The Nonverbal Information of Apparels and Accessories in Intercultural Communications
——A Case Study of the Stateswomen in China and England
By Zhang Xian
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement
For the B.A. Degree
Department of English
School of Languages and Cultures
Nanjing University of Information Science amp; Technology
May, 2016
The Nonverbal Information of Apparels and Accessories in Intercultural Communications
——A Case Study of the Stateswomen in China and England
Zhang Xian
Department of English
School of Languages and Cultures
Nanjing University of Information Science amp; Technology
Abstract: In recent years, a growing number of researchers focus on nonverbal information of intercultural communication. The typical example is the political and diplomatic field. With the accelerating process of globalization, more and more women are active in the world political arena. In addition to their own political talents, the female politicians’ apparels and accessories have also become the focus of the media and the public. As a kind of object language of nonverbal communication, the information passed by apparels and accessories have high cultural value. The apparels and accessories can reflect the background and native culture of the wearer from styles, materials, patterns and colors
By comparing the differences and similarities of apparels and accessories of woman politicians in Britain and China, we try to make some suggestions by means of nonverbal information in the intercultural communication.
Key words: Nonverbal Information, Intercultural Communication, Apparels and Accessories
摘要: 近年来,越来越多的学者开始关注跨文化交际中的非语言因素,例如政治外交领域。随着全球化进程的不断加快,越来越多的妇女活跃在世界政治舞台上。除了其自身的政治才能外,女性政治人物的服饰也成为媒体和公众关注的焦点。作为非语言交际中的客体语,服饰在跨文化交际中传递的非语言信息具有极高的文化价值。从服饰的款式、面料、图案和颜色中都可以体现穿着者的背景信息和所代表的文化内涵。
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Research aims of the study 1
2. Literature review 2
2.1Domestic study 2
2.2 Foreign study 2
3. Theoretical Framework 3
3.1 Semiotic perspective 3
3.1.1 Basic concept of symbol 4
3.1.2 System of dress language symbol 5
3.2 Psychology perspective 6
4. Stateswomen and their apparels and accessories 6
4.1 Female politicians in China 7
4.2 Female politicians in England 8
4.3 Features of stateswomen’s apparels and accessories 8
4.3.1 Color 8
4.3.2 Pattern 9
4.3.3 Style 9
4.3.4 Material 10
5. Interpretation of nonverbal information of women in politics 10
5.1 Semiotic perspective 10
5.1.1 Color 11
5.1.2 Pattern 11
5.1.3 Style 12
5.1.4 Material 13
5.2 Psychology perspective 13
6. Conclusion 13
References 15
Acknowledgements 16
1. Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
In recent years, with the development of globalization, researches on intercultural communication have become more and more important. In the field of intercultural communication, a lot of experts pay attention to nonverbal communication. Apparels and accessories as a typical object language which is a main branch of nonverbal communication is an important way to pass non-verbal information. However, existing domestic researches are not comprehensive, especially in the application of cross-cultural communication. In addition, with the status of women around the world continues to increase, more and more women appear in the diplomatic field. They influence the world not only with the public word, but also express their attitudes and personal characteristics through non-verbal information transferred by their clothing.
1.2 Research aims of the study
This paper aims to study nonverbal communication in the intercultural communication in order to find the key factors that can determine the success of nonverbal communication. The author hopes to provide feasible suggestions of application of nonverbal communication in intercultural communication.
Moreover, this paper attempts to analyze stateswomen images in the international communication. In this paper, the writer interprets the apparels and accessories of female politicians and figures out the transferred information, which helps people to understand and convey nonverbal message.
Meanwhile, the paper combines semiotics and psychology and applies interdisciplinary methods to analyze the nonverbal information transferred by apparels and accessories. In addition, through this study, the author hopes to enrich the study of nonverbal communication from an interdisciplinary perspective.