
 2023-09-01 09:43:52


摘 要




1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 1

3. Applications of Politeness Principle in Foreign Trade Correspondence 3

3.1.The choice of words 3

3.1.1 The positive words 3

3.1.2 Modal verbs 4

3.1.3 The second person 4

3.1.4 Fuzzy words 5

3.2 Tense and voice 6

3.2.1 Passive voice 6

3.2.2 Continuous tense 7

3.3 Subjunctive mood 8

3.4 Question 8

4. Phatic expression 9

5. Conclusion 10

Works Cited 12

1. Introduction

In the 21st century, the integration of world economy is developing so fast, the economy and trade contacts among the countries in the world are increasingly frequent, and transnational trade has become the main component of the national economic trade. As far as trade parties in two different countries are concerned, how to communicate effectively and timely is undoubtedly the most important issue. However, long distances lead to no chance of face-to-face communication. With the development and popularization of science and technology, buyers and sellers carry out international trade activities through letters, mail, etc. Therefore, Foreign Trade Correspondence has become a basic tool for foreign trade activities between countries. A perfect foreign trade correspondence helps to express accurately and appropriately different views and requirements of the buyers and the sellers. Therefore we can established friendly cooperative relations between the two sides. And the characteristics and functions of foreign trade correspondence decide that we should follow the politeness principle that can greatly increase the possibility of successfully establishing trade cooperation relations, promote the success of trade, and be more conducive to the maximization of the interests of both sides of the trade. And politeness principle also can express the demands in time and carry on the friendly communication, thus to avoid the trade conflicts. Therefore, the application of politeness principle plays a particularly important role in the foreign trade correspondence.

Literature Review

As the politeness principle becomes maturer, more and more scholars pay attention to study the application of it in foreign trade correspondence. In 1973, Lakoff, an early researcher of politeness principle, combined politeness principle and cooperation principle. In his article The Logic of Politeness; or Minding Your P"s and Q"s, he put forward three basic points of politeness: don"t impose on others, leave room for others, and make each other feel friendly. By analyzing the application of cooperation principle and politeness principle in foreign trade correspondence, Han Jingjing(2015) demonstrates that they are coexistent and complementary. And Qin Xiaojie(2001) also thinks they are is the cooperative relation. In 1983, Leech systematically proposed six maxims of politeness in his book Principles of Pragmatics. More and more scholars have separated the research of cooperation principle and the politeness principle, and the principle of politeness, which is more general and applicable, has attracted more attention. Yang Lijiang(2018) believes that business letters can be divided into four types: good news, bad news, rejection and persuasive English letters. She studies how the politeness principle guides the writing of two types of business letters from the aspects of words and sentence patterns. Jia Yan(2006) believes that politeness is the basic principle of writing business letters and politeness is used to express one"s good wishes to the other party in an appropriate tone and sincere attitude. Therefore, firstly we should fully understand each other"s cultural background. And the level of education is important too. Secondly, we should be sincere. A sincere attitude can often make us put ourselves in others" shoes. When we see things from the other parties’ points of view, they can feel that we really care about their interests. Finally, its writing should be humanistic, because the current business letters are more businesslike, lack of a certain human touch. Based on Brown and Levinson"s (1987)"face threat theory", Liu Yonghou and Zheng Shuang(2015) believe that the application of politeness strategy in business letters can be divided into the application of positive politeness strategy and the application of negative politeness strategy.

The writing of foreign trade correspondence is usually very formal. Emotional statements are not appropriate in it. Its definition and characteristics require its writing must be concise and accurate. And the appearance of phatic expression may make the whole article appear prolix. But in the thesis, it studies the functions of phatic expression in the application of politeness principle. Appropriate greetings not only are polite, but also will shorten the distance between buyers and sellers, ease the tense atmosphere, adjust the dull working atmosphere. The scholar Jia Yan(2006) believes that politeness in business letters should be imbued with human interest, and greetings is a powerful factor to add human interest. Phatic expression is the most basic tool of interpersonal communication, not only can smoothly and naturally start the topic, but also can timely understand the needs of the other party. Therefore, I think phatic expression is also a factor in the application of politeness principle in foreign trade correspondence.

Applications of Politeness Principle in Foreign Trade Correspondence

The choice of words

The positive words

The use of polite words such as please, appreciate, grateful etc, first of all, will leave a good impression on the other party. Based on the approbation maxim, positive words helps to express the praise of others which can arouse the interest in cooperation. In the next place, according to the agreement maxim, positive words will also help create a more harmonious negotiation atmosphere. And the whole process of trade will become smoother. For example.

Any information from your side would be highly appreciated.

It’s in the situation when the buyer has not yet established trade relations with the seller. They are just in the stage of making inquiries. The seller wants the buyer to keep his interest in their products. The expression ‘ highly appreciated ’ shows that the seller is willing to provide the information to the buyer in order to create business relationship with them. Meanwhile it also leaves enough room for the buyer. It puts the seller’s requirements and interests first, which abides by the tact maxim.

  1. Kindly find below attached quotation.
  2. The quotation is below attached.

Compared with b, sentence a uses the imperative mood and positive word ‘ kindly ’ to show the respect to the buyer, which is more polite.

While appreciating the good quality of your shirts, we find your price is rather too high for the market we wish to supply.

It abides by the approbation maxim. The positive word ‘ appreciate ’ makes it easier for the seller to accept the disagreement from the buyer about the price.

Thank you for your patience for introduction of the products.

In this case, the buyer is an individual buyer and does not know much about the seller"s products and equipment. So the seller sends the introduction of the products to the buyer. The buyer praises the seller"s patience and shows gratitude. The positive word ‘ patience ’ gives the seller a sense of joy and he thinks his work has been recognized. Based on approbation maxim, this not only narrows the distance between each other, but also lays a good impression of each other, which is good for establishment of trade relations.

3.1.2. Modal verbs

Modal verbs usually can reflect the attitude and will of others. The use of modal verbs can not only soften the tone of sentence, but also make the expression of orders and demands more acceptable. What’s more, it can reduce the dispraise of others and highlight the student’s main body status. It abides by the tact maxim and modesty maxim. Here are the examples.

  1. Are the products you need for your own use or your customers?
  2. Could we know are the products you need for your own use or your customers?

The meanings of two sentences are clearly the same. But sentence b uses the modal verb ‘ could ’. It makes the sentence more polite and more acceptable. Along with the polite word ‘ please ’, sentence b become more passionate. And on the contrary, sentence a sounds cold and blunt.

One is, if you do prefer unit conversion function, could we use kilopound(KIP) instead of pound display for the xx? Does it a common unit in your country? Or could you inform us which unit you is more suitable?

In this example, it is obvious that the units for calculating the weight of the goods are different from country to country. But the seller used the unit of their own country. It uses the modal verb to ask whether this unit is acceptable or not. If not, it will be changed. The modal verb and tone of question will make the buyer not to pay much attention to the mistake of the seller, which means it won’t make the seller feel embarrassed. The seller prefers to suffer losses to guarantee the interests and meet demands of the buyer. It complies to tact maxim and generosity maxim.

3.1.3. The second person

In foreign trade correspondence, we often use the second person. Based on tact maxim and generosity maxim, the use of the second person shows that we are standing in the other’s shoes and we respect them. We highlight other’s prominent position to show that we care about interests of others. But the second person can’t be used when delivering negative messages. Here are the examples.

  1. I want you to email me now and confirm with us if you have some problems to confirm.
  2. If you have some problems to confirm, you could email me now and confirm with us.

The meaning of two sentences is: if the other person wants to confirm something, they can be available. In sentence a, it uses the first sentence and is likely to express commands and ‘ I ’ occupy a commanding position. While sentence b uses the second person, showing ‘ I ’ focus on ‘ your ’ needs. The meaning of this two examples is totally the same. But the expression of sentence b is in a more friendly or respectful manner. It is more polite and tactful.

Your improper packing has caused great damage to the goods.

This sentence expresses the censure. The use of the second person will make the seller feel they are blame for the problem and put them in the very embarrassed situation. It is very detrimental to solve the problems. Under the circumstances, the second person is not suitable.

3.1.4. Fuzzy words

Fuzzy word is also common in foreign trade correspondence. The foreign trade correspondence should be concise and accurate. However, when there is disagreement between the two parties, the indeterminacy of fuzzy words sometimes helps to make the expressions of the letters more flexible or euphemistic. It can evade disagreement or conflict when it involves double-edged interests. Here are the examples.

a. If possible, please deliver the goods as soon as you receive full payment.

b. Please deliver the goods as soon as you receive full payment.

In this two examples, the meaning is exactly the same, that is, the buyer wants the seller to arrange the shipment immediately after receiving the payment. While example b uses the vague expression ‘ if possible ’ to express requests and demands. It will make the whole sentence more euphemistic, implicit and polite. By contrast, example c is much stiffer and more demanding.

We do hope you kindly reduce the price approximately 5%. I think this concession should be acceptable by you.

This sentence implicitly expressed the buyer’s demand of reducing the price. And the fuzzy word ‘ approximately ’ blurred the range of the price adjustment. It retains the seller’s autonomy of adjusting price, which is more respectful. It follows the tact maxim.

It is possible that you are finding difficulties of which we are not aware. If so, we would like to know what we can do to help. We, therefore, look forward to receiving from you a detailed report on the situation and suggestion as to how we may help in restoring our sales to their former level.

This example is about the sales volume decreased recently when the buyer sold the seller"s products in their own market. The seller first analyzed the situation and problems and found that sales was rising as a whole. And based on sympathy maxim, then the seller asked the buyer whether there were many difficulties or not, which resulted in a decline in sales in a short period of time. The fuzzy word ‘ possible ’ keeps the buyer’s face, because people in dilemma may feel embarrassed or feel like losing face. Direct question will be impolite and acceptable in this situation. So the fuzzy words can make the sentence more euphemistic.

3.2. Tense and voice

3.2.1 Passive voice

The use of the passive voice is very common in foreign trade correspondence. Based on sympathy maxim, the use of passive voice can express refusal, complain and censure. Passive voice can emphasize the objective results of behaviour instead of focusing on the person who implements the actions. It only judges the act, not the person. It can soften the sharp tone of reproach to reduce the dissatisfaction of others and avoid making others lose face.

  1. You fail to deliver the goods in time.
  2. The goods have not been delivered in time.

Sentence a uses active voice. And the subject is ‘ You ’ , namely the other party. The meaning of sentence a is one party blames the other party for not delivering the goods in time. The expression of this sentence will give the seller a feeling of rudeness. While sentence b uses passive voice. And the subject is the goods. The meaning of this sentence is the same as the sentence a. But what is different is that sentence b focuses on the thing itself: the goods is not delivered in time, not the other party. It will save the other person from embarrassment and discomfort.

  1. The ordered goods are in urgent and your prompt delivery will be appreciated.
  2. The ordered goods are in urgent and you must deliver the goods immediately.

The meaning of these two examples is that the buyer hopes the seller to deliver the goods immediately. In example a, the buyer first explains the reason why they request to do so, and then uses the passive voice to euphemistically express the demand, which highlights the key points, but not make the other party feel impolite. What"s more, it uses the polite word ‘ appreciate ’ to express gratitude and respect. While example b conveys in a tone of command that makes the seller uncomfortable.

  1. Customers’ inquiries are always met with our careful attention.
  2. We always pay careful attention to customers’ inquiries.

Based on tact maxim, in sentence a, phrase ‘ Customers ’ inquiries’ is placed at the beginning of it. This phrase plays a role of emphasizing. This means that it puts the other person"s interests in the first place. And sentence b makes the other party feel rude. It will not make customers feel respected expect for arrogant.

3.2.2. Continuous tense

a. I wonder if you could allow transshipment.

b. I am wondering if you could allow transshipment.

c. I was wondering if you could allow transshipment.

The use of the continuous tense makes the whole sentence to be spoken in a hypothetical and tentative tone. So it doesn"t sound particularly straightforward. And when sometimes one party expresses a temporary thought that sounds like it hasn"t been taken into consideration, the use of the continuous tense can reduce the threat of losing face. In three cases, the latter is more polite. Use the past continuous tense as if the thoughts you were thinking in the past were spoken out in the present. It can reduce obtrusion and stress on the other person.The other party won"t feel uncomfortable or annoyed. It is used to convey requests and demands.

3.3. Subjunctive mood

Subjunctive mood can be used to express requests,demands,suggestions,notice and so on. It can make these expressions of sentences more euphemistic to give the other party more room to consider and choose, which means it has more chance to negotiate to achieve a mutually beneficial situation. Here is the example.

Finally, please inform us the delivery address, consignee and contact information if you need us to issue proforma invoice.

In this example, in fact, we were not sure that the buyer wanted to cooperate with the seller, he only expressed the will of the cooperation, and asked the detailed information about the products. But the seller used the subjunctive mood to ask the buyer whether to issue the proforma invoice or not, or to suggest that the buyer has selected the seller as a partner, and will proceed to the next, but this will not be abrupt, the buyer has the right not to choose, and give up the cooperation. Therefore, the use of the subjunctive mood can give more space for cooperation, but also avoid a certain degree of embarrassment.

  1. We want to get your bank receipt next Monday, it will be better and it will not delay anything.
  2. If we could get your bank receipt next Monday, it will be better and it will not delay anything.

Sentence a is under the tone of commanding, which will make the other party feel so uncomfortable that they are hard to accept. While sentence a uses subjunctive mood to avoid turning the tone of request into the tone of commanding. It will make the other party feels like negotiating with them. Subjunctive mood leaves less burden on others.

3.4. Question

In daily life, we use questions to express requests and suggestions, which is a more euphemistic and polite way of expression,so does in the foreign trade correspondence. Here is the example.

  1. Please send prices again for your equipment, unable to read clearly on your last email, thank you very much.
  2. Could you please send prices again for your equipment, unable to read clearly on your last email, thank you very much.

Sentence a has exactly the same meaning as sentence b, the former is declarative sentence, the latter is interrogative sentence. While the former is relatively straightforward, with a command tone, the whole sentence is relatively stiff, and the latter expresses in a request tone, easy to let the other party feel respected. It seems that the other party has the freedom to make choices and the buyer seems to put the seller in the first place. It abides by tact maxim.

May we know your company name, business scope?

The question is more respectful.It avoids the stiffness of tone and the pressure of the request.

4. Phatic expression

In interpersonal relations, phatic expression plays a role in breaking the deadlock, shortening the interpersonal distance and showing respect for others. And polite greetings in business cooperation have a multiplier effect. The characteristics of foreign trade correspondence require that its writing should be concise, and there should be no irrelevant content. In fact, it is not correct. Proper greetings can not only leave a deep impression on the other side, but also shorten the distance with the other side.

Hello, Jones

Believe that you have had a nice weekend.

This is the first two sentences of a business letter. The seller greets the customer politely after a week"s interval. When customers read this sentence, he or she will have a feeling of communicating with their friends. By saying hello to each other, and the distance between the seller and the buyer will be shortened, which is more conducive to trade negotiation. Phatic utterance is also a manifestation of politeness principle, which makes the originally formulaic business letter more humane. However, due to the cultural differences between the two parties of trade, the selection and occasions of greetings should also be paid attention to.

Thanks for your promote reply, believe that you have had a good weekend.

It is also in the beginning of the foreign trade correspondence. Obviously, Phatic expressions are always used in the beginning to show your polite greetings. Although there is few correspondence to choose to use the phatic utterances, the functions of it could not be ignored. It not only shows your self-cultivation and the good corporate culture, but also can establish a relaxed working atmosphere.

I hope this mail finds you well

This sentence can be used in each foreign trade correspondence, which expresses the sincere blessing to the other party. It is good for establishing the emotional foundations and establishment of trade relations.

Thank you for your confidence in me, I will persevere and promise to deliver good results and delivery on time.

This sentence is in the end of foreign trade correspondence to express gratitude. Based on approbation maxim and tact maxim, it uses phatic expression to show that it is due to the buyer’s confidence in the buyer, their trade can be accomplished. It is good for the next trade.

To conclude, phatic expression is always used to express blessings, gratitude, and apology. It can leaves a good impression on the others, which is good for establishing the favourable emotional foundations and establishment of trade relations. It helps to establish a relaxed working atmosphere, which is good for the development of the trade. It also shows self-cultivation and the good corporate culture, which also could be important factors. So the functions of phatic expression should also be studied. And there are a lot of problems needed to be solved, such as the classification of phatic expression and differences of phatic expression in different cultures and so on.


Politeness is one of the important characteristics of foreign trade correspondence. The application of Politeness Principle in the writing of it can not only get more trades and expand the market, but also set up a good corporate culture and harvest a good corporate image reputation. Therefore this thesis studies the application of politeness principle in the writing of foreign trade correspondence. Besides, it also studies that Phatic expression is also a manifestation of politeness principle, which makes the originally formulaic business letter more humane. To conclude, this thesis is to let everyone to understand how to write foreign trade correspondence to realize politeness from the aspect of choice of words and sentences. Its aim is to strengthen the understanding of application of politeness principle to more effectively write business letters. But due to the cultural differences between the two parties of trade, we must pay attention to the changes of the whole trade, in order to adjust its application in time.

Works Cited

Brown, P. and Levinson, S. (1987) Politeness: Some Universals in Language Usage. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Lakoff, R.T. (1973) The Logic of Politeness, or Minding Your P’s and Q’s. Vol. 9, Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago, 292-305.

Leech, G.N. (1983) Principles of Pragmatics. Longman, London


[Han Jingjing. The Application of Cooperation Principle and Politeness Principle in Business English Letter. Economic practice. 2015(15):245.]



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