摘 要
Abstract: With the social transition to the era of knowledge economy,education reform has been moving forward. In the field of teaching reform, the definition of reflective teaching is more and more familiar to many scholars, it will be an important barometer of our country teacher education reform. The implementation of the new curriculum reform tells us that teachers should understand the theory of reflective teaching, and have the ability in the actual teaching to use the new theory to solve actual problems.The process of reflective teaching is the process of discovering the problem, analyzing and solving problems is its main target. This paper briefly analyzes the connotation and characteristics of reflective teaching, talks about the importance of training primary school teachers" reflective teaching ability, at the same time , the primary school teachers to implement reflective teaching in the process of resistance are analyzed to explore, finally attempts to put forward the primary school teachers should be paid attention to the reflective teaching principles and strategies.
Keywords: primary school teachers, reflective teaching, cultivation research
目 录
1 前言……………………………………………………………………………4
2 反思性教学的概念……………………………………………………………4
2.1 反思性教学的内涵…………………………………………………………4
2.2 反思性教学的特征…………………………………………………………4
3 培养小学教师反思性教学能力的重要性……………………………………5
3.1 有助于提升学生学习能力…………………………………………………5
3.2 有助于教师自身的专业发展………………………………………………5
3.3 有助于推动新课程改革……………………………………………………6
3.4 有助于师生之间的有效互动………………………………………………6
4 小学教师反思性教学能力的培养阻力………………………………………6
4.1 反思意识淡薄………………………………………………………………7
4.2 教师观念固化………………………………………………………………7
4.3 学校缺乏良好的环境………………………………………………………7
5 小学教师反思性教学能力的培养原则………………………………………7
5.1 动态原则……………………………………………………………………8
5.2 自主原则……………………………………………………………………8
5.3 合作原则……………………………………………………………………8
6 小学教师反思性教学能力的培养策略………………………………………8
6.1 撰写反思日记………………………………………………………………9
6.2 营造良好的反思氛围………………………………………………………9
6.3 改善教师教学评价体系……………………………………………………9
6.4 开设新课程培训 …………………………………………………………10
1 前言
2 反思性教学的概念
2.1 反思性教学的内涵
一些学者认为,反思性教学是解决自身和教学目的以及教学工具等方面的教学问题的行动研究,它是将 “学会学习”与“学会教学”统一起来,努力提升教学实践的合理性而使教师成为研究型教师的过程 [1]。还有人认为反思性教学是教师认识、检验、反思教学的过程,反思的内容主要源于教师的工作经历中的经验、治学态度、教师观、教学观或者教师工作的环境中所遇到的困惑、困境等 [2]。当教师拥有良好的反思教学能力时,他将从被动传授知识的机器变为运用科学方法探讨新知识获取新经验的主人。综观上述定义,笔者认为拥有反思性教学能力的教师应该是这样的人:他能够意识到反思的重要性,对教学内容感兴趣,掌握相关的基本知识,通过观察、回顾、分析、归纳总结等技能改善教学行为,能够教会学生学会学习,教会教师自身学会教学,最终促进教师和学生的共同成长。
2.2 反思性教学的特征