米),其中A10栋建筑地上面积为2469.44,地下建筑面积为625.42,为6层洋房。




关键词: 施工组织设计 PC吊装 脚手架搭设 模板配置


The project is located in jiangning district, nanjing city, jiangsu province, east of qiyin road and south of xuelin east road. This project is a residential real estate development project, with a total land area of 73,216 square meters, a total construction area of 13,0692.3 square meters (above ground: 80,537.30 square meters, underground: 48,526.65 square meters), of which the A10 buildings have an above-ground area of 2,469.44, an underground construction area of 625.42, and 6 floors of houses.

The overall design of construction organization shall be taken into consideration, including horizontal transportation equipment, vertical transportation equipment and other equipment layout problems, as well as material stacking, processing sites, temporary facilities layout and other problems.

Accordingly, need to undertake unified consideration to the arrangement of construction total progress, overall plan. The main contents of this paper include the general introduction of the project, the site layout of the construction plane, the construction technology scheme of each sub-project, civilized construction, safe construction and quality assurance measures.

According to the technical difficulties of the project, this paper introduces in detail the reinforcement engineering, concrete engineering, PC component installation scheme, scaffolding erection scheme, template configuration scheme. The PC component installation scheme mainly introduces the transportation of prefabricated components, the lifting essentials of various prefabricated components, as well as the calculation basis of crane, spreader, clamping ring and steel wire rope selection and the calculation process of internal force in the lifting process. In this project, the scaffolding is all floor scaffold. In the template configuration scheme, column template and basement roof template are checked respectively.

KEY WORDS: Construction design PC lifting Erection of scaffolding Template configuration

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 总体概述 1

1.1 适用范围及目的 1

1.2 编制目的 1

1.3 适用的规范、图集 1

第二章 工程总体概况 3

2.1 工程概况 3

2.2 建筑概况 3

2.3 结构概况 3

2.3.1工程等级 3

2.3.2工程标高 4

2.3.3混凝土强度等级 4

2.3.4墙体工程 4

2.4 工程目标 4

第三章 总体施工部署 5

3.1、 现场布置原则 5

3.2、现场具体布置 5

3.2.1现场大临布置 5

3.2.2水平和垂直运输体系 6

3.3、施工重点及难点 7

3.3.1 防止裂缝、渗漏措施 7

3.3.2施工场地狭小,施工现场平面布置要求高、难度大 7

3.3.3 PC构件多卸货、安装时间紧 7

3.3.4 建筑物垂直度控制 8

3.4施工总进度计划 8

3.5 施工工艺流程图 11

3.6确保施工进度的技术组织措施 11

3.6.1进度计划保证和管理体系 12

3.6.2、健全组织体系 12


第四章 钢筋工程 13

4.1钢筋的材料要求 13

4.2钢筋保护层厚度控制 13

4.3钢筋绑扎 13

4.4钢筋搭接要求 14

4.5其他要求 15

4.6钢筋工程质量评定标准 15

第五章 混凝土工程 16

5.1、 结构混凝土施工概述 16

5.2、 混凝土浇捣施工准备 16

5.3、 混凝土浇捣技术措施 16

5.4、 混凝土养护 18

第六章 PC构件安装方案 20

6.1 PC工程概况 20

6.2 PC构件质量控制标准 21

6.3 施工现场堆放场地布置 23

6.4 施工现场堆放场地荷载计算 24

6.5施工现场装卸、堆放 24

6.6 PC构件吊装 25

6.7 灌浆处理 37

第七章 脚手架工程 44

7.1脚手架搭设尺寸 44

7.2脚手架搭设方案 44

7.3脚手架的拆除方法 46

7.4脚手架的使用规定: 47

7.6荷载设计 48

7.7 扣件式脚手架计算 48

第八章 模板工程 56

8.1、施工流程 56

8.2、模板配置与周转 56

8.3、模板材料与构造要求 56

8.4、模板与支撑拆除条件 57

8.5、地库顶板模板验算 58

8.6、柱模板验算 65

第九章 质量管理体系与保证措施 73

9.1、质量保证体系 73

9.2、编制质量计划 74

9.3、原材料、设备的质量控制措施 75


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