On the Relevance Between the Multiple Implications and Eileen Chang’s Subjectivity in Her Self-translation Work The Golden Cangue

 2022-01-18 00:02:33

On the Relevance Between the Multiple Implications and Eileen Chang’s Subjectivity in Her Self-translation Work The Golden Cangue

By Mao Maozi

In partial fulfillment of the requirement

For the B.A. degree

Department of English

School of Languages and Cultures

Nanjing University of Information Science amp; Technology

May, 2016


First and foremost, I would like to voice my permanent and eternal gratefulness to Professor Zhang Jun, who has instructed and motivated me all through as my thesis advisor. Without his stimulus and hand, it is not likely for me to fulfill this paper. He has guided me a lot , from the perspective of the thesis to the format and written language.

In addition, my thankfulness as well goes to other teachers of our Department of English on account of the ideas inspired by them, such as Associate Professor Li Ping, who initiated me to ponder over Eileen Chang and the her translation works, and also my teacher Lu Huaguo, who enlightened me on academic writings.

Eventually, I am much indebted to my affectionate kinsfolk because of the loving care and solicitude they paid and material basis they provided. Beyond that, I have benefited from my buddies to a large extent in my campus.

In a nutshell, I am going to graduate with sincere appreciation for all the individuals I have come across.


Abstract 1

摘要 2

Chapter One. Introduction 3

Chapter Two. Implications and Translator’s Subjectivity 5

2.1 The Concept of Implications 5

2.2 The Implications Keynote of Eileen Chang 5

2.2.1 Chinese modern political backdrop 6

2.2.2 Eileen Chang’s early adverse experience 6

2.3 The Influence Implications on Translator’s Subjectivity 7

Chapter Three. The Example Analysis of Multiple Implications Based on Eileen Chang’s The Golden Cangue 8

3.1 General Implications 8

3.1.1 Golden Cangue 8

3.1.2 Moon 9

3.1.3 Music 9

3.1.4 Mirror Images 10

3.2 Other Implications 10

3.2.1 Language and Action 10

3.2.2 Colors 11

Chapter Four. Conclusion 12

References 13

On the Relevance Between the Multiple Implications and Eileen Chang’s Subjectivity in Her Self-translation Work The Golden Cangue

Mao Maozi

Department of English

School of Languages and Cultures

Nanjing University of Information Science amp; Technology, Nanjing 210044

Abstract: While Eileen Chang’s translation works as well as her Chinese novels have been focused on, in recent few decades, there is a current dearth of research on translator’s initiative from a new angle -- implication perspective. The main purpose of the study is to explore the effects of Eileen Chang’s initiative as a self-translator in The Golden Cangue from the perceptive of multiple implications. Based on the Chinese version The Golden Cangue , its first English version The Pink Tear and the rewriting version The Rouge of the North, textual analysis and comparative analysis approaches are implemented to probe deeper into how the multiple implications affect her works.

This thesis consists of three chapters. Chapter One is the introduction. Chapter Two discusses the multiple implications and translator's subjectivity. Chapter Three is the example analysis from The Golden Cangue. The qualitative analysis revealed that a sequence of implications in Eileen Chang’s literary works result from Chinese political backdrop and her early adverse experience, thus exerting influence on her literary creation and translation strategies. And therefore the study provides empirical evidence that translator would significantly get involved in translation practice, and that multiple implications are the factors which cannot be ignored. The research suggests that investigation on personality traits and subjectivity of translator should be incorporated into a part of translation studies.

Key words: Multiple implications; Self-translation; Translator’s initiative




Chapter One. Introduction

The Golden Cange is one of the eminent novels written by Eileen Chang, who comes from an aristocratic but declining family and becomes an outstanding modern novelist. Her unhappy family and tragic love cultivate her pessimistic life attitude so that she created numerous novels with special emphasis on multiple bleak implications under the feudal system. Besides, she self-translated her Chinese novels into English after leaving Chinese mainland for America. Although her translation works are not so honorable and superior as Chinese editions, Eileen Chang is a scarce bilingual writer in the 20th century. Therefore it is necessary and important for us to research her translations.

The Golden Cangue is a novel about female tragedy in the background of a big family. The heroine Cao Qi-Qiao married a disabled rich husband but loved the brother of her husband. After getting a large sum of property in the separation from this wealthy family, she became extremely mean and grumpy in order to protect the money obtained by sacrificing her marriage. She suspected that everyone desired her money. So, she had been a widow for 11 years and gave up the man she loved, and she also destroyed the marriage of her son and daughter. Eventually, she was locked by gold.


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