
 2022-01-18 00:02:56

Student Translators’ Choice Behavior

in EC and CE Translation

By Li Wenqian

In partial fulfillment of the requirement

for the BA degree

Department of English

School of Languages and Cultures

Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology

May 2017


In the first place, I’d like to show my gratitude towards my supervisor Prof. Li Ping, who has taught me how to write this essay formally. His professional knowledge and patience helped me a lot in the process of my research. I do appreciate that during the little interruption of the process he didn’t push me but instructed me patiently. At first, my advisor was Dr. Li Xiaosa, who also helped me a lot and gave me many practical advises, which I definitely want to show my gratitude as well. Because Dr. Li Xiaosa’s physical condition was not good enough to supervise me to finish the essay, I have to change an advisor. Luckily, Prof. Li Ping helped me and showed his kindness and professional ability. I’m so honored to be advised by two excellent teachers. Also, I want to mention that Mr. Xia Yang also gave me some wonderful advises when I was preparing for my essay.

What’s more, I would like to thank all the teachers who have taught me during four-year college study. They aroused my interest in English and especially in translation. Because of their inculcation, I have never slacked off during the past four years and finally finished this essay. I also thank my roommates who also supported me no matter what happened in college years, especially when I was confronted with some difficulties in the whole process of writing this essay.

Last but not least, I wish to show my gratitude towards my family for everything they gave me.

Student Translators’ Choice Behavior

in EC and CE Translation

Li Wenqian

Department of English

School of Languages and Cultures

Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology

Abstract: The process of translation is substantially a process of making choices in constant. In process of translation from Chinese to English or translation from English to Chinese, student translators tend to pay more attention to translation texts and translation results, but ignore translating process, which leads to low translation quality. This thesis is under the guidance of decision theory and in the researching method of questionnaire to analyze the factors which influence student translator’s choice behavior and their influencing degree, discussing how to optimize student translator’s translation process. Since student translators are in the primary stage of studying translation, studies on their translation process are beneficial to promoting studies of the whole translation theory.

Key words: translation process; student translators; decision theory; choice behavior





1. Introduction 1

1.1 Basic Knowledge of Selective Behavior 1

1.2 Significance of Studying Student Translator’s Selective Behavior in EC and CE Translation Processes. 3

2. General Discussion: Impact of Translators’ Choice Behavior on Translation Process 3

2.1 Before Translation: Preparation of Background Information 3

2.2 During Translation: Selection of Words, Translation Unit, Tools and Strategies 4

2.2.1 Selection of Translation Unit 4

2.2.2 Selection of Words 4

2.2.3 Selection of Translation Tools 5

2.2.4 Selection of Translation Strategies 7

2.3 After Translation: Reviewing Target Text 7

2.3.1 Peer Feedback and Teachers’ Feedback 8

2.3.2 Self-reviewing 8

3. Analyses of Student Translators’ Choice Behavior through Questionnaire Data 8

3.1 Data of Results: Before translation 9

3.2 Data of Results: During Translation 10

3.2.1 Translation Unit 10

3.2.2 Translation Tools 10

3.2.3 Words 11

3.2.4 Translation Strategies 12

3.3 Data of Results: After Translation 12

4. Student Translators’ Main Problems in Translation Process and Resolutions 13

5. Conclusion 14

5.1 Major Findings 14

5.2 Limitations of this Essay 14

References 15

1. Introduction

1.1 Basic Knowledge of Selective Behavior

Firstly, it needs to be pointed out that this essay is not based on all contents of Decision Theory, but only based on several most well-known ideas of Jiri Levy’s theoretical ideas, for they are regarded as most influential to translation process.

As Jiri Levy stated: “from the point of view of the working situation of a translator at any moment of his work (that is from the pragmatic point of view), translating is a decision process: a series of a certain number of consecutive situations” (2000: 148). The reason why translation process can be regarded as a series of decision makings is that it is exactly in accordance with practical experience. No matter before translation, during translation or after translation, choice behavior exists all the time. To complete the translating tasks, translators are obliged to make a lot of choices.


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