
 2023-08-30 08:24:10


摘 要




1. Introduction 1

1.1 Background of the research 1

1.2 Purpose of the research 2

1.3 Significance of the research 2

1.4 Definition of teachers’ verbal CF and students’ responses 3

2. Theoretical Framework 3

2.1 Lysteramp;Ranta’s criteria of corrective feedback 4

2.2 Bloom’s taxonomy 7

2.3 Operational framework 9

3. Methodology 9

3.1 Research positionality 9

3.2 Research questions 10

3.3 Method 10

3.4 Participants 10

3.5 Data collection 11

3.6 Data analysis 12

4. Results and Discussions 12

4.1 Results of the research 12

4.2 Discussions of the research 16

5. Conclusion 19

5.1 Conclusions of the research 19

5.2 Implications of the research 21

5.3 Limitations of the research 22

5.4. Recommendations for future research 22

Works Cited 23

1. Introduction

1.1 Background of the research

Nowadays, with the rapid development of the society, education becomes more important than before. Although the number of people who pay attention to analysis education in schools is increasing, there are still quite a few problems in schools. For example, the students in primary schools tend to be more and more silent in class, and the teaching process sometimes becomes inefficient. Why would this happen become a question for many researchers. Since the teachers play one of the most important roles in teaching, it is necessary for us to analyze the teachers’ action and try to find some solutions to solve this problem (Kocamp;Ilya 428).

For many years, a lot of foreign researchers focused on teachers’ talk in class, and try to analysis it. And the research of teaching becomes a hot topic, especially different types of corrective feedback (CF) in class. During the past decades, many great researches of CF have been made in western countries (Daneshvaramp;Rahimi 218). The research on CF of second language learning in our country was later compared to other countries especially in western countries. Nevertheless, in the past few years more researches are written on it. Apart from many theoretical researches, the number of empirical researches of CF rises sharply. The research content is becoming more and more abundant. Meanwhile, the research method has diversified increasingly. However, domestic studies fall far behind foreign countries not only in breadth but also in depth. Under this circumstance, there is still a need to do more research on this topic deeply. There’s still need to analysis teachers’ verbal corrective feedback in English lessons in primary school in China.

Meanwhile, Bloom’s taxonomy as a popular theory of classification of educational objectives is used in evaluating teaching goals. It is wildly used in many education researches but seldom used in analyzing teachers’ verbal CF in English lessons. As a result this assay will focus on analyzing teachers’ verbal corrective feedback in class with the help of Bloom’s taxonomy and try to find some possible solution to help teachers teach more efficiently.

1.2 Purpose of the research

This study will focus on teachers’ verbal CF in English lessons in primary schools. This research may help teachers to understand more about different types of verbal corrective feedback and roughly show the situation of the usage of CF in English lessons by analyzing some primary schools’ English lessons. This study can provide a reference for young teachers to pay attention to verbal corrective feedback in class, and choose different kinds of CF under different circumstances.

1.3 Significance of the research

In English teaching or learning, classroom activities are the central part of it. Among them, one of the most influential facts to the classroom efficiency is undoubtedly the teacher verbal corrective feedback in class, especially in China. The present situation is that daily teaching procedure is lacking in interaction between students and students in class, and the interaction between teachers and students consists the most important part of the class. And the teachers’ CF is the fastest information that students could grasp directly in class. This information plays a vital role in English learning. As a result, a study on teacher’s verbal corrective feedback is significant.

Moreover, nowadays, in some primary schools the outcome of English learning and teaching is far from satisfactory. According to Bloom’s classification of educational objectives their learning of English just stays at the level of ‘remember’. Many teachers still focus on and stay at the low level of it such as the level of ‘remember’, the level of ‘understand’ and the level of ‘apply’. Obviously, they ignore the development of other important abilities like thinking ability. However, the deep level needs to be more focused. This study will not discuss how teachers chose their educational objectives but analyze the phenomenon of teachers’ educational objectives in today’s normal English lessons according to their verbal corrective feedback. And from this phenomenon, the status of English lessons in this area nowadays can be discussed partly.

Although there many outstanding foreign researches have made many excellent researches on teachers’ CF, and have drawn a lot of reasonable and worthy conclusions, these conclusions would not be simply applied to English teachers and students in China. Moreover, in primary schools English teachers in China are second language users rather than native language teachers, and the types of CF that they pay attention to and adopt in class are different from those of native language teachers. Additionally, there aren’t enough researches on the relationship between teachers’ verbal corrective feedback and their objectives of education. There is a need to do more researches in China.

1.4 Definition of teachers’ verbal CF and students’ responses

Teachers’ verbal corrective feedbacks (CF) in classes refer to teachers’ guidance to students’ errors made in classes. All of the mistakes are made when students are answering questions in spoken words in different classroom activities such as listening, reading and talking. And these mistakes will be correct by teachers in the verbal way.

Students’ responses refer to students’ feedbacks to teachers’ verbal CF, including students’ words and actions. After getting the feedbacks from teachers, students’ response can be divided into two types. The first one is uptake, which indicates that the learner can understand teachers’ CF. The second one are no responses or misunderstanding, which means students can’t understand or still remember the wrong answer.

2. Theoretical Framework

Correction feedback (CF) is a kind of teaching strategy common used by second language teachers. Many studies have been taken on teachers’ verbal corrective feedback in English lessons. Early researches focus on teachers’ cognition on verbal CF in class and it indicates that experienced teachers hold the view that the responsibility of giving verbal CF must be taken by every English teacher (Rahimiamp;Zhang 115). And the novice English teachers share the same idea. However, as non-native English speaking teachers, experienced teachers emphasized CF more than inexperienced one (Rahimiamp;Zhang 119).

When it comes to the effect of CF, another study in college English learning shows that teachers’ verbal CF in college English lessons affect students’ action a lot in class. A good teacher can even inspire one’s interest in learning English by verbal CF(Teng 47). Different types of CF will lead to different results and obviously some positive feedback will encourage learners to study further (Teng 50).

In terms of the time of verbal CF, a study in English question and feedback indicates that educators should choose CF according to the different cases (Chen Junfang 110). For Students’ attitudes to the sort of verbal CF, a preference was that most every student thought it is necessary. They are in favor of verbal CF in lessons (Haifaamp;Emma 325).

Different researchers classify the types of CF from different perspectives and explore its impact on second language learning. Lyster amp; Ranta made a criterion which contains six kinds of CF (Lyster amp; Ranta 38). But some hold the view that student’s wrong answer and correct answer should be the criteria (Duamp;Qi 44). Moreover, a more complicated criterion was found from Chinese middle schools teaching. It includes nine kinds of simple CF and seven kinds of complex CF (Linamp;Zhou 21). Reviewing different kinds of criteria, Lyster amp; Ranta’s criteria is clear and precise and it is easier to classify teachers’ different verbal CF in English lessons than other criteria.

2.1 Lysteramp;Ranta’s criteria of corrective feedback

A lot of researchers made numerous criterion of teachers’ CF. One of the classification made by Lyster amp; Ranta will be used in the later analysis. In their criteria, there are six types of CF, and they are explicit correction, recasts, clarification request, metalinguistic clues, elicitation, and repetition.

  1. Explicit correction:

Teachers give the explicit CF on their students, such as ‘No, it’s wrong.’ And then, the teacher will provide the correct answer.

Example 1:

T: How to spell ‘world’?

S: W-o-r-d.

T: No. It’s w-o-r-l-d.

Example 2:

T: When it is winter in China, it is what in Australia?

S: Winter.

T: Sorry, it’s summer in Australia.

  1. Recasts:

Instead of providing the explicit correction, teachers will correct the mistake and repeat the right answer.

Example 3:

S: She want to buy a book.

T: She wants to buy a book.

Example 4:

S: Let’s go to the home.

T: Let’s go home.

  1. Clarification request:

Teachers ask students to clarify their own mistakes, especially when misunderstanding some questions.

Example 5:

T: Can you describe the temperature today?

S: It’s sunny today.

T: Excuse me. The temperature?

S: The lowest temperature is -5degrees.

Example 6:

T: Do you know the weather in Beijing yesterday?

S: It will be snowy tomorrow.

T: Pardon?


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