Criticism of Cultural Hegemony in Translation

 2022-01-18 00:02:47

Criticism of Culture Hegemony in Translation

--A Case Study in Europeanization of Chinese

By Li Hao

In partial fulfillment of the requirement

For the B. A. degree

Department of English

School of Languages and Cultures

Nanjing University of Information Science amp; Technology

May, 2016


First and foremost, I want to give my sincere appreciation and gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Chen Zhijie who has given me patient guidance and support ever since I became his student. Owing to his constructive suggestions, I managed to overcome all the obstacles in writing this paper.

Finally, I am particularly thankful to my beloved parents who have been the powerful source of encouragement to enable me to do better.



1.1 The Significance of the Study……………………………………………….1

1.2 The Background of the Study..........................................................................2

2. Language, Culture and Translation…………………………………………………2

2.1 Language and Culture ………………………………………………………..2

2.2 Language and Translation……..……………….…………....…………...…...3

2.3 Culture and Translation……...………………………….....…………...….....4

2.3.1 Culture and Translation in the Post-Colonial Translation Theory…....4

2.3.2 Translation and Culture exportation………………....…………...…..5

3.Language Europeanization under the Culture Hegemony.……………................….7

3.1 Language Europeanization from the Perspective of Culture.....…………..….7

3.2 Language Europeanization from the Perspective of Eco-linguistics….......….8

4.Europeanization of Chinese….………………………………………………….....10

4.1 The History and Status of Europeanization of Chinese.……….......……......10

4.2 The Performance of Europeanization of Chinese …………..…………..….11

4.2.1 Loan Words, New Word Formation………………...…………….…12

4.2.2 New Structure, New Expression Method, New Syntax……………..13

5.Europeanization of Chinese and Translation ..….………………..........…………..14

5.1 The Influence of Translation on Chinese ……………………………...…....14

5.2 Defend Chinese from the Perspective of Translation……………...…….......14

5.2.1 Suggestions to Chinese……………………………………………...14

5.2.2 Suggestions to Boycott the Culture Hegemony…………………..…15



Criticism of Culture Hegemony in Translation

--A Case Study in the Europeanization of Chinese

Li Hao

Department of Translation

School of Language and Culture

Nanjing University of Information Science amp; Technology

Abstract: Without doubt, translation has become a useful tool in the process of cultural exchange. Other countries’ literary and scientific works, when introduced, are beneficial to promoting the development of target cultures. In other words, translation is an important channel for culture exportation as well as inputting. However, translation will probably lead to language’s disappearance because of the culture hegemony. By virtue of translation, strong nations export continually their values and ideology, and translation also becomes their tool of their culture hegemony and power politics. Europeanization of Chinese is an ordinary example under the tide of Globalization. After the opium war, Chinese was gradually influenced by English. In this process, Chinese absorbs a lot of new elements of English and has unprecedentedly developed. However, Europeanization of Chinese damages the purity of Chinese as well, and even threatens the existence of Chinese. In the article, the author will not only analyze the relationship between translation and Europeanization of Chinese, but also expose historically the embedded interactions between culture hegemony and Europeanization of Chinese.

Key words: culture hegemony; culture aggression; the Europeanization of Chinese

摘 要:毫无疑问,翻译在文化交流的过程中已成为一种有用的工具。他国文学和科学著作的译介有利于促进本国文化的发展。换句话说,翻译成了一国文化输入和输出的重要工具。然而,由于文化霸权导致了不同的文化和语言处于不对等的地位,翻译有可能导致语种消失。强势民族借助翻译不断向弱势民族输出他们的价值观和意识形态,因此翻译成为他们实施文化霸权和强权政治的工具。汉语的欧化正是全球化浪潮中的霸权主义在文化和语言交往中不平等状况的最好例证。自鸦片战争开始,汉语逐渐受到英语的影响。在这个过程中,汉语吸收了英语的很多因素,从而有了前所未有的变化,也即汉语的欧化。这种变化损害了汉语的纯洁,甚至可能会危及到汉语的生存。本文正是从这个思路出发,探讨了文化霸权和汉语欧化的现象,分析了翻译、文化霸权与汉语欧化的关系。


1. Introduction

1.1 Significance of the Study


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