
 2023-07-27 09:04:16


摘 要




1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 2

2.1 An overview on functional equivalence 2

2.2 A brief review on subtitles translation 4

3. Translation Methods in the Subtitle Translation of Reign under the Principle of Functional Equivalence 5

3.1 Addition 6

3.2 Omission 7

3.3 Transformation 8

3.4 Conversion 9

4. Conclusion 11

Works Cited 12

1. Introduction

In recent years, foreign TV programs have gained great importance in the communication between countries. TV series with the original sound and Chinese subtitle were appreciated by Chinese audiences. But matched with the popularity’s fast development, far from more attention has been collected in subtitle translation in recently China’s translation area. To be worse for people, most versions’ quality is extremely low. No ruled regulations existed to judge qualities of subtitle versions. Although some researches have been conducted about this area, the results are not ideally complicated. Researches on the fixed rules of subtitle versions are necessary. Nida concludes anything would be transferred into other language by reconstruction of phrases and words leaded by culture and emotion. As far as his concerned, “the best translation does not sound like a translation.”(Nida,1993) It is simply adopted that there do not have two same things in the world. Naturally, there is little possibilities to make versions totally same with the original messages. Functional equivalence demands that target reader’s reaction matters, which is the most important thing. A version leaded by functional equivalence theory sets a purpose to sure about the response"s naturalness. Simultaneously, this theory makes it related to culture. Functional equivalence is naturally the most famous apartment of Nida’s advocated theory. This dissertation makes a research about functions of subtitle from many ways, commenting on functional equivalence. The writer chooses a section to introduce Reign. It ends to analysis translation methods adopted in Reign’s subtitle translation from the reference of functional equivalence. The conclusion of researches is made that the concern of a translator focus in subtitle translation is both original readers and target readers have the same reflection about programs.

With the rapid development of modern techniques, large amount of foreign films and TV programs have been brought into China in recent years. More and more audiences began to express great interest in foreign TV series and movies. It is a modern trend to watch them in China. So great importance has been gained in subtitle translation. However, on account of its lack of guiding regulations, there are mostly low-qualified versions. Therefore, there is necessary for researchers to conduct a research on subtitle translation. After practicing a lot of movies, writer has discovered functional equivalence is very useful during the translation. On accordance to Nida, the demand of functional equivalence is target audiences can understand and enjoy programs clearly and correctly as original readers do. This dissertation’s focus is about analyzing functional equivalence on subtitle translation of Reign and finding out what translation methods it used. The author states that functional equivalence can be accepted to lead subtitle translation although some limitations. Moreover, it is important for subtitle translators to understand culture and habits of the target audience so that the subtitle translation will be a success.

2. Literature Review

2.1 An overview on functional equivalence

Eugene A. Nida is an unusual name which people in Translation researching area or even linguistic area are extremely familiar with. His transnational theory was brought into our country after the Cultural Revolution finished. In Nida’s theories, he first defines Dynamic equivalence. “Dynamic equivalence is therefore to be defined in terms of the degree to which the receptors of the message in the receptor language respond to it in substantially the same manner as the receptors in the source language.” (Nida 69) In order to avoid misleading the public and offer them a defined meaning, Nida replaced DE to FE. In his works The Theory and Practice of Translation (1982). In the lasting years, large quantities of studies in linguistic field and translation field have also been made by Nida. During Nida’s research, he related translation and linguistics with each other very well. He states equivalence can be achieved in translation. That means one language can be transferred into another. Things that translators should do are to discover equivalent words of the original ones. Referring to equivalence, as far as he concerned, two equivalences are mentioned. One is formal equivalence. The other is named into functional equivalence. Functional equivalence emphasizes equivalence in function while formal equivalence pays much attention to form. Therefore, translation functions should be more vital rather than translation forms. Lately, Nida states some essential requirements for achieving source language’s equivalence. Three essential requirements are nature, equivalence and close. The first one is nature. It refers to translations should be readable and understandable for target readers. Target readers know nothing about versions after reading translation. It would be a great failure for translators. Next one is equivalence. It refers to translators should guarantee both content equivalence and style equivalence. Close means translators should do some preparations to get a version closed to the source language. Functional equivalence emphasizes receptors’ response important when judging translation. Nida regards the best version makes target readers’ response probably the same as original readers’ ones. Although there don’t have two similar things in the world. Equivalence should be reached by this theory. Since Nida identifies receptors’ responses is the most important thing in judging the version’s quality. Three steps can be put forward in translation process. These steps are analysis, transfer and restructuring. First one, analysis, is said to analyze language’s surface structure. For example, translators need to analyze meanings of the words, grammatical relationships and words’ combinations. Things they should do are to transfer analyzed versions from one language to another. Restructuring is an action to make target messages completely accepted by readers. For one aim, functional equivalence is a tool for translator to make receptors’ response and original receptors’ response to be same. At the same time, lasting and distributive contributions are made by functional equivalence. From the view of microscopy, it turns down the old traditional thoughts and supplies a new perspective for translation study. It installs new thoughts and theories in translation, laying a huge foundation for modern translation. Then, as a microscopical view, it deals with long-dispute over literal translation and free translation. There are wrong to insist on one and object to the other. Functional equivalence gets rid of the conflict between them. Each coin has two sides. This theory has so many fruits. However, it is no more than prefect. Cultural differences come to the first. Religion and values result in the thoughts between original receptors and target receptors different. Take write as an example, it embodies some absolute bad things in China as that symbolizes the purity in Western countries. Second is lexical gap and semantic zero between two languages. In one single circumstance, it is impossible for them--translators to achieve complete equivalence in translated text. The third one is the unavoidable personal problems inside translators. The fourth disadvantage is that translators pay emphasis on readers’ response. This disadvantage demands translators pick up the closed and natural source languages. On the one side, it can make source messages understandable. On the other side, this action loses the chance to spread foreign culture and their spirits.

2.2 A brief review on subtitles translation

Subtitle is a kind of printed message of actors’ and actress’ dialogue, which appears on the silent picture or at the screen’s bottom. It is subtitle that becomes a main tool for cross-culture communication. Foreign languages have changed into native language by dim of subtitle. Simultaneously, the beauty of actor’s tones can be an enjoyment of readers. Besides, for those people who show a desperate interest in foreign movies and TV series, using subtitle translation methods can not only enjoy programs, but also improve their language levels. Subtitle translation includes all about four features. There are instance, information, common languages and comprehensiveness. Subtitle translation only appears within three seconds. As usual, they can only take up space within two lines. So instance must be guaranteed. A lot of elements limit subtitle translation’s size, such as pronunciation and translation sentence’s length. Subtitle should not be too long for audiences don’t have enough time to read these. At the same time, being too short has a negative effect on audience’s understanding. Translators should take good control of version’s length. Regarding to target readers’ comprehension, subtitle translation can cohesive elements like roles, image and plot. Only by these, can audience fully enjoy these programs. Then, common language is most important. As writer mentioned above, subtitles are limited into three seconds. If translators make complicate versions, it is subtitles that are the focus target readers pay attention to rather than plot and character. These elements make audience lose interest in programs. So the common and precise subtitles can be advocated. As an important tool between people’s interaction, its quality is demanded. Nida’s functional equivalence is well accepted by translators. So under its instruction, better and qualified subtitle translation can appear. The development is very rapidly but it doesn"t arouse professors’ attention in the past few years. However, things have changed so rapidly. It is very common for audiences to enjoy foreign programs. So subtitle translation can be popular than before. Compared subtitle translation abroad, analysis in China is a new field. Many people do translation works but seldom do subtitle translation. And the works develops slowly. The results are no standard translation show up until now. But the truth is that target readers in subtitle translation are more than literature readers. Naturally, versions should appeals to more attention. But from now on, we still have some achievements. Two unique features have been put forward by Professor Li Yunxing. Subtitle translations should be clear in order to make audiences know the plots before its show off. Audience’s basic requirements should meet. So does original spirits. As one pioneer of subtitle translation, Professor Zhang Chunbai gives out his suggestions, which emphasis the importance of cultural factors. Then, Qian Shanchang pays eyesight on academic attentions. He makes contributions to practice after putting forward five characteristics. As people know, there are a lot of professors making contribution to subtitles translation. For example, Li Yunxing published the book in Chinese Translators Journal, whose name is “Strategies for translating subtitles.” providing theoretical application of it. Then, an article “Norm is Subtitle Translation” was published by Li Heping and Bo Zhenjin. So much attention is advocated by the public are put on this new field. In earlier time abroad, a writer wrote the first translation perspective articles. Ivarsson and Mary Carroll have got further study together on subtitle translation. Some rules and regulations were discovered to touch the demand of qualification. These studies were very practical for subtitles translation. Yves Gambier Henrik Gottileb published “Multimedia Translation: concepts, practices, and research,” which is a collection of subtitle translations strategies. They had done so much for subtitle translations. They offer large amount of useful researches at home and abroad. But it still has some shortcomings. This dissertation sets its aim to discover suitable translation strategies.

3. Translation Methods in the Subtitle Translation of Reign under the Principle of Functional Equivalence

Reign, an American TV series, is a kind of palace struggle plot TV programs. It details the secret history of survival at French Court, which is full of fierce foes and dark forces. At the same time, it is an awful world filled with sexual intrigue. On the overview of whole program, it’s a story about a struggling process of a young queen, a growing progress of a weak woman. Besides, there are so many translation methods applied in this series. This thesis tries to analysis reign’s subtitle translation from the perspective of functional equivalence.

3.1 Addition

Addition can be named amplification as well. It means offering necessary words in daily works in order to make translations intelligent and clear. This action obviously help target readers create accurate comprehension of the original works. Sometimes, people add adverbs. Maybe they can add adjectives, nouns and so on. The use of these words can help readers have a better understanding about the program. Here are some examples.

1. She ate very little. Food sickened her and I think much of his action for her.


King Henry wants to control England, so he puts his hand to Mary, queen of Scotland. But Mary hates that because this action results from lust and appetite. Adding person’s name shows people’s identity, so that target readers can understand the plot.

2. On the wings of wish, of love, of happiness, Lady Canna ran back to chamber.


Lady Canna thinks she has a love affair with king of French. Her future would be bright, full of sunshine. The repeated same word can show lady Canna’s inner emotions. The use of addition makes target audience have the same feeling of the character. In China, people often enforce their emotion by repeatedly using same words.

3. Tell me, do our years together mean nothing?


The use of addition makes people sure about Lady kenna and Bash"s loving affair. This time, Lady kenna is desperately sad. Receptors are able to occupy the same feeling as original readers while this sentence’s version uses this method.

4. She is reading the letter her mother sent to her.


Translation uses present tense. That is a coming thing. It is very distinct that queen doesn’t want to be disturbed.

5. You might as well back to the castle.


“You” refers to Mary--queen of Scotland. In this case, Mary wants to chase back her dog which has ran into the black forest. Bash, the king’s son, stops her. Adding emotional particles makes his concern for Mary clear. Bash’s feeling is very complicated. Love, occupy and protection are full of Bash’s heart.

6. Only royals and their attendants allow.


The addition of subject let readers understand about the royal rules. Common people are not allowed to take part in party even the basters of the old king are not allowed, Mother of king doesn’t like this son. By using this translation method, audiences would not be confused. That action presents his real predicament. Indistinct description put future dispute reasonable.The addition of subject shows the strictness of this party. It also shows that this is a formal party.

3.2 Omission

Hypotaxis and parataxis are two kinds of performance about the language law. The hypotaxis is also be called “the shape gathers”. It refers to the realization of the connection of the words or phrases, with the simply help of language forms. This form we refer to includes vocabulary and forms. At the same time, the parataxis refers to the realization of the connection of them without the simple help of the language form but the logical meaning of the words or phrases. The former one focus mostly on the language cohesion just in form, the latter mostly focus on the significance of the continuous coherence. Naturally, the use of omission between E-C and C-E translation is very common. Omission means deleting some words or expressions in order to make translation brief, concise and clear. In many times, this translation method is often showed at the omission of conjunction and pronoun.

1. If guards comes into the castle, can I suffer?


The omission of word “if” is very common when people translate in daily style. Omission of this word makes translation more idiomatic.

2. Frances feels not well but he keeps still company with his son.

Frances 今天身体不好但(他)还是一直陪着他儿子。

In this series, Frances is a name, a male character, who is a king. He loves his wife and his children. Omission of person’s name avoids wordy and redundant phrases.

3.3 Transformation

3.3.1 Positive translation into negative translation

As usual, some common translation can not express full emotion. People all know there are more negatives in English. Some words, such as“not, no, never, none, nothing.” are often used. Sometimes, “not” is added in front of verb. In order to make versions more acceptable for target readers, translators use the kind of method.

1. Live up to the expectations of my country and my people.


2. You must be married with Bash. This is a final decision.


3. Everyone was excluded from getting in the room.


4. Don"t lose time in dealing with this affair.


5. We must never stop taking a pessimism view of man and never wait them to save you.



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