A Study on Chinglish in Chinese-English Interpretation: Based on the 2015 Press Conference of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang in NPC and CPPCC sessions

 2022-01-18 00:02:06
论文总字数:29402字 二O一六年五月八日 A Study on Chinglish in Chinese-English Interpretation: Based on the 2015 Press Conference of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang in NPC and CPPCC Sessions By Zhang Yiwen In partial fulfillment of the requirement For the B. A. degree Department of English School of Languages and Cultures Nanjing University of Information Science amp; Technology May 2016 Acknowledgments The essay could not have been completed without the help and support from many people. Firstly, my sincere thankfulness goes to my supervisor Pan Min, who encouraged me to complete my study step by step and offered me plenty of advice for this essay. Despite her busy schedule, she spared time to read my drafts with great patience and discussed about how to improve the essay with me. Her kind and professional guidance always dragged me out of confusion and dilemma, without which I would never be able to improve it to a better edition. My deep gratitude also goes to all the teachers in School of Languages and Cultures of Nanjing University of Information, Science and Technology who taught me both language skills and strict disciplines in academic research. I would also like to thank my friends and classmates for their spiritual support. They stood by my side and helped me in one way or another. The debates I have had with them about interpretation and translation also gave me epiphany for this essay. Moreover, the years I have spent with them in university make the experience invaluable. Last but not least, I want to acknowledge the encouragement from my family members who supported and cared for me when I encountered any difficulty in writing this essay. Contents 1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………-1- 2. Theoretical Basis…………………………………………………………………-1- 2.1 Literature Review………………………………………...……………………-1- 2.2 The Concept of Chinglish…………………………..……...……………………-2- 2.3 Classifications of Chinglish……………………..……...……………….………-2- 2.4 The Concept of English Transfer………………..……...……………….………-2- 3. Manifestations of Chinglish in the “two sessions” Press Conference………....-3- 3.1 Chinglish at Lexical Level…………...……………….…………………………-3- 3.1.1 Redundancy ………………………………………...……………………-3- 3.1.2 Synonyms in Pair………………………………..…...………………...…-4- 3.2 Chinglish at Syntactical Level…………………..…...…………..…………...…-5- 3.2.1 The Noun Plague…………….………………..……...………………...…-5- 3.2.2 Misplaced Phrases and Clauses………………..……...………………...…-6- 3.2.3 Dangling Modifiers……….…….………………..…...………………...…-6- 3.2.4 Parallel Structure…….…….………………….....………………..…...…-7- 4. Possible Solutions to Avoiding Chinglish for Interpreters…………......…...…-8- 4.1 Contrastive Analysis of Chinese and English………..….......................................-8- 4.2 Improvement of Linguistic Competence…..….....................................................-9- 4.3 Acquisition of English Thinking Patterns……………………………….……...-10- 5. Conclusion…..…..................................................................................................-11- References……………………………………………………………………..…...-12- A Study on Chinglish in Chinese-English Interpretation: Based on the 2015 Press Conference of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang in NPC and CPPCC Sessions Zhang Yiwen Department of English School of Language and Culture Nanjing University of Information Science amp; Technology Abstract: With the development of globalization, English, as a common language used worldwide, is gaining more significance than ever. It has become a necessary tool in international communication and cooperation. Language, however, derives from culture, so different countries under different culture backgrounds vary deeply in mastering and applying English since they are affected by their own culture and language more or less, and some even violate the rules of English. Currently, Chinglish usually occurs in interpretation, exerting influence on mutual understanding at various levels. This essay, based on former researches, will analyze Chinglish and its patterns of manifestation in consecutive interpretation and present appropriate modifications, thus to reduce the occurrences of Chinglish in interpretation. Certainly, to address the problem of Chinglish at root, interpreters are supposed to improve their bilingual competence, understand western cultures more profoundly and keep themselves focused on new development of English. Key words: Chinglish, interpretation, cross-culture communication


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