
 2022-07-14 14:22:56


摘 要




Table of Contents


English Abstract……………………………………………………………………...ii

Chinese Abstract…………………………………………………………………….iii

Table of Content……………………………………………………………………..iv

List of Tables……………………………………...………………………………….v

Chapter One Introduction……………….…………………………………………..1

1.1 Background of the Study……………………………………………………..1

1.2 Objective of the Study………………………………………………………..1

1.3 Significance of the Study……………………………………………………2

1.4 Layout of the Thesis………………………………………………………….2

Chapter Two Literature Review…...……………………………………………4

2.1 Definitions of CLT and Group Work …………………….…………………...4

2.2 Previous Studies about Group Work in EFL Classroom…...…………....…….4

2.2.1 Overseas Studies about Group Work in EFL Classroom………………..….5

2.2.2 Domestic Studies about Group Work in EFL Classroom………………......6

Chapter Three Research Method……...………………………………………….7

3.1 Overview………………………………………………………………………7

3.2 Questionnaire………………………………………………………………….7

3.3 In-depth Interviews……………………………………………………………8

Chapter Four Findings and Discussion…………...……..………………..…..….9

4.1 Students’ Experience with Group Work …………………..………………….9

4.2 Effectiveness of Group Work ………………………………………...……...10

4.3 Factors that Affect the Effectiveness of Group Work ………………….…....13

Chapter Five Conclusion………………………………………………………...15

5.1 Summary…………………………………………………………………….15

5.2 Suggestions……………………………………………………...……….….16

5.3 Limitations……………………………………………………………...…...16

References ………………………………………………………………………….17

Appendix A………………………………………………………………..………...19

List of Tables

Table 1. Group Work Experience…………….……………………..………….……..9

Table 2. Proportion of Group Work……………………………………………....…...9

Table 3. Types of Group Work……………..…………………………………………9

Table 4. Participation of Teachers …………………………………………...………10

Table 5. Students’ Preference to Group Work …………...…………………..……...10

Table 6. Effectiveness of Group Work ………………………………….…………...11

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

Challenges have been brought to the education system of the 21st century. The development of higher education pushes universities to increase their enrollment. Thus, there are more students in classrooms, who come from different places, resulting in the huge differences in their levels of proficiency in English. The monotonous traditional teaching mode, which students passively sit in the classroom, listening to their teachers and taking notes, can no longer catch up with meeting the need of students. Now students need a classroom with more flexibility and attraction. To engage and mobilize all students into class has become a priority.

Ever since Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) has been introduced to China, it has deeply influenced the English education domain. Group work as an effective practice of the CLT theory, has been utilized broadly in English classroom, receiving recognition from both teachers and students.

1.2 Objective of the Study

Agreements have been reached that group work is an effective pedagogical method (Gaudet, 2010; Xu, 2005). Group work can provide students with opportunities to communicate and express themselves. With overwhelmed compliment and broad utilization of group work, its effectiveness from the students’ perspective may have not been put enough attention. As English learners, we engage in group work almost everyday, and we also hear a lot of complaints about it, most of which is about the group members and the task distribution, etc. In this study, the author mainly explores students’ attitudes toward various group work practices in EFL classrooms, in order to assess whether it is an effective approach for English teaching and learning. There would be a general and comprehensive evaluation on the effectiveness of group work activity, based on the questionnaire and interviews, which survey students’ opinions. Firstly, this research will focus on students’ experience with group work in their daily academic lives. Secondly, this research also investigates students’ attitudes to effects of group work from both psychological and social perspective, which will draw a general view of the effectiveness of group work from students’ perspective. Thirdly, this paper will also discuss some factors that may affect the effectiveness of group work. Some suggestions from students will also be provided for further improvement, such as how to divide a group, the distribution of tasks, or teacher’s role in group work. Therefore, to conclude, this research mainly examines the effectiveness of group work, from the perspective of students, in order to provide references for improvement of this popular teaching method, making it more beneficial to students’ English study.

1.3 Significance of the Study

This research is valuable to English teaching and learning for several reasons. For educators and universities, it discusses the effectiveness of group work from students’ perspective, in a critical way, which may provide some guide to the improvement of this kind of teaching method. In other words, it is of great value for teachers and universities to improve their quality of teaching. For students, this research reveals their own thoughts about this broadly used teaching method, helping them to better understand this teaching method, in order to make full use of this opportunity for study and communication and make greater progress in their English learning. Moreover, this study is not confined in English teaching domain. Group work is a teaching method that can be applied to the teaching process of many other subjects, whether it is liberal arts or science and engineering. The survey reveals a general opinion of group work, which may serve as a reference to teachers of different subjects.

1.4 Layout of the Thesis

Firstly, this paper states the definitions of communicative language teaching and group work, as well as previous studies about group work at home and abroad. Secondly, research methods are introduced in this research. Questionnaires and in-depth interviews reveal students’ attitudes toward group work, their degree of participation and the effectiveness of it. Finally, the author draws a conclusion to this research and points out limitations and future research direction.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Definitions of CLT and Group Work

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), or the communicative approach, is an approach to language teaching that emphasizes interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of study. The underlying theory of CLT approach is the communicative competence (Hymes, 1972). The target of language learning is to learn to express ideas and feelings or convey information (Xiong, 2009).

The definition of group work given by H.D. Brown is “ Group work is a genetic term covering a multiplicity of techniques in which two or more students are assigned a task that involves collaboration and self-initiated language (Brown, 2001)”.

This definition gives us the following messages:

1) Group work involves more than one technique;

2) A group compromises two or more than two students; it makes sure more members have the chance to take part in the activity;

3) The group is supposed to finish a certain task, rather than playing games or wasting time;

4) To fulfill the task, members should complete it in collective or collaborative ways.

Thus, Group work is a form of collaborative learning and it generally suggests that learners help each other to reach their common goals based on groups. It is a practice of CLT theory with the following commonly used ways and activities: Jigsaw activities, topic discussion, cooperative discovery, role play and project survey (Wang, 2009).

2.2 Previous Studies about Group Work in EFL Classroom

Since communicative language teaching has been brought up, it makes up for the disadvantages of situational language teaching, and has been put into teaching practice. With its strong societal and academic influences, studies have been done by scholars both at home and abroad.

2.2.1 Overseas Studies about Group Work in EFL Classroom

Communicative language teaching was proposed by English linguist Noam Chomsky in 1960s. From the linguistic perspective of CLT, it is believed that language is a system that express the meaning, whose fundamental function is to socialize. Language could not be adequately explained by grammar and syntax, and instead relied on real interaction (Richards, amp; Rodgers, 2014). The traditional teaching methods assumed that students were aiming to master the target language by years of study, while it is not so appropriate for those learners who are busy or less academically gifted. Educators reckon that CLT is an approach that suit the latter, which emphasizes communicative ability and yield better results (Richards, 2005).

Group work has achieved great success since it was brought up, receiving recognition from scholars abroad. Researches have confirmed that the group can provide a secure support system which cannot be obtained when working individually (Janssen, 2011). Research shows that group work can help students to overcome some psychological difficulties, such as shyness, lack of confidence, or fear of making mistakes, etc. which all exert bad influence on students’ performance (Kinsella, amp; Sherak, 1993). Activities in the form of a small group provide students with opportunities to practice, communicate and negotiate (Brown, 1994).

Although group work is influential in the field of language teaching, it still has become a subject to significant critique. Some critics of group work suggest that the method does not put enough emphasis on the teaching of grammar and instead allows students to produce utterances which are grammatically incorrect as long as the interlocutor can get some meaning from them. Some scholars also argue that not all participants of group work can benefit from group work. Group work may turn out not so beneficial to those students with attachment insecurities (anxiety and avoidance) (Lavy, 2016).

2.2.2 Domestic Studies about Group Work in EFL Classroom

CLT has been introduced to China since 1970s, and its basic theory has become the mainstream of English teaching method, which influences generations of educators, teachers and students. In China, group work has become a common activity in EFL classroom, which is used to activate the classroom atmosphere for study, to improve students’ socializing abilities, as well as motivate students’ flexibility and independence (Xu, 2005). The traditional teaching method, which emphasizes the knowledge imparted by teachers, students are accustomed to be the receiving end, to acquire knowledge passively (Yue, 1994). Students take it for granted that what they received from teachers should all be correct and undisputable, and they are losing the ability to query even if the teacher is wrong (Leng, 1997). However, group work has reversed the traditional teaching mode, in which teachers dominate. Instead, students have the chance to be the protagonist of the classroom. It can fully motivate students to think and solve problems independently. Students need to rely on themselves and cooperate with group members to seek the answer. Group work can also make connections between students’ affections, making students an all-round person by combining the English learning process with their personality development (Ma, 2007).

However, most of the researches focus on the merits of group work. Studies about its limitations are still inadequate. Misunderstandings of its function and effects still exist (Pang, 2000). This research mainly focuses on students’ opinions on group work, including its function on English study and the factors that influence its outcome. Finally, there will be a general assessment on the effectiveness of group work.

Chapter Three Research Method

3.1 Overview

This research uses a qualitative method to provide an up-to-date picture of the Chinese students’ perceptions of and attitudes toward group work. One round of questionnaire data collection as well as 10 in-depth interviews was conducted.

3.2 Questionnaire

A questionnaire (see Appendix A) including 15 questions was designed in this research. Undergraduates from different departments at Southeast University participated in this survey. They are non-English Majors with different levels of proficiency in English, and they are taking English class four hours per week. A survey was conducted to see the frequency of group work in class and students’ attitudes towards group work. An initial round of data collection included 72 questionnaires completed during April 2018. This questionnaire includes questions about students’ frequency of participating in different categories of group work in English class, their preferences to group work and reasons, as well as the effectiveness of group work. Some basic information, such as participants’ sex, years of university were also collected.

The questionnaire includes two parts. The first part consists of five questions, which collects some basic information of students’ experience with group work. In the following part of the questionnaire, ten statements were given, which included both positive and negative sides about group work (Table 6). Statement 6 to 9 are positive sides; statement 10 to 13 are negative sides; statement 14, 15 are two general opinions about effectiveness of group work. Statement 7 to 13 are given in two different perspectives, which were organized in a scrambled order. Statement 7, 8, 11 and 12 are from psychological perspective, while statement 6, 9, 10, 13 are from social perspective. Subjects could give their judgments ranged in five levels, from the degree of strong approval to that of strong disapproval.

The questionnaire was written in Chinese for better comprehension, because the subjects are from different majors and with different English comprehensive capability. However, it is still difficult to control all the variables. Although imperfect, this questionnaire still shows students’ general attitude and opinions as precisely as possible.

3.3 In-depth Interviews

Ten interviews were done to supplement the survey, in order to receive more in-depth and detailed opinions about group work in the EFL classroom. Ten students in Southeast University representing a mix of males and females were invited or volunteered to be interviewed, which is about the effectiveness of group work in their daily English learning. Each interview lasted about 15 minutes, most of which occurred in the classroom, while some of which were taken via WeChat. Interviewees were asked about their attitudes toward various group work activities, and their opinions about the relationship between students’ performance in group work and their grades. Some advice was also collected for further improvement. In particular, all the interviewees were informed that they could speak freely and honestly, none of the interview content would be revealed to others, and their true response would be greatly appreciated.

Chapter Four Findings and Discussion

4.1 Students’ Experience with Group Work

The survey is to examine students’ perception of and attitudes toward various group work activities, which includes group discussion, group presentation, project survey, etc.. There were in total 72 shares of effective questionnaires collected. Their general opinions were revealed by the questionnaire, while some detailed comments were

recorded through the in-depth interviews.

Firstly, the subjects were asked about whether teachers organize group work, and the percentages that group work takes up in their English class compared to other kinds of teaching methods (See Table1amp;2). We can see from the table that all the subjects have experienced group work in EFL classroom. About 67 percent of the students agreed that, compared to other teaching methods, group work takes up 20% to 50% of their class meeting time, which shows that group work is popular in the English classroom, and it has become an indispensible activity that assist teachers during the teaching process.


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